Sporthunter. Work in sports – Telegram

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There are many useful seminars without a keword! October 23 magazine SBC. Sports Business Consulting ”and the Luzhniki Olympic complex will hold a seminar“ Corporate Sport: why it

Without Kevordo

There are no useful seminars!

October 23 magazine SBC. Sports Business Consulting ”and the Luzhniki Olympic complex will hold a seminar“ Corporate Sport: Why is it needed? ”

The development of mass amateur sports is not possible without involving large companies and their employees. Representatives of companies will discuss topics and share their own experience on issues:
• How does sports affect the business performance of the company?
• What programs and projects for the development of corporate well-being (Well-Being) offers the market and what share does sport occupy?
• How are investments in healthy lifestyle paying off?
• What studies are conducted in the field of corporate sports?

Representatives of Rosneft, Gazprom, Norkel, OMK, VTB Bank, Sberbank, Sibura, Lukoila, Severstal and other large companies were invited to participate in the discussion. For the most lively discussion of the SBK, representatives of the organizers of competitions and sports facilities, such as Irnstar, Luzhniki, Fitmost, Xfit and others, were invited.

Among the audience, the organizers expect at least 150 experts in personnel management, corporate sports, organization of sports events and healthcar programs.

If you want to know how corporate sport is developing and where corporate sport moves in Russia – register for free and come on October 23 at 10 a.m. at the Luzhniki BSA.

SMM manager

• creation of a visual concept and content plan on Instagram, FB and VK for 2 projects (corporate identity has already been developed);
• Creation of involving content (contests, draws, polls, tests, etc.)
• active interaction with colleagues to obtain fresh information to create content;
• interaction with bloggers;
• Departure to sites or live meetings with partners to create photos/video content
• processing of requests on social networks;
• attracting a new audience and increasing the activity of existing;
• collection of statistics, reporting and analytics;
• tuning and conducting targeting advertising;
• Active interaction with the marketing department for the implementation of common tasks.

SMM manager

• maintaining the official profiles of the company (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram);
• work in a team with installers for creating video content and adaptation for platforms RT Sport (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram);
• Development of scripts for video clips, development of infographics, covers, memes for social networks.

Sales Manager

Big tennis school #Moscow #tennis

ZP: 40.000.
After a test period of 70,000 rubles

• Sale of company services: Subscribers for tennis classes
• Maintaining and introducing relations with clients in CRM.
• execution of a monthly sales plan and KPI.
• Clients in the CRM system
• processing of appeals;
• customer control for payment of services;
• Interaction with trainers on working issues
• We have no cold calls

Press Secretary

Main tasks:
• newsletter of final press releases about the events (matches), holding joint stocks;
• maintaining social networks, filling the site;
• interviews/briefings/press conferences, informal meetings with the coaching staff and players;
• interaction with journalists – coverage of the club in the media;
• Provision of reporting in the FRR (REGBI of Russia).

We expect:
• Experience with a press secretary, press attache;
• understanding of sports specifics, terms;
• readiness for business trips around the country and the world with the Rugby team.

We offer:
• work in a professional club;
• official employment for the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
• Workplace: rn, Egersheld, Strelnikova 7.

Contact mail: [email protected]

Do you want to write cool about sports? Write down to Nikolai Roganov!

He was the editor -in -chief of Total Football magazine, led the weekly Soviet Sport Football, and is now heading the Prostoprosport website.

Nikolai leads the online course How interesting to write about sports, whose graduates discovered 11 telegram channels (“Alee, RF!”, “Fint Gatagov”, etc.). Ilya Oblomov writes for Sport24, Maxim Allanazarov works the deputy editor of Sport -Express – both studied with Roganov.

The next group starts on November 5. Follow the link and By promotional code Sporthunter, you will get a pleasant bonus – a 5%discount!

Project Manager

Main tasks:
– Development of the Rules (Instat Hand Book):
– Calculation of the cost of TV production:
– Organization and conduct of test broadcasts:
– launching projects (organization of direct broadcasts) in any country in the world on the fact of setting relevant tasks

Sales Manager

• Sales for incoming appeals
• incoming / outgoing calls
• Processing applications from customers
• Communication with clients in messengers, social networks.
• Construction of sales funnels, working with daily tasks in CRM
• Participation in the construction of sales channels
• Search for new sales channels, negotiating
• Consulting customers according to the package of services and goods
• construction of scripts, replenishment of the knowledge base for sales

Meet the best sports management programs in one place!

On November 10-12, the world's largest world online sports of sports education IWORKINSPORT Education will be held.

The iWorkinSport Education Virtual Expo is the first digital exhibition in history for higher sports management programs. The online event will allow all interested in the development of career in sports to have direct access to the best sports management programs in the world.
Within 3 days, you can directly chat with employees and graduates of famous and popular programs.

PS: And among all visitors to online exhibitions, 500 euros play 😀

Register now to visit for free

Specialist of the escort department of cultural and sporting events

Among the tasks:
• participation in the organization of the provision of services for organizing classes in circles, sections and groups of physical education and health-improving orientation; services for organizing and (or) training camps, summer sports camps;
• ensuring the implementation of a complex of services in the field of cultural events;
• development, implementation of concepts, ideas, program plans and scenarios of cultural and sporting events;
• preparation of statistical and information reports and scenarios of cultural and sporting events and the search for their improvement;
• participation in the organization and conduct of official sporting events, sports and fitness events, sports competitions and training events and other events for preparing for sports competitions with the participation of athletes, including working with spectators;
• Participation in the organization and implementation of sports and fitness work on the development of physical culture and sports among various groups of the population.

– correctional turning and editing of texts (both in electronic form and in the paper version);
– elimination of spelling, punctuation errors, identification of typos;
– correction of stylistic and semantic disadvantages;
– elimination of ambiguities in writing individual letters and signs, improper breakdown of the text into paragraphs, checking the correctness of table design, illustrations, reference inserts, footnotes, links, quotes;
– checking the names of sections, headings, ensuring the correctness of writing and unification of terms, symbols, units of measurement, conditional contractions, uniformity of designations;
– compliance with the established deadlines.

Educational project Sportb2b Lab is glad to present you a big course of professional retraining: Construction, management, economics and operation of a sports structure»

The course lasts 4 months (252 hours) and consists of four blocks:
– Marketing and economics of a sports facility
– management of sports facilities
– system for managing the operation and equipment of sports facilities
– design, construction of a sports facility, reconstruction and redevelopment

You can choose a whole program of retraining and individual blocks.

The start of the program is scheduled for October 26, 2020. There are 2 formats for your choice: full -time in Moscow and online.

At the end of the training, students pass the test and receive an official document – a certificate of continuing education or a diploma of professional retraining.

Read more about the conditions and program – Read on the website Sportb2b Lab

Special conditions only for SportHunter readers:
1. When buying a full retraining program for promotional code SporthunterYou are provided with a 5%discount, as well as the second employee of your sports facility studies free of charge.
2. When buying a separate blocks of the program for promo code SporthunterYou are given the opportunity to invite your sports facility to the second employee for training for free.

Sellout Sport System I opened 3 vacancies in Moscow at once:

The main condition for the work for candidates is that there will be an endless supply of coffee and ambitious tasks for you 🙂

Steward of the sports complex

• assistance in servicing ice arenings;
• Consulting visitors and assistance in navigation inside the complex;
• control of the cleaning service;
• control of the use of premises and sports equipment;
• assistance in administering the complex;
• Assistance in the operation of the operating services of the complex;
• Another diverse, technically not difficult work in the complex during working hours.

• SCHICT: day/ two.
• corporate sport (hockey, gym);
• Real career growth.

Consider seeking a part -time job.
Place of work: st. Marshal Savitsky d. 7 (metro Boulevard Dmitry Donskoy).

Details by e -mail [email protected]

Document cost specialist

1. Encom in the development and implementation of the methodology of documentation management in terms of contracts and contract documents; technological processes of working with documents and document information based on the use of organizational and computer technology;
2. To monitor the state of work with contracts in the association;
3. To develop unified documentation systems and tablets of documents for various purposes and management levels, classifiers of document information;
4. take measures to streamline the composition of documents and information indicators, reduce their quantity and optimize document flow;
6. take part in the setting of tasks, design, operation and improvement of automated information systems and management systems, as well as in the development of the latest information technologies based on the use of computer technology, design and updating databases and databases;
7. Monitoring the amendments of the current legislation on issues of work with contracts.
8. Participate in the training of employees responsible for working with contracts in structural units of the Association.
9. To participate in the inspections of the structural units of the Association for compliance with the procedure for working with contracts adopted local regulatory documents and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
10. To develop methodological instructions and instructions on the use of an electronic document management system in terms of work with contracts and contractual documents.

Product Manager

Russian Football Union #Moscow #Football

Tasks. Many tasks:
• Development of a grocery strategy and the creation of an assortment for different sales channels and target audiences.
• Building various distribution channels of the RFU: E-COM, partners, marketplaces, wholesale
• Implementation of the Licensed Program of the RFU: search and selection of licensists, control of compliance with guidelines, negotiations on royalties
• Description of the creative direction of each collection, series, product capsules
• Study of grocery and marketing trends
• compilation of a brief for a technical partner
• Monitoring the time of production and supplies of the product
• Control of product entry into stores, marketplaces
• Management of the process of creating photographs of the product: from brief to the final result
• Formation of the purchase budget
• Creation of grocery matrices of stores
• Tracking turnover inside the season, during events (Euro, World Cup). Reporting formation
• pricing for goods and commodity groups, including the creation of commodity matrices in different price ranges: Low; Middle; High Price Point
• Creating an assortment within the season as a limited time
• Creating a reactive product during events (Euro, World Cup)
• Interaction with partners in the framework of the creation of exclusive products of the product
• Work with prototypes and samples
• Search and selection of suppliers, work with licenses
• Training for trading personnel
• Creating a nomenclature base for product
• Drawing up planning (displays/borders) of the product for representing in different sales channels (own store, partners, mobile stores in stadiums, online store and marketplaces)
• Management management

Direct broadcast administrator / streamer

• preparation of graphics for online broadcasting;
• preparation and configuration of software, Internet connection, etc.;
• preparation and setup of equipment (cameras, laptops, video cards, tripods, etc.);
• coordination of the timing of broadcasting with all the necessary services;
• provision in the online video signal mode of the corresponding quality;
• graphics management in accordance with the task;
• Management of the information display of the match in accordance with the real course of the game;
• interaction with project managers, judicial brigade, contractors for the formation of a video signal, video operators;

SMM manager for sports

• understand the trends of social networks;
• understand sports and know, at least, the agenda;
• have your own opinion about everything that happens in our sport and be able to express it in print;
• be able to work in photoshop;
• be able to work in a video editor, at least cut/glue at the level;
• Be able to generate ideas.

Are you young and active? Are you 18-30 years old? Or if you are a leader and work or want to work in the sports industry?

For you, a program of leaders from the International Olympic Committee.

Hurry to submit an application until October 30!

Project manager in the department of sponsorship projects

Key tasks:
® full implementation of a mechanic and shares, from an idea, writing a TK for a landing and rules of the action, to analytics and formation of mailings;
° check of the fulfillment of conditions for shares;
® analytics of all digital and offline placements, reporting;
Ft preparation and updating of creatives for social networks for each match/event of our partners;
® Analysis of the effectiveness of implemented special projects and a mechanic.
And many many others)

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