Provincial news. October

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October The other day, a gentleman, having made his morning purchases of provisions, wanted to wrap them up in an old issue of the newspaper, purposely taken for this purpose. The peasant peasant, who was at the same time, began to convincingly ask


The other day, a gentleman, having made his morning purchases of provisions, wanted to wrap them in an old issue of the newspaper, purposely taken for this purpose.
A peasant peasant, who was at the same time, began to convincingly ask him to give up this number and offered for him … a head of cabbage. It's nice to see how a thirst for knowledge gradually awakens in a peasant, an interest in the events taking place around him, but it's sad that this peasant was forced to acquire this knowledge by chance, snatches for … a head of cabbage.
[For a head of cabbage: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 203 (October 1). – S. 2

The Tomsk medical department recently informed the city and county sanitary executive commissions and city doctors of the Tomsk province a circular proposal from the office of the chief medical inspector that the medical council, having familiarized itself with the method of water sterilization by ozonation according to the method proposed by Comte de Vries, according to the journal dated 31 May s. G., spoke in the sense of the desirability of using the indicated method along with others, mainly in small towns and villages that do not have impeccable drinking water. Attached to the messages of the medical department is the aforementioned journal of the medical council, which sets out what the method of the Comte de Vries consists of.
[About water ozonation: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 203 (October 1). – S. 2

Some of the townsfolk who bought sewing machines in Neidlinger's shop by installments are now in a sad state of affairs. The fact is that one of the store's agents, who was entrusted with collecting monthly payments, when receiving them, noted only the number of receipts in the books available on this subject from buyers, but did not paste the store's stamps that serve as proof of the payment. This agent used the money collected in this way for his own benefit, for which he is now calculated by the store. As a result, gullible buyers who have fallen into a trap are perplexed whether the agent considers it necessary to return the money taken from them, and whether the marks made by him in their books represent a form of any evidence. In our opinion, lost in this case the store, too gullible attitude to the agent.
[Money was crying: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1898. – No. 209 (October 1). – p. 3

2 October

Recently, an order of the police chief was pasted on poles, forbidding the regulars of fisticuffs to gather in known places for wars; whether Mr. Arkhangelsky will be able to eradicate this harmful custom, which has existed here for more than a hundred years, we do not know; but it is high time to put an end to this rough and wild pastime; all the more so that very often dozens of children from 7 to 15 years of age become victims of the war.One of them gives yourself to feel on Middle Kirpichnaya Street: through the moat along Nazma, the inhabitants barely crawl, but when they go out on the highway, the streets do not feel relief: G. G. lang=en style=height: 28px;Injected with a horded drunkards, they beat in the heat of children's excitement like and what they hit, and scratch their eyes, put their teeth and often go out forever. Often, young people who are subject to classification of military service and do not have benefits are also suggested. In view of this, one cannot but wish G. Arkhangelsk success in the fight against this evil, which has a harmful effect on the customs and habits of ordinary people.
[Recently, the order of G. police officer was placed on the pillars. : chronicle] // Siberian newspaper. – 1883. – No. 40 (October 2). – S. 1015

October 3

The honorary trustee of the Zaozersny Men's School A. D. Rodyukov, following the example of last year, began to give hot breakfasts for the poor students of the school every month for 15 rubles, this assistance is especially useful now that the parents of some students are taken to war, and entire families were left without Kormiltsev. 18 people have breakfast daily. Breakfast consists of a habit of meat and bread.
[Hot breakfasts in schools: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1904. – No. 215 (October 3). – S. 3

Currently, the menagerie of Eigus is opened in Tomsk in a huge booth specially built for him on the banks of the river. Ushaiki. Compared to the menagerie previously previously in Tomsk, the menagerie Eigus is somewhat richer in the sense of a more complete set of animals and their best quality. Most of the menagerie is allotted to the Porcelain animals: there are four lions, tiger, panther, jaguar, two wolves, brown and white bears, American bears. A prominent place is occupied by the trained elephant, a large lover of French rolls; Then there is a small crocodile, several also small boats, deer, lama, monkeys; The department of birds is represented by an ostrich and a significant number – about ten – parrots of different breeds. There are boxes filled with water with inscriptions on them: “Blessing Salamander” and “Alligators”, but these animals are not shown from the water and the audience does not see them at all. In another branch of the menagerie, in a special arena, performances are given in which trained dogs, an elephant and a crucifix-storyteller are involved. These performances in a certain sense are quite interesting, excluding G. Black Exploring: his repertoire, for the most part, ambiguous and directly vulgar content, which is completely inconvenient, since there is constantly a lot of children among the public. The audience is still visiting the menagerie in whole crowds.
[Tomples in Tomsk: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1901. – No. 213 (October 3). – S. 3

The device of dung bridges through our ditches and leales is cheap, and therefore we have such structures in many places. He looks angrily at this building for every passerby and in the rainy season the autumn is ready to swallow it with its dirty mouth. These structures are cheap and angry.
One of them gives yourself to feel on Middle Kirpichnaya Street: through the moat along Nazma, the inhabitants barely crawl, but when they go out on the highway, the streets do not feel relief: G. G.The homeowner Batuev still does not dare to arrange sidewalks against his house, probably guided by the consideration that the thunder has not yet struck – no one has yet drowned against Batuev’s house.
[Our improvement: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1898. – No. 210 (October 3). – S. 2

The 4th of October

To the Council of Tomsk University from intelligent women of the mountains. Tomsk was given a petition about the assumption of women to the university on the same grounds with male faces. The other day, a petition on the female question signed by men will be received in the same council.
[Petitions about higher female education: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 204 (October 4). – S. 3

On September 29, a Bioscope Brown Bioscope was held at the theater at the Free Library. As usual, the session gathered an almost full hall of the public, especially the students of youth. It seems to us that in vain G. Brown shows paintings from the war of Japan with Russia. These paintings with their unnaturalness make the impression of something curious; Yes, it cannot be otherwise: in fact, they cannot, in fact, are 20-30 inexperienced statists to sie Port Arthur, bombard “advanced Japanese posts”, etc. Meanwhile, the demonstration of these ridiculous pictures is spent on a decent time.
By the way, G. Brown captured the famous Tomsk mud on a bio -oscope tape. With his apparatus, he took off the post office stained by the sea of ​​mud, during the transition through it of the townsfolk.
[Bioscope: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 204 (October 4). – S. 3

In the coming Academic 1901-1902, 531 students are listed in Tomsk University. According to faculties and courses, they are distributed as follows. There are 276 students at the medical faculty, of which 75 people are in the first year, 55 in the second, 26 on the third, 58 on the fourth, 62 at the fifth. 255 students are listed at the Faculty of Law, of which 75 people are in the first year, in the first year. On the second – 69, on the third – 63 and on the fourth – 48.
[The number of students of Tomsk University in the 1901-1902 Academic year: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1901. – No. 214 (October 4). – S. 2

Recently, we reported the appearance of a monstrous size of a snake in the Bogorodsky volost. Currently, having copies in our hands from the reports of the volost rule of the police officer and this last governor, we can somewhat complement this news. According to initial information, this snake had 11 arsh. lengths and 8 verses. the width was met on the hay of the village of Astrakantseva, who barely escaped the danger, jumping on his former horse; The dog’s shepherd’s dog was as if he crossed the tail in half with one blow. The search, made in hot pursuit of the district doctor G. Falcom, who was at that time in the village of Astrakhantseva, did not lead to any results. In the police report, the whole thing seems far from such a terrible form. It turns out that on the island on Ob, near Astrakhantseva, a snake has recently appeared, seen by some of the inhabitants.This snake is up to 7 arshins long and up to 6 versts wide, gray in color, with a large pointed head, swims well and is not dangerous for people. He did not chase the shepherd and did not kill the dogs. The official sent to the scene, not finding the snake, instructed the police guard, if it appeared, to kill it with the help of local peasants. Assuming that the size of the animal is exaggerated by rumor, the police officer classifies the snake as a breed of snakes of large size. It is doubtful, however, that snakes ever reached such a considerable length.
[Recently, we reported the appearance of a monstrous snake in the Bogorodskaya volost. : chronicle] // Siberian newspaper. – 1881. – No. 32 (October 4). – S. 897-898

October 5

Not particularly flattering reviews are heard from buyers of goods from the free auction. Among the things that suffered from the fire in the Telnykh store, there were also those that, due to their worthlessness or disuse, did not go on sale at all, that is, they made up a store blockage, and it seems that a greater place is reserved for this blockage in the auction sale. In general, everything worthless is sold without any obstacles on the part of auctioneers, and what is more valuable requires a larger number of bargainers, and with two or three buyers, a decent thing is not sold. It does not do without such tricks: three garus children's shirts are sold, of which two have only one sleeve intact, folded into a ball so that one shirt is visible – for a better sample. The lucky one who bought these things, with the laughter of the people hustling in the shop, had to get out of the auction as soon as possible and curse fate for the money he had spent on nothing.
[Not particularly flattering reviews are heard from buyers of goods. : urban news] // Siberian newspaper. – 1886. – No. 40 (October 5). – S. 1194

October 6

In the Trinity Cathedral yesterday, on the occasion of the namesake of the Heir Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, a prayer service was served, which was attended by the head of the province bar. K. S. Nolken, officials of the civil and military departments, representatives of the city administration and many worshipers. After the prayer, a parade was held for units from the troops stationed in Tomsk.
[In the Trinity Cathedral: Tomsk life] // Siberian life. – 1906. – No. 215 (October 6). – p. 3

October 7th

On October 29 of this year, a partial solar eclipse will be observed in Siberia. It will be possible to observe the solar eclipse in Tomsk from 12:21 p.m. to 1:59 p.m. Its largest phase will be equal to 0.15, i.e., the dark body of the moon will cover 0.15 of the solar diameter. The position of the point of contact of the moon with the solar disk at the beginning of the eclipse is determined by the angle from the zenith of 219⁰. The annular solar eclipse on October 29 will begin along a line running from the island of Sicily through the Suez Canal, Arabia, the island of Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula and end somewhat east of the island of Formosa. In the places indicated by us, the solar eclipse will be total.As the phase is removed to the north, it will gradually decrease more and more.
[To sunny eclipse in Siberia October 29: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1901. – No. 217 (October 7). – S. 2

October 8

At a time when the best people try to update our school, opening its doors to more rational teaching methods and in general all useful innovations, Kuteikins and Tsifirkin – and they are still alive – with the perseverance inherent in this variety, continue to set lessons at home, not giving themselves to themselves It’s even difficult to develop the content of the set during class classes. “Learn”, “Transfigure and Doslev” – these are the favorite methodological principles that quite characterize the pedagogical talent of these strands of children's thought. “Write me at home in notebooks ten mental objects and ten abstracts,” Kuteikin sets first-class kids who visit the school for only 3-4 days. And there is no need for him that the children are not explained in the lesson even signs by which they could distinguish the concepts of “mental” and “abstract” – there is no need, that novice babies still do not sufficiently understand the concept of an object in general and dividing objects into animated and inanimate . “The books will be bought … to learn …”, – flickers in the head of the teacher. And as a result, tears, torment, powerless tension of childhood thought and aversion to “study”.
[Little note: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 207 (October 8). – S. 2

On October 5th, the Committee for Assistance to the Family, called up for war, Kufarev, came to the treasury Vinnaya shop No. 7 on the corner of the Akimovskaya st. And the plow, in order to make a seizure of donations from the mug of the lady committee in the shop. There were more than 9 rubles in the circle, and all with pennies. Kufarev turned to the sidelitsa of the shop, Ms. Leonovich, with a request to exchange pennies for larger banknotes, and had in mind that pennies are always needed in the shop to give delivery to customers, and that in other wine shops such an exchange is always made willingly. Ms. Leonovich refused to exchange pennies, saying that she did not want to “get hands about them”, and that her husband from the branch of the State Bank, where he serves, “brand new pennies” brings her to surrender to her.
Indeed, pennies go on different hands and, of course, are polluted, but in the same position there are other banknotes – rubles, five -rubles, etc.
[Dirty money: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 207 (October 8). – S. 2

“Protect your pockets”-the walls of the postal and telegraph office are decorated with such posters; Such an announcement was caused by quite frequent pocket thefts from the visitors to the office. After the announcement of pocket thefts in the mail, it was not heard; Obviously, visitors cherished their pockets, and pickpockets temporarily stopped their activities. But the ads were hanged for a long time, and obviously forgot about them, and the pickpockets began to work again.So, on October 6, they stole 70 rubles from a peasant woman Anisya Sintsova. and student-technologist Vladimir Shimanovsky has 25 rubles.
[Take care of your pockets: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian Life. – 1903. – No. 218 (October 8). – S. 2

October 9

The construction of new houses in our city, which began intensively in 1895, is enormously increasing year by year. According to the information we received from the city government, it turns out that over the past year (from September 1, 1897 to September 1, 1898) it issued 419 permits for the construction of new houses. (Yurtochnaya) 153, to 2nd (Sennaya) 57, to 3rd (Voskresenskaya) 49, to 4th (Bolotnaya) 118 and to 5th (Zaistochnaya) – 42. how our city is expanding.
[Growth of the city of Tomsk: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian Life. – 1898. – No. 215 (9 Oct.). – S. 2

October 10

The dirt that covered our unsettled streets has been shackled in recent days by the onset of cold. A sad picture emerged. Mounds and mounds of frozen mud, pits and ruts dug up the canvas of the streets in all directions with the most bizarre patterns. Riding on wheeled carriages turned into a murderous shake-up of the townsfolk. Carts and carriages are tossed from side to side, at the same time tossing up and down over bumps and pits. The bones of the townsfolk, voters and favorite elected people of the fathers of the city are shaking. Every push, every bump and pit is a cruel reminder of the improvement of the streets of our city…
We would like to believe that even before the onset of the 20th century, we will develop a plan for at least paving our streets, along which almost all communication now periodically ceases … It is high time, at least for the city, that we delete from our municipal lexicon the shameful word thaw .
Let us wish our municipal councilors and our municipal commission for the improvement of the city for the coming winter at least a little move towards resolving the unfortunate issue of our improvement …
On the night of October 9, it began to rain. The weather went from cold to warm. Snow is melting. Just yesterday, the frozen sea of ​​mud with deadly bumps, mounds and pits threatens to bloom again into a liquid, swampy swamp … Crews and people will get stuck in the swamp … God forbid that there are no accidents …
[Tomsk bridges: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1898. – No. 216 (Oct. 10). – S. 2

October 11

The former entertainments of our street have now been replenished with a performance given by some Tatar, dressed in a rather original costume – thick shoes, trousers with stripes and a wide blouse with yellow stripes. The representation consists in the image of a running train. Having previously tied a bell to his leg, the street performer suddenly begins to spank his shoes on the sidewalk, speeding up or slowing down, puffing and hissing, blowing whistles, throwing out a flag – everything is in accordance with the program of the idea being depicted – and causes noisy, long unceasing applause from admiring spectators.
[It is known that elephants are in a curiosity with us. : Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 209 (October 11). – S. 3

We heard that as if in one of the private schools of Tomsk, outrageous orders take place: students often receive unflattering epithets and shocks of books on the head. Somehow I can’t believe that in the enlightened Tomsk there could exist techniques for raising the times of Ochakovsky or conquest of Crimea.
[Is it true? : Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1898. – No. 217 (October 11). – S. 3

October 12

Yesterday we had to observe such a scene in the diocesan library.
For a long time, a decent gentleman spoke about something with the librarian, after the librarian left for another room, began to turn over the book where the book libraries issued to subscribers are recorded.
“At the crime scene” was found by G. The librarian himself, who, having removed him from the table, attacked him with the words: “How dare you watch books that you can’t watch strangers”, “You, not a person”, “I am you you I will ask you to leave the library ”, etc., etc.
For some reason, who asked to see the “mysterious” book did not say a single word to the “mysterious” book, but, blushing to his ears, stood embarrassedly, not knowing what to do … This scene made an extremely unpleasant impression at the library.
[In the diocesan library: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 210 (October 12). – S. 3

Recently, in Tomsk there has been an unprecedented influx of peasant women, offering their work as a homework. Undoubtedly, such an enhanced proposal of labor is closely dependent on the crop failure of the bread in this year in many places of the Tomsk province. Not so long ago, we noted that among the peasants of lean areas there is increased sale of livestock due to weak collections of herbs. Something in this kind is also noticed in relation to excessive working hands. The poor gathering of bread was reflected in a difficult way on the food issue, and the rural in order to at least alleviate his position, sends to the city to decorate the earnings of extra family members. In particular, the crop failure of this year was difficult in the economic situation of the Novoselov who arrived in Siberia without any means: the benefits they received from the treasury went to acquire equipment and seeds, while the seeds thrown into the ground did not bring the crop. Not so long ago, we watched the migrant in the Tomsk market, who offered his relative in only one bread at home. Not so long ago, we met a woman in one of the Tomsk villages who gave his children relatives to feed, and the very one went to another village to local rich. In the Tomsk bazaar on any trading day you can see many peasant girls and women asking for earnings.With such an intensified proposal of working hands, the price of them, of course, falls strongly.
[Cheap work: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1901. – No. 221 (October 12). – S. 3

Winter finally entered into its own, although the records of previous years about the onset of winter and forced to doubt that winter would finally come from the first day of October. On September 28, the last steamer of Ignatov and K⁰ came to Tomsk (and their last ship came out of here to Tyumen on September 25); Probably, now there are many steamboats and barges will zeal in the ice of the Ob system.
At the end of last week, a good dignity road was established; Tom near the city began in places, and from October 11 they began to pass on ice, although very thin ice and wormwood in many places threaten the daredevils, whom the needs driven to the bazaar with various products.
[Winter finally entered into its own. : city news] // Siberian newspaper. – 1886. – No. 41 (October 12). – S. 1126

October 14

According to the Decree of the Minister of Railways, in the elimination of repeated cases of substitution of the Siberian Railway, abroad from the Siberian Railway station and to the Baltic ports of export oil until its railway, the indicated oil should be taken from November 1 of this year for transportation in special wagons only if the following conditions are followed by the following conditions : 1) barrels with butter should be equipped with the sender seals at the ends of the twine, which is sewn, from two and four corners of the barrel of the barrel, depending on the need; 2) seals must contain an indication of the company sending the oil and the number for which this company is registered by the government instructor of the dairy farm; 3) the same information, that is, the name of the company and its number, the oil senders are required to enter into the invoice, from where this information is transferred by the departure station to the duplicate of the invoice and to the carriage sheet.
By ordering by order of the Siberian road, this resolution for information and leadership, the head of the road invites the heads of stations to accept from November 1, s. G. export oil for transportation in special wagons is not otherwise than on the exact foundation of the order proposed by the indicated decree; At the same time, paying attention, in addition to seals, also to the integrity of the twine, which is sewn up by the clothing barrel of the mat.
[Measures to prevent the substitution of export butter: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1903. – No. 223 (October 14). – S. 3

In one of the public institutions, we happened to see an alphabetical list of cases for 1899. One of the affairs is entitled in the alphabet as follows: tolerance, about the appointment of streets for her houses. Briefly and in some way it is clear.
[Chancellery Kuryoz: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1903. – No. 223 (October 14). – S. 3

In the smooth duct of the Tomi River Recently, the Eushta Tatars made fishing with a net, taken on a shares of a merchant Plotnikov. The catch of fish beyond the expectation turned out to be grandiose: so many cheese was caught that only the owner of the Neti G. Plotnikov in the form of a third of prey was, as we heard, 12 thousand.cheese curds, by the way, in one of the tons, anglers caught a young catfish weighing 26 pounds. This rare specimen of the fish was also handed over by the Tatars to Mr. Plotnikov, and the fishermen did not even know that they were dealing with such a rare and valuable fish. This is the only case of catfish being caught; however, fishermen say that this summer in the Ob near Krasny Yar, during a seine season, they saw a significant catfish, but they failed to catch it. It would be interesting to know where catfish got into Siberian rivers, which, according to ancient fishermen, never came across not only in Tom, but even in Siberian rivers in general.
[Remarkable fish catch: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1898. – No. 219 (October 14). – p. 3

October 15

Recently, in Russia, farmers have shown a particular interest in the varieties of bread bred in Siberia, as they are more resistant to climatic conditions than European varieties. Thus, there is a great demand for seeds of Siberian winter wheat, stonefly rye, wild Siberian buckwheat (kyrlyk), etc. Samara and Poltava – from very diverse areas of Russia.
[Interest in Siberian varieties of bread in Russia: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian Life. – 1903. – No. 224 (October 15). – S. 2

The readers of Sibirskaya Zhizn certainly remember the series of public lectures organized last autumn by the local agricultural society, which at one time aroused great attention and sympathy from the local public. At the present time, we can announce that the collection of these lectures has already been printed and will go on sale in a few days under the general title Scientific Essays of the Tomsk Territory.
The collection includes the following articles: prof. N.F. Kashchenko (introductory and review of the Siberian fauna), prof. A. M. Zaitseva (Tomsk province in the area of ​​the railway), prof. F. Ya. Kapustin (excerpt from a lecture on climate), N. N. Krylov (on the vegetation of the province and the taiga), G. E. Ioganzen (on birds), V. T. Volkov (taiga corners), S. A Sukhov (beekeeping), E. D. Zhukovsky (epizootics), I. I. Dachevsky (hunting), prof. E. A. Leman (mineral waters) and prof. D. N. Belikova (about the first peasants-occupants of the Tomsk Territory). In addition, the preface and closing remarks by Prof. N. F. Kashchenko, who owns the general edition of the collection.
The edition contains more than 500 pages, 3 maps, 7 tables and 12 figures in the text. With a view to making the publication as accessible as possible, the price of the book will be set as low as possible.
[Scientific essays of the Tomsk region: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1898. – No. 220 (October 15). – S. 2

October 16

Office. Entering and asking people are full.
– You that?
– Here you received papers for issuing to me …
– Are there many papers coming in here, where to remember them all and about each? Bring a certificate of when and for what number they were sent here …
– Excuse me, where can I go hundreds of miles away for such a certificate, but my acquaintances write to me in a letter that they were sent here …
– Well, it's none of our business. Write to your friends – let them send you a certificate and then you will receive … And what do you need?
– Here behind this number the announcement to me on demand is sent to you. Please announce!
The certificate submitted by the applicant is considered.
– Yes, there was something; I remember… But we sent the correspondence to your place of residence…
– What are you, what kind of residence, when I asked to be sent here on demand?
– Ah, so you, please come here tomorrow. Now your papers are on the signature. When they are signed and returned to me, I will overstay …
– I'm a visitor, horses are waiting for me, I can't wait at all. I will go personally to…
– Hey Hey. Listen! Wait a bit, I'll manage…
Consideration of incoming and unexecuted papers begins.
– Yes, that's right, your papers are here. You know, I confused a little: these are other papers “for signature”. Here, please. Read and sign at this place what is announced to you …
[From nature: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 213 (October 16). – S. 2-3

17 October

In the Swamp along Akimovskaya Street, cow heads are hung outside in butcher shops. Such advertising is an unpleasant spectacle for passers-by and almost harms the meat dealers themselves.
[Inappropriate advertising: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1903. – No. 226 (October 17). – p. 3

One of the workers in Esaulov's smithy, on Nikolskaya Street, invented a very original and stupid way to entertain his person: he sprinkles schoolchildren passing by the smithy with soot or mocks them, in general, as they say, does not give a pass. It wouldn't hurt to take him down.
[The blacksmith is having fun: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1903. – No. 226 (October 17). – p. 3

Probably, everyone knows the anecdote about the gypsy, who, when asked what faith he is, cheekily answered: whatever you want. Something similar happened today in our city council. At a meeting of the city council on October 7, in order to resolve the issue of assigning an additional allowance from the city funds to the police, a certificate was given on the state of the city cash desk; according to this certificate, it turned out that Mr. Ermolaev, who was taking the place of the mayor, explained to the Duma that by the end of the year there would be a balance of about 10-15 thousand rubles. Then the issue of the police allowance was put to the ballot and by a majority of 14 against 9 the police allowance was put forward. On October 11, the same council gave the Duma another certificate, according to which the remainder is no longer foreseen, and a deficit of about 34 thousand rubles is expected. They say that both references to the books are correct?!
[Probably everyone knows the joke about the gypsy. : chronicle] // Siberian newspaper. – 1882. – No. 42 (October 17). – S. 1027

The other day, a medicine was dispensed to one family from the Liven pharmacy according to two prescriptions, one for rubbing, the other for internal use. The pharmacist stuck a prescription for internal use to the bottle containing the rubbing, and the prescription for rubbing got on the medicine for internal use! Only a mistake noticed in time did not entail serious consequences.
– Excuse me, where can I go hundreds of miles away for such a certificate, but my acquaintances write to me in a letter that they were sent here …

– Well, it's none of our business. Write to your friends – let them send you a certificate and then you will receive … And what do you need?

– Here behind this number the announcement to me on demand is sent to you. Please announce!
The certificate submitted by the applicant is considered.

– Yes, there was something; I remember… But we sent the correspondence to your place of residence…

– What are you, what kind of residence, when I asked to be sent here on demand?
– Ah, so you, please come here tomorrow. Now your papers are on the signature. When they are signed and returned to me, I will overstay …

– I'm a visitor, horses are waiting for me, I can't wait at all. I will go personally to…
– Hey Hey. Listen! Wait a bit, I'll manage…

Consideration of incoming and unexecuted papers begins.
– Yes, that's right, your papers are here. You know, I confused a little: these are other papers “for signature”. Here, please. Read and sign at this place what is announced to you …
[From nature: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1905. – No. 213 (October 16). – S. 2-3

17 October

In the Swamp along Akimovskaya Street, cow heads are hung outside in butcher shops. Such advertising is an unpleasant spectacle for passers-by and almost harms the meat dealers themselves.
[Inappropriate advertising: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1903. – No. 226 (October 17). – p. 3

One of the workers in Esaulov's smithy, on Nikolskaya Street, invented a very original and stupid way to entertain his person: he sprinkles schoolchildren passing by the smithy with soot or mocks them, in general, as they say, does not give a pass. It wouldn't hurt to take him down.
[The blacksmith is having fun: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1903. – No. 226 (October 17). – p. 3

Probably, everyone knows the anecdote about the gypsy, who, when asked what faith he is, cheekily answered: whatever you want. Something similar happened today in our city council. At a meeting of the city council on October 7, in order to resolve the issue of assigning an additional allowance from the city funds to the police, a certificate was given on the state of the city cash desk; according to this certificate, it turned out that Mr. Ermolaev, who was taking the place of the mayor, explained to the Duma that by the end of the year there would be a balance of about 10-15 thousand rubles. Then the issue of the police allowance was put to the ballot and by a majority of 14 against 9 the police allowance was put forward. On October 11, the same council gave the Duma another certificate, according to which the remainder is no longer foreseen, and a deficit of about 34 thousand rubles is expected. They say that both references to the books are correct?!

[Probably everyone knows the joke about the gypsy. : chronicle] // Siberian newspaper. – 1882. – No. 42 (October 17). – S. 1027
The other day, a medicine was dispensed to one family from the Liven pharmacy according to two prescriptions, one for rubbing, the other for internal use. The pharmacist stuck a prescription for internal use to the bottle containing the rubbing, and the prescription for rubbing got on the medicine for internal use! Only a mistake noticed in time did not entail serious consequences.

[The other day, a medicine was released from the Liven pharmacy into one family. : chronicle] // Siberian newspaper. – 1882. – No. 42 (October 17). – S. 1028
October 18

The other day, the following circular of the railway control was announced through the Siberian Railway. In view of one of the railways, misunderstandings between the road control and the ranks of the gendarme railway police on the right to produce by order of the management of road pictures in the alienation lane, the management of railways, by agreement with the headquarters of a separate gendarme corps, explains to information and leadership that: 1) photographic pictures of routes and structures on them and views on railways can be produced only for the need for railways; 2) photographic images of such structures as bridges, overpasses, pipes, etc., in no case should be allowed by sales or others in what ways to appeal to the public under the responsibility of railway departments; 3) In special orders on the roads, officials should be accurately renamed, to whom the chiefs and control of roads allow the withdrawal of photographs of railway structures, subject to the above conditions and 4) independently of such permits should be reported to the chiefs of local gendarmeal police departments of railways. This order is supplemented by the announcement of the head of the Siberian Railway, which persons who will be allowed by the production of photographic pictures will be allowed in each case will be supplied by special certificates management, except in cases of incidents on the road (such as the crashes of trains, their departure from the rails, etc. .) when pictures from the scenes are carried out by direct order of the chairman of the commission, which is investigating the incident.

[Restriction of the right to photograph structures and types of railways: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1902. – No. 227 (October 18). – S. 2
October 19

The caretaker of the city garden reported to the city government that the students of the male gymnasium climbed into the garden (the latter was closed from October 1), climbing over the bars, and spoiling the garden property. So, for example, on October 15, about 50 high school students climbed into the garden and started throwing stones into the fountain, broke the doors at the pavilion and smashed the glass in the doors and windows. In view of this, the mayor turned to the director of the gymnasium with a request to take measures so that the students of the gymnasium did not enter the city garden when it was closed to the public, and did not damage the garden property.

[Naughty: Tomsk life] // Siberian life. – 1907. – No. 143 (October 19). – S. 2
To eradicate measurement and underweight, which have made a firm nest for themselves in our trade, it is necessary, first of all, to introduce correct measures and weights everywhere. To this end, also to provide persons who need it with the opportunity to check their weights and measures without undue hassle and difficulty, periodic circulation is introduced on all railways, including the Siberian railway, of tent cars of the main chamber of measures and weights . On the Siberian Railway, the tent car will follow as part of freight trains, as well as at the discretion of the road, and in other trains. At uncoupling stations, the tent car will be installed, if possible, on tracks accessible to persons delivering weights and measures for alignment. The normal staff of employees at the tent car is defined as seven people.
[To fight against measurement and underweight: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian Life. – 1904. – No. 228 (October 19). – p. 3
Last Monday, the typolithography of Mikhailov and Makushin celebrated its 10th anniversary. It was the first private printing house in Tomsk (now there are three private printing houses and one state-owned one). The holiday had a purely domestic character and was arranged exclusively for workers, of whom there are 70 people in the printing house, lithography, bookbinding and line work. It is announced to the workers at this holiday that all employees of the trading house enjoy the following advantage: anyone who, due to illness or other reasons,conditioned by service in a trading house, becomes incapable of work, receives a pension in the amount of 10% of his salary and for the duration of the time he spent in the service in a trading house; in the event of death, a pension under the same conditions is issued to a widow or orphans. The term of service is counted from the time when the employee left the category of boys.
In memory of the 10th anniversary, the workers presented Mikhailov and Makushin with a large sheet, on which, among the decorations and columns made in several colors, the year of foundation of the printing house and the names of all employees are indicated. During the celebration, the entire group of those participating in it was filmed, including Messrs. Mikhailov and Makushin. Unfortunately, this workers' holiday ended in an unexpected misfortune. At the end of dinner, one of the workers suddenly died from excessive drinking of wine, and when the police began to make inquiries about the identity of the deceased, it turned out that he lived in Tomsk on a false passport under the name of Shuvalov. Since the latter served in the trading house for 7 months, his sister will be given 10% of his salary for the same time.
[Last Monday the typography of Mikhailov and Makushin. : urban news] // Siberian newspaper. – 1886. – No. 42 (October 19). – S. 1172
October 21
Recently, one of the companies that sell kerosene in Tomsk finally thought of organizing the delivery of kerosene to homes, which has been done in many cities for a long time. Many, of course, will be happy to use the services of the company, because thanks to it, those who need kerosene, especially when buying by the pood, get rid of the unpleasant and inconvenient procedure for transporting kerosene in cans on our roads, but it’s only a pity that the company does not publish exactly where if necessary, apply with a request for the delivery of kerosene.
[Long overdue: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1904. – No. 230 (October 21). – p. 3
In the railway station of Tomsk station, a bust of I. S. Turgenev flaunts on the buffet table. Everyone who knows the famous writer from portraits will immediately recognize him in the bust, and with what indignation the heart of another admirer of J.S. will boil when he sees what is the matter.The bust depicting I. S. Turgenev is just a bottle filled with vodka of the Bekman factory. Suppose, a different amateur will give pleasure to drink “from Turgenev”, but still, it seems to us that vodka breeders are already too far in their cunning inventions.
[A new way of wedding by laurels: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1898. – No. 225 (October 21). – S. 2

October 24

Siberia matchboards complain about uneven trading conditions in Manchuria compared to the Japanese. Although, when transporting the goods, an excise tax is returned across the border, nevertheless you have to pay duties on paraffin and since the Siberians have to pay 75 k pounds for the transport before Port Arthur, and the Japanese retreat is no more expensive than 25 k. In Hamburg, pood pounds for gamburg for gluttoning boxes costs 2 p. 50 K., in Moscow – 4 p. 50 K. and the transport to Irkutsk 1 p. 40 K. And the Japanese pound of paper costs no more than 2 p. 50 K. Obviously, the unsuccessful competing of the Siberians with the Japanese in Manchuria on the basis of trade cannot be reproached with him.
[Matchmatic manufacturers of Siberia: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1903. – No. 230 (October 24). – S. 3
The landless nobles of the Samara district, according to the local newspaper, allowed relocation to Siberia. For settlers, a land plot in the Tomsk province entitled Raspberry is intended. Migrants will be issued benefits and benefits for payments will be provided. Persons engaged exclusively for the stiffness will be allowed to relocate, and to verify the marital status and other data, the Samara district leader of the nobility Pustoshkin intends to go in person.

[Tomsk nobility: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1902. – No. 231 (October 24). – S. 3
October 26
The contents of the Rensky cellar on Spasskaya Street against the circus of Gorlanov have, obviously, a very large and diverse circle of acquaintances. On October 22, late in the evening we watched, for example, such a nice picture. During the intermissions in the circus, the audience was literally raised in the Rensky cellar; Chuyki, and Azyam, and drape coats gathered there,And cotton blouses … Through the glass of an unnoticed window, thanks to the good lighting inside the cellar, it was not difficult to see that those who came up for something leaned over the counter, threw their heads back and, leaving the hospitable host, spoke among themselves: “Here-much cheaper … for a patch-a patch-for a patch In which glass you are dumbfounded; And Gorlanov has a glass – what is your throat ”… We watched this picture, standing near the entrance to the Torovskoye circus and being in the immediate vicinity of the near -storage warders and pom. The bailiff, it seems, G.K. should think that these latter suffer from strong myopia and did not notice anything that happened opposite and said next to them …

[Interesting picture: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1899. – No. 231 (October 26). – S. 3
27th October

On October 24, in the camera of the peace of the magistrate, 5 sections of Tomsk considered mainly civil cases, which have little interest for readers. We note only one small episode that took place in this cell and characterizing the attitude of the maintenance of trading institutions to our police.
One plaintiff – Zoroshvilly and asks the judge to terminate his case in a lawsuit against Kuskovsky.

– You probably received a debt from Kuskovsky, so or what are you stopping the matter? – asks the plaintiff the peace.
– No way! – the plaintiff answers. – I stop because G. Kuskovsky now acted as a cross -out overseer in Tomsk.

– So what is from this? – the judge asks in surprise.

“How what,” the plaintiff in turn, is surprised, “so I contain the“ Rensky cellar ”…
– BUT! So what's the matter, ”the magistrate guessed. – Well, do you have another matter here on the lawsuit against Alekseev, do you stop him too?
– No, I ask you to disassemble this business.
“Why don't you want to stop this business?” – asks the judge.

“But because Alekseev does not serve in the police,” the plaintiff answered calmly.
[From the camera of the justice of the peace: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1900. – No. 233 (October 27). – WITH.3
28 of October
Only 377 people were subject to military service in the 1st Tomsk conscription station in 1907. Of this number, 7 people declared a desire to serve their military service as volunteers and therefore excluded from the draft list. In addition to the aforementioned 370 people, 59 people were subject to military service, who drew lots and received, for various reasons, deferrals until 1907 during previous calls. A total of 429 people were subject to conscription. According to marital status, 370 conscripts received benefits: 87 people of the 1st category, 46 people of the 2nd category. and 3rd category – 20 people; without the right to benefits 217 people. By religion, the conscripts were divided: Orthodox 319, Roman Catholic 5, Lutheran 1, schismatics 7, Jewish 21 and Mohammedans 10. By education, the conscripts were divided: those who studied in higher educational institutions 31, in secondary educational institutions 7, in various lower institutions and graduated course in parish schools 240, semi-literate (who did not complete the full course of parish schools) 33 and illiterate 7 (1.89%). According to marital status, the conscripts were divided: unmarried 255, married 78. (The indicated information is not available about 35 conscripts). 90 people were to be accepted for military service, of which 81 were Christians, 5 Jews and 4 Mohammedans. The results of the call: 85 people were accepted, then 2 people were accepted with enrollment in the reserve, 49 people were delayed for 1 year due to immaturity, 1 person was delayed until the end of the court case, 20 people were recognized as incapable of service and were sent to the militia for various physical disabilities, sent to test in the military infirmary 14 people.
Shortage of Mohammedans – 3 people. They did not appear for examination for various reasons (off-road, etc.).
[Conscription in Tomsk: Tomsk life] // Siberian life. – 1907. – No. 150 (October 28). – p. 4
Every local inhabitant is familiar with the cries that are usually heard in the mornings near houses: “We are repairing samovars, buckets, pouring various things,” etc. The inhabitant gives his spoiled things for repair, but often cannot receive them in their original form.So, the other day one of the local residents of S. gave these locksmiths a samovar for repair, which he still cannot get back, not even knowing the address where his samovar is being repaired. Boys usually collect things from home to fix.
In view of the fact that quite a few handicraftsmen are really engaged in the samovar trade in Tomsk, it would be advisable for these handicraftsmen to have in their pocket some document certifying that the bearer of it is not a falsified samovar.
[Samovarniki: Tomsk life] // Siberian life. – 1907. – No. 150 (October 28). – p. 4
From St. Petersburg we are informed that since 1905 a group of intellectuals, among whom are writers and Siberian public figures, decided to publish periodic collections called Siberian Questions.
[New periodical dedicated to Siberia: Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1904. – No. 235 (October 28). – p. 3

One of the townsfolk, who has two daughters studying at the women's gymnasium, complains to us about the order that exists in the dressing room at the gymnasium. Often galoshes disappear from there; it’s good if the new galoshes disappear and the old ones are left in their place, otherwise it also happens that a schoolgirl who comes to the gymnasium in good warm galoshes has to return home in her shoes alone. The buttons of one schoolgirl's jacket were cut off in the same place, and the jacket itself was badly damaged. The tapes at the coupling are often cut off. We think that these rather ugly phenomena can be eliminated: one need only arrange hangers with numbers and oblige the porter to give out dresses and overshoes only upon presentation of the number under which they were handed over when moving to the gymnasium.
[One of the townsfolk, who teaches at the women's gymnasium. : Tomsk chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1901. – No. 234 (October 28). – S. 2

On Ushayka, following the example of previous years, a skating rink is arranged by the Society for Physical Development. The contract for the construction of the building was taken over by one contractor for 280 rubles. with the condition that the skating rink be ready by November 10th. Work has already begun for about a month, and the skating rink, they say, will be ready in early November.The Council for free use of the place occupied by the rink of physical development took the obligation to split the entire area of ​​the ice occupied by the ice drift, in order to avoid damage to the market bridge, and if it is impossible to fulfill the above obligation, the Council of the Company will be entered. This item is the amount.
[On the Ushaka: Tomsk Chronicle] // Siberian life. – 1898. – No. 230 (October 28). – S. 3

29th of October

The other day in Sib. M. Several statues were placed on the advertisements of Cosmos, widely printed in Siberian and Russian newspapers. Due to the fact that some part of the Siberian public attaches to these advertisements to this, we are from the words “SIB. T.-P. Gas. We give the following letter to the Russian Consulate General in Berlin:
“The Russian Imperial Consulate General in Berlin has recently been received by complaints that the Cosmos publishing company, which invited the Russian newspapers to subscription to the Russian weekly journal and promised to send three rubles except for three rubles except This magazine is also the ring “Crown”, standing 45 rubles, deceived the faces who sent money, and does not give a magazine or ring. ”
From the given letter it is clear with what confidence should be treated with the advertisements of the Berlin company Cosmos.
[On advertising of the company Cosmos: Tomsk life] // Siberian life. – 1906. – No. 218 (October 29). – S. 3

The street goes along the street with an important look and a steppe gait in an expensive raccoon fur coat.
– Ivan! You?! – Okliks his Blue Chuyka.

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