
Novomoskovsk News

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Novomoskovsk News


They just kicked us out and closed the doors in front of us ….

More than ten people this morning came to the administration building in order to personally listen to the head of the city and ask him questions that worry Novomoskovites so much. We officially registered and even took part in public hearings on budget execution for 2020. The received mandate gave us the right to vote, and for a moment it seemed to me that we are ordinary people, it turns out that we can also take an active part in the life of the city. But then there were events full of cynicism, disrespect and outright lawlessness. Before the start of Biryulina's report, an employee of the prosecutor's office, as it turned out later, deputy city prosecutor Zygorenko, began to insist that we be taken out of the meeting room under any pretext. When the men declared their legal rights to be present at the meeting of the assembly of deputies, the mayor of the city of Prophets announced that the meeting would not begin until we all left the premises. Prorokov made it clear that the residents who voted for them in the elections, for them, no one is going to bear responsibility to them. We were strongly advised to leave the hall and watch Biryulin's report on TV in another room. Having promised that Biryulin would definitely answer our questions, which we would pass on to him, we left the hall, and the administration staff closed the doors behind us.
Of course, these promises of Prorokov turned out to be another lie, having received questions from us, Biryulin silently read them and declared that he would not answer them. At that moment it was painful for me to realize that these people run our city, what other results can we expect from their activities? The only thing that pleased me was the position of deputy Vedeneev, who was the only one who voted against the adoption of Biryulin's report without assessing his activities as head.

Novomoskovsk News


Parents of Novomoskovsk began collecting signatures for the return of the maternity hospital to the city

Activists of the group parents of Novomoskovsk Yatskina Natalya, Sumenkova A. M., Rogova Tatyana, Vasilyeva A. V. made an appeal in which they demand to return to the city the department of gynecology in full and the maternity hospital, which worked even during the Great Patriotic War! ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

Novomoskovsk News


“Dear children, we have received a huge number of letters of support from you. We are very grateful to you. We promise we won't let you down. And we will not retreat until we complete our combat mission to the end.

Servicemen in the special operation zone in Ukraine received letters from young Tula residents. The letters were written as part of the action Defenders of the Fatherland.

#Silav Rera #Zaruskymi

Novomoskovsk News


⚡⚡⚡Residents of Novomoskovsk are alarmed by the possible closure of women's consultation

The other day, information about the closure of the Women's Consultation on Sadovsky Street in Novomoskovsk appeared on social networks. Until today, this information has not been officially refuted. According to the information of the Novomoskovsk Today publication, the consultation will be transferred to the building of the children's hospital in the microdistrict. What fate will be waiting for the gynecological department, which is located in the building of the antenatal clinic on the second and third floor is unknown. At the moment, due to repairs in the building, patients of the gynecological department are going to be treated for 60 km in Tula.

Novomoskovsk News


✅Singer from Novomoskovsk Yaroslav Dronov received the Music Box Gold Award

Novomoskovets Yaroslav Dronov, speaking under the creative pseudonym Shaman, became the owner of the Music Box Gold Award.

“Yesterday there was an important event. I received my very first, large musical award in the nomination “Golden Hit” for my song “Get up!” ” Yaroslav thanked the fans for the support.

Yaroslav Dronov (Shaman) – was born in 1991. In the city of Novomoskovsk, the Tula region – singer, composer and poet. He began to constantly concert from 4 years, took part in many Russian and international competitions. He writes music, poems, arrangement for his songs. Within the framework of his new creative project, he took the pseudonym Shaman.

Novomoskovsk News


✅Veteran from Knolova became the star Tik-Tok

The veteran of the Great Patriotic War Mikhail Rybkin became the star of the social network Tik-Tok. The video with the participation of a 104-year-old resident of the Uzlovsky district gained 1.5 million views.

Mikhail Yakovlevich was born in 1917 in the village of Rakitino. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degree, medals For Courage, For Military Merit, For the Liberation of Warsaw, For the Capture of Berlin, For the Defense of the Caucasus, and also The awards “Veteran of Labor”, “In honor of the 70th anniversary of the defense of Tula and the beginning of the counterattack near Moscow”, the medal “70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

In the video, he tells his front story, saying: “I was there! Mariupol passed! ” The old fighter turns to our military participants in the special operation in Ukraine: “Russian soldiers! Get your own! Return home with victory! We don't throw our own!

Novomoskovsk News


Novomoskovsk News


✅In Tula, the child began to suffocate during lunch: the boy who suffered clinical death was saved by doctors

In Tula, doctors slept a five -year -old child from suffocation. The incident occurred on July 31 in the village of Molodezhny. Today, the Ministry of Health has unveiled information. The boy began to choke at home during lunch with his family. Parents called an ambulance. By the time of the arrival of doctors, the child was no longer breathing, and his heart stopped. On the spot, a resuscitator Irina Timonina and paramedic Yuri Zhilikov worked on the spot.

– By the time of our arrival, the parents carried the child out of the apartment to the street. We immediately started resuscitation measures: intubated the trachea, performed an indirect heart massage, started artificial ventilation of the lungs. Three minutes later, the boy's heartbeat recovered, he began to breathe, – said Timonina.

The child was connected to a ventilator and taken to the children's regional hospital. His condition was assessed as extremely serious.

– On the second day the child's condition stabilized, the patient was transferred to the pulmonology department. The child was examined by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, pulmonologist and other specialists, and the inflammatory process in the lungs was prevented. The boy was discharged home on the 9th day in a satisfactory condition, which is extremely rare after a clinical death, said Natalya Gaponova, head of the pulmonology department of the hospital.

The boy's mother said that now he feels well. She thanks the doctors for saving her son's life.

Doctors also remind that if a child swallows a foreign object or begins to choke while eating, you should immediately call an ambulance and do not try to apply any first aid techniques on your own. The object may move and cause airway obstruction.

Novomoskovsk News


Novomoskovsk News


✅Haval plant in Tula region goes on corporate vacation

The Haval plant in the Tula region will suspend the production of cars in connection with a corporate holiday. The holiday will last from April 30 to May 15, the press service of the Russian office of the company reports.

The company will return to work on Monday, May 16.

During the downtime, the plant will carry out an inventory and maintenance of equipment. This should not affect the supply of cars, especially since in the first quarter the brand's sales grew by 27% – 8311 cars were sold.

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Novomoskovsk News



Missing #Chelnakov Ivan Igorevich, 16 years old.

settlement #Esukovsky, #Yasnogorsky district, #Tula region.

On March 6, 2022, he left home and did not return.

Forum thread: https://vk.cc/cbGbvr
Inforg: Cousin (Anastasia) 89065304669, Lorena + 7 915 684-56-88

#LizaAlert #LizaAlertTula #LostMan

Novomoskovsk News



Missing #Oleynikov Stanislav Nikolaevich, 35 years old.

As of March 29, 2022, his whereabouts are unknown.

Forum topic: https://vk.cc/ccl6bz
Inforg: Cousin (Anastasia) 89065304669

We ask you to provide any information about the whereabouts of the missing person by calling the detachment's hotline or 112

#LizaAlert #LizaAlertTula #LostMan

Novomoskovsk News


May be in the Tula region!
Attention! Help find a person!
Missing #Brown Nikolay Lvovich, 62 years old, p. #Dobrynikh, g.o. #Domodedovo, MO.
As of March 23, 2022, his whereabouts are unknown.
Infogi: Krasikova Lyudmila 89175396263, Maman Julia 89267004966, Yosya Svetlana 89041010625
Forum thread: https://lizaalert.org/forum/viewtopic.ph…

#LizaAlert #LizaAlert #Missing_man

Novomoskovsk News



Missing #Machulsky Vladimir Vladimirovich, 54 years old.

Since March 21, 2022, its whereabouts are unknown.

Topic on the forum: https://vk.cc/cd1fym
Info: Kuzena (Anastasia) – 89065304669

We ask you to inform any information about the whereabouts of the disappearance of the detachment by phone or 112

#Lizaalet #lizaalattula #miss

Novomoskovsk News


✅The best proposal is only in the city clinic: a medical board for category A and in only 1000 ₽, categories C, D, E – 1800 ₽!

Address: Novomoskovsk, st. Parkovaya, d. 9

Record and additional information by phone: 9-70-03, 8-919-070-03-03

The website of the clinic https://gp-parkovaya9.ru

Dear motorists!
Since March 1, 2022, the country has a new order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2021 No. 1092n. He made a number of changes in the order of the medical commission. In particular, the form itself changed.

Now, to start the passage of a medical commission, you first need to get it from us. Because the mark on the passage of doctors of narcological and psychiatric dispensaries is now affixed in the form itself. The list of all doctors remained the same.

In connection with the late receipt of forms from the printing house, we decided to thank our awaiting patients and set for April and May 2022 a special price: 1000 rubles per commission for category A and B and 1800 rubles for category C, D, E.

Hurry up to take advantage of the best offer in the city!

Novomoskovsk News


✅Hitler's personal pilot in Stalinogorsk

The other day, the FSB of Russia published archival documents about the death of the leader of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler and his close associates in April 1945. In particular, they have the testimony of Hitler’s personal pilot of the SS Gans Bauer Groupenfuhrer. Soon he was sent to Stalinogorsk.

A piercing wind blew between the barracks. There was little from the local Stalinogorsk coal, it barely smoldered in the furnace and almost did not give heat, but sometimes we managed to get coal saturated with rational gas. The walls of the hut were covered with ice. All of us were weighed down by uncertainty. Legal car weeded. Legal machine I set up on a signal from Moscow, but it was reflected in no way for us. The last echelons of 1949 went home without us. Some went crazy, they could not understand the essence of the events that took place. They rebelled from time to time. Both then and then and then. Later, someone elected the easiest way to get away from reality-he tried to take scores with life! Mail did not reach us. Cold and devastation reigned around us and in our souls.

I was very inhospitable by former Western partners, and now the German prisoners of war, the city of Stalinogorsk, now Novomoskovsk, Tula region. The personal pilot Hans Baur was delayed in Russia since on May 2, 1945 after the suicide of Hitler, while trying to break through to the west, he was captured by Soviet troops and taken to Moscow. Over the next five years, Baur was kept in Butyrka prison. Then, on May 31, 1950, the military tribunal of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow District sentenced him to 25 years in the camps.He was sent to prisoner-of-war camp No. 388 in Stalinogorsk, worked at mine No. 26. However, already on October 8, 1955, Baur was transferred to the German authorities among the non-amnestied criminals.

Left memories. The Stalinogorsk period of Hitler's personal pilot on the site Stalinogorsk 1941:

In the photo: 1) Adolf Hitler and his pilot Hans Baur (right), first half of the 1940s.
2) Card of Hans Baur, December 13, 1945. Destination: Stalinogorsk. FSB of Russia.

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