Planting peach seedlings since autumn – agro garden

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Agro Garden is a private collection nursery of seedlings of fruit trees. One of the leading in the presented assortment of varieties of fruit trees in Ukraine.

Planting peach seedlings since autumn

February 15, 2015 Yuri Alekseevich Kovalchuk

Planting peach seedlings since autumn

Persian seedlings are planted from the beginning of October before frost in November. Sometimes landing is carried out in December, if weather conditions allow. Usually we plant seedlings in the garden after implementation in the fall – the end of November – December. Naturally, you can plant earlier. With stable frosts below 5-6 degrees below zero-seedlings do not plant. Surrosics with subsequent warming are not terrible for planting.

After planting, the seedlings are immediately cut. How to cut peaches after planting can be seen in our video about the correct trim of seedlings in the first year

Autumn and spring pruning of annual peaches during landing are the same.

Usually, if you do not cut the seedlings, they disappear. The excessive load on the root and winter make themselves felt. Cut the peach briefly, to a height of 50-80 cm, sometimes below, leaving several side branches in the upper part of the stem, if any and cutting them into the first pair of buds.

After planting and regular watering (at least once a week 1-2 buckets of water depending on soil moisture, followed by and mandatory mulching of planting pits) before frosts, the initial processing of the new deposits of the Bordeaux mixture is performed (3% or 300 g of copper sulfate and 400 g lime for 10 liters of water). The burgundy mixture should be of high quality – proper preparation and good quality ingredients for its preparation (to make a neutral mix of the mixture, lakmusuvo paper is used for the dough). A well -prepared mixture gives a bluish tint of liquid, after spraying firmly and for a long time remaining on the trunks of trees, while having a look of blue whitewashing on the trees. Over time, the mixture is washed with rains. With warm winters, spraying is also performed over the winter months. It happens during the winter to spray up to 4 times. It is also recommended to wear white bags (from under sugar, flour) on trees trunks. They prevent the weathing of trunks in winter and protect against drainage. It should be understood that this procedure will not prevent the freezing of trees in general, but only preserves the trees. Thus, the kidneys are well preserved and in the spring the minimum attacks in the garden. A good survival rate of peach (including nectarine) is 80-85% of planted trees.

If you do not process the tree in the winter and neglect another agricultural technique of peach – the death of new posts can reach 100%. Recall that peaches and nectarians need one of the highest agricultural technicians in growing among all fruit crops.Cultivation according to the principle “planted in the fall and came when the fruits are ripe” is not good. Trees will disappear not in the first, but in subsequent years.

In early spring, spraying is carried out with Delan (suitable at low temperatures) and at temperatures above 10 degrees – Soon. The following treatments are carried out at intervals of 10-12 days, depending on the weather. Dry weather does not contribute to the development of fungal diseases – you can process less frequently.

– Correct and MANDATORY pruning after planting.
– Watering and mulching.
– Processing with Bordeaux mixture in the winter (Bordeaux mixture must be properly made using quality ingredients).
– Shelter of the stems of new settlements with bags or other materials that allow air to pass through.
– Preventive spraying of peach in the middle of winter with Bordeaux mixture (2-4 times with an interval of 1 month)
– Early spring processing of trees (Soon at a temperature of +10 gr, Delan – less than +10 gr). With the onset of a stable temperature above +15 gr, Skor is alternated with Topaz. Combined preparations can be used (for example, Jack Pot – a combination of Skora and Topaz). Processing every 10 days throughout the growing season. Processing is stopped 30 days before harvesting, after harvesting – again continue according to the same scheme.

This peach processing scheme has been developed empirically, on which more than one year has been spent. Apply it in your garden and get the desired result. We do not use other drugs and methods and do not know how they will prove themselves.

I want to note that about 99% of complaints about non-rooted seedlings relate specifically to peach and nectarine crops, due to the extreme difficulty of growing at the crop level, especially during the last 5-7 years with warm winters.

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