
1C-Bitrix – Online store of a department store; Child's world.

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Department store Children's world – the leader in sales of children's toys, clothes, shoes of famous brands. The online store was created for the convenience of finding the right products, easy ordering and buying toys.

Online store of the department store Children's World

Kyiv department store Children's World has grown to the largest trading platform for children's stores in Ukraine and is not going to stop. But the conceived online project in 6 years has turned from a functional site into an old-fashioned resource that has ceased to attract customers. After reviewing the possibilities of online business, the company relaunched the online store on a new platform and increased its attendance by 11 times.

The Detsky Mir department store has been operating in Kyiv for six years. During this time, it has established itself as the largest platform where the best children's stores in the country are collected. In them you can find any product that a child needs: from toys, clothes and cosmetics to children's furniture. At the same time, all products have hygienic conclusions and quality certificates.

The life of young parents requires a lot of attention to their children, so there is absolutely no time for long shopping trips in search of the right things. In 2009, Detsky Mir opened its first online store to make their life easier and help them with quality shopping for children. But instead of the expected profit and growth, the store had a low conversion rate and a high percentage of abandoned carts. The main problem in sales was that the platform used did not allow integration with the 1C accounting system. The site posted outdated information on product balances and often had to cancel customer orders.


In addition, content managers constantly complained to management that it was difficult to create promotional offers in the administrative panel of the previous platform without special knowledge. Therefore, the design of the content part of the site has become too chaotic.

“Because of these problems, the old version of the online store could not be called successful in sales. Rather, it was a corporate catalog that presented the wide possibilities of the trading platform, but did not satisfy the needs of customers in any way, ”explains Yuri Ukhanov, head of the WebVision studio.

At the end of 2015, the director of the department store decided to bring order to the online business of Detsky Mir and turn the online store into a full-fledged platform for customer communications and sales. The new site should become bright and convenient both for visitors and for partners and the company's staff.

“We wanted to solve two important business problems with one platform. Firstly, to create a functional online store for parents, which has full-fledged search and filtering tools, is able to generate trade offers, has modern services for paying for purchases and communicating with visitors.Secondly, as part of the new site, it is necessary to introduce an information portal about the department store itself, which will tell about its capabilities and will attract new tenants and partners to cooperation,” says Dmitry Polutov, Detsky Mir.


The development of this project, from the terms of reference to the opening of the site, was carried out by the WebVision web studio. The developers advised using the 1C-Bitrix: Site Management platform as a platform for an online store. The main argument was that it easily integrates with 1C and has a simple content management system with access rights. You can manage the properties of goods directly from the main page of the site by turning on the Edit mode.

A few months later, Detsky Mir was completely updated and received its own unique design and adaptive version for any mobile device. It has become much more convenient and informative. Now all visitors have access to only those products that are definitely in stock. The developers set up a constant synchronization of the warehouse balances of retail stores with the online store.


When setting up smart filters, a detailed analysis of all product categories was carried out to make the search system logical and convenient for any category of buyers. Now visitors can sort all products by category, price, age, brand, size and series. Pleasantly surprised by the unusual function of automatic selection of a gift for a child. To do this, you need to specify his age and gender, and the system itself will offer a suitable product to choose from.


Special attention was paid to the Promotions section. In the administrative panel, it became possible to “link” each product to a particular promotion. At the same time, for each special offer there is a separate page with a list of goods or categories of goods that participate in it. You can get to this page both through the main menu of the site, and by clicking on the small banner Promotion on the page of the promotional product.

At the request of the customer, the developers created a fully customized checkout page. Its main concept is taken from the top European online stores. The page is divided into two blocks. On the left is a product, its price, quantity, an order button without registration with a contact phone number. And on the right is a simple form with basic data, by filling out which the client immediately receives comprehensive information on his order. According to the developer's observations, this choice significantly increased the conversion of purchases in the online store.


It was possible to combine the interests of different visitors on one site. In addition to buyers of children's goods, potential tenants of trading floors can find the necessary information for themselves. For them, a section To the Department Store has been created. In it, you can get acquainted with all the documentation for the lease, “walk” around the shopping center using a virtual tour and leave a detailed application for renting the site.


Promising increase in offline traffic

A few months after the launch of the online store on the new platform, the monthly attendance of the resource increased from 1,000 to 11,000 visits. In December 2015, on the eve of the New Year holidays, this figure reached 40,000. A few years after the release at the online store Children's World finally received a significant increase in offline traffic.

Now the department store is aimed at the active development of its new online store, but is not ready to reveal its plans for the future.

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