Work in the betting league – Moscow: Reviews of employees about work and company 2019-2020

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Interested in work in the Moscow betting league and what is the salary? We have reviews of employees of 2019-2020 about the employer of the betting league.

Work in the betting league – Moscow

I came to the company in 2017 to the position of the cashier on the advice of a friend, which described the betting league as a stable company with decent wages.
I had no experience in the bookmaking, but I decided to try it. They promised a shift schedule, and there is a prospect of career growth (this attracted me, as she wanted to grow professionally).

On training and internship, it was pleasantly surprised by the attitude of employees to new colleagues. Always took part and helped. At the first stage, I immediately realized that I was here.

In the club I did not feel any discomfort, cleanly, pleasantly at the workplace.

I will return to my original goal, to grow professionally). Working as a cashier, of course I wanted more, and I decided to try my hand in a new position that was opened at that time. Successfully passed the interview, and the company gave me this opportunity! For almost 2 years now I have been working in a new profession in the office.

Comparing the betting league in 2017 and today, I see that the company is changing. Training was translated into a remote format, which is very convenient. Personally, I have more professional skills and competencies.
Salary payments are never delayed.

By the way, the location is very convenient that the clubs are located next to the metro (if possible) that the office.

Of the minuses – it used to be more difficult to understand the calculation of the SP, but now this problem is not.

He worked as an employee of technical support on the 1st line.

-There are night shifts, but attention .. There are no compensations for them. That is, you work 2 nights in a row from 21 to 9 in the morning, relax this day on which you left the shift and the next. In fact, you have 1 day off, because the first day you are stupidly sleeping.

-Id number of applications in technical support. I had to close 100+ applications for a shift. This not normal.

-The pristently everything does not work, critical services are falling off. You will guard yet until it falls off and how a fool call the responsible that everything has broken up of the ramp. And nothing more depends on you. Nobody will give you access at least the minimum to administering these services.

-Crow -handed unprofessional programmers in the company developing software for the company. Serious mistakes, arrears that are not corrected for months. The releases of new versions where some important function does not work is the norm here. Again, you will have to understand all this shit, collect information, process a ton of applications.

-They promised wages up to 70 thousand if you work well. In principle, such money can be earned. But you first need to work without a single error and violations of the regulations of which there is a lot and not all of them are adequate.Secondly, it is necessary to take additional shifts, which means working without weekends for 12 hours.

-I did not observe the nickel career growth of the promised in the resume. The department has smart guys who have been working for a very long time in this position, but everyone continues to sit on the 1st line. I do not think that someone in the leadership is interested in the development of employees.

-You will not have a personal place. You will divide the table, the computer with other technical support staff. Maybe someone is not critical, but I did not like it very much. It is noisy on the opening, it interferes with working. Located close with the toilet and sometimes sorry just smells.

-The head of the department Zabin Ivan performs purely bureaucratic duties. It reveals violations for the execution of applications, controls the workflow, issues ZP (it is in the company of black). I’m not sure that he is just an IT specialist and understands something. So judge your development prospects. Do you want to work under the guidance of such a specialist?
The higher manager of Bochkov on this department in the speculature he wanted to sneeze.

-Lucked the usual collection. In general, how to do your job will tell you and show that there are no complaints about this. But in general, the atmosphere is like this. There are also toxic people with whom it is not very pleasant to work.

I do not advise you to go here to work. You will not get any useful experience. Even for starting, work in terms of development is very bad. You will not become a good sought -after ITshnik at such a job, just connecting to people on TeamViewer, correcting their jambs on the little things. If you are not crooked, you know a lot at least in theory, if you want to develop in it, believe me, work here you do not need at all for a while. I’m ashamed even then at the interview will tell you what you did here if you still decide to go much higher.

Come here to work here only if you really need money and no one gives a 45-50 thousand as here and you are ready to endure the above

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