What is a healthy lifestyle

What is a healthy lifestyle: recommendations and advice

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What is a healthy lifestyle and what points make up this concept. Rational nutrition, physical activity, rest and work regimen.

Human health and its dependence on lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is a complex concept that includes many components. This includes all spheres of human existence – from nutrition to emotional mood. This is a way of life, aimed at completely changing the old habits regarding food, physical activity and rest.

What is a healthy lifestyle

In this article, we will try to consider in detail all the components of a healthy lifestyle, as well as to study the factors that prevent a person from gaining health and psycho-emotional balance.

general information

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is due to the increase and change in the nature of the loads on the human body due to the increase in the risks of technogenic and environmental nature, the complication of the social structure. In the current situation, concern for the health and well-being of the individual is associated with the survival and preservation of man as a species.

Healthy lifestyle

It is impossible to explain what a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is in a few words. According to the official definition, it is a way of life aimed at promoting health and preventing diseases. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle as a philosophical and sociological trend consider this concept as a global problem and an integral part of public life. There are other aspects of the concept of healthy lifestyle – psychological and pedagogical, medical and biological, but there is no sharp distinction between them, since they all solve the same problem – strengthening the health of the individual.

Medical specialists believe that 50% of health depends on lifestyle, the rest of the factors of influence are distributed as follows: environment – 20%, genetic base – 20%, level of health care – 10%.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite and necessary condition for:

  • Full development of various aspects of human life;
  • Achievement by a person of active longevity;
  • Active participation of a person of any age in social, labor, family activities.

Interest in this topic arose relatively recently (in the 70s of the XX century) and was associated with a change in the lifestyle of a modern person, an increase in life expectancy, a global change in the human environment, and an increase in the influence of environmental factors on human health.

Modern people began to lead a less mobile lifestyle, eat more food and have more free time. At the same time, the speed of life has increased significantly, which has increased the number of stress factors. Doctors note that the number of hereditary diseases is increasing every year.In this regard, the question becomes very relevant how to remain healthy (spiritually and physically) and at the same time live long and actively.

The benefits of the regime of the day

How to lead a healthy lifestyle? First you should reconsider the daily routine. Not a single schedule of a healthy life can include a retreat to sleep after midnight and awakening at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. If you do not have enough time for business during the day, you need to either reduce the amount of affairs, or do them faster. This requires a systematic approach to the distribution of time.

The need for rational nutrition

Any recommendations on a healthy lifestyle necessarily include tips on rational nutrition.

Healthy nutrition is a very extensive concept (voluminous scientific works are written about this), however, the basic principles of the rational approach to food are as follows:

Berries and cereals with milk

  • Limitation of animal fats;
  • A significant limitation of animal protein foods (it is recommended to use mainly dietary varieties of meat – poultry, rabbit);
  • Inclusion in the menu of an increased number of plant products;
  • The exclusion of “fast” carbohydrates from the everyday diet-sweets, mesh, soda, fast food, chips and other “garbage” food;
  • Transition to fractional nutrition (a small amount of food per dose);
  • Exclusion of a late dinner;
  • Food only fresh foods;
  • Optimal drinking mode;
  • Optimization of the amount of food – it must correspond to energy costs;
  • Exception of alcohol, restriction of coffee and strong tea.

Active lifestyle

Physical Education

Reasonable propaganda of a healthy lifestyle necessarily includes points regarding physical activity. The achievements of science and technology greatly facilitated human life, but at the same time significantly reduced its motor activity. People walk less and less: now you can order and receive goods and products without leaving home.

However, to maintain the functional status of the body, movement is simply necessary. Beginners should practice a healthy lifestyle should be given to physical exercises at least 30 minutes a day: motor activity is one of the main factors affecting human health. What kind of type of physical activity to deal with – everyone decides for himself, in accordance with his age, temperament and capabilities.

  • Classes in the gym;
  • Sports walking or running;
  • Classes in the pool;
  • Bicycle rides;
  • Gymnastics homework;
  • Yoga and gymnastics of qigong.

Rejection of addictions

Smoking, alcohol, harmful food addictions (salty foods, chips, sweets, soda) – all these are factors that destroy health. A healthy and conscious life implies a categorical rejection of the above “pleasures” in favor of healthier options. The rejection of bad habits is a key point for all healthy lifestyle adherents – where the practice should begin.

Strengthening the body and prevention of diseases

The list of factors contributing to the strengthening of health must include procedures to strengthen the body and hardening. An increase in immune status is a comprehensive event requiring a phased and patient incarnation. You can strengthen the body with the help of pharmacy drugs that increase protective forces (eleutherococcus, ginseng tincture), home herbal preparations, as well as by hardening.

Cooling is not necessarily bathing in the hole and dousing with cold water. To begin with, a regular contrast shower is suitable: at the same time, the temperature difference at the initial stage can be minimal. The body hardening increases the immune status, strengthens the vascular system, stimulates the autonomic nervous system and raises the overall tone of the body.

Be sure to monitor the state of the psyche and the nervous system. Excitement, stress, tension, irritability – direct causes of early aging. In addition, the nervous state negatively affects physiological processes and promotes pathological changes in the tissue and cellular structures of the body. And one more thing – if you are angry and nervous, do it openly, do not copy negative emotions in yourself.

People after 45 years are recommended to regularly undergo a full -fledged clinical examination: with age, the risk of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease increases significantly. The identification of these and other ailments at an early stage is the basis of successful therapy.

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