Website of school No. 3 in Ukhta Republic of Komi – Information about active days

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Information about activated days on the website of the IOGO Ukhta; on the page of EDDS MOGO Ukhta VKontakte Update of information for the first shift from 06.00 to

Information about activated days

on the website of the IGO Ukhta; On the page EDDS MOGO Ukhta VKontakte
Update information for the first shift from 06.00 before 06.15, for the second shift from 10.00 before 10.15
by phone at the operational duty officer of the EDDS MOGO Ukhta 75-27-57; 76-00-90.

Decree of the administration of the Municipal Public Organization Ukhta dated August 1, 2019 No. 2423 On the procedure for restricting visits to organizations engaged in educational activities on the territory of the municipality of the urban district Ukhta for different age groups of students, under adverse meteorological conditions, read.

The decision to activate the training sessions is made at 06:00 in the morning for the 1st shift, at 10:00 in the morning for the 2nd shift, jointly by the Department of Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Administration of the MDGO Ukhta and the MU Department of Education of the Administration of the MDGO Ukhta, on the basis of outside air temperature and wind speed data taken by employees of the Ukhta meteorological service at a special meteorological site.

Criteria for announcing an activation day:

Classes in educational institutions are canceled with the following weather indicators:

– from 1 to 4 classes at t -30-32 degrees Celsius,

– from 1 to 7 classes at t -33-35 degrees Celsius,

– from 1 to 9 classes at t -36-37 degrees Celsius,

– from 1 to 11 classes at t -38 degrees Celsius and below.

In the presence of wind, the comfort of the outside air decreases, so for every 2m/s the temperature index decreases by 1 degree.

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