The results of the use of products in oncological diseases. Website asterpavl!

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The results of the use of products in oncological diseases. Woman, 54 years old, pos. Tim, Kursk region. Myeloma within 2 years. He takes chemotherapy. At the start

The results of the use of products in oncological diseases.

Woman, 54 years old, pos. Tim, Kursk region. Myeloma within 2 years. He takes chemotherapy. At the time of the start of taking ASTER products, blood parameters: leukocytes – 2.2, hemoglobin – 105 g/l, ESR – 75 mm/h. I took Secret of Tibet 30 ml per day, Bright Dream and Pride of the Ocean 4 capsules per day, Golden Pearl 3 capsules per day, phytobalm Tibet Herbs. Result: condition improved, active, energetic. Blood parameters: leukocytes 2.7, hemoglobin – 133 g/l, ESR – 10 mm/h. Continues to receive products.

Woman 50 years old, Dnipro, Ukraine. Lymphogranulomatosis 2 tbsp. She took 10 courses of chemotherapy. On the background of chemotherapy, she took The Secret of Tbet 3 ml 5 times a day, Pride of the Ocean and Bright Dream 1 capsule 3 times a day, Golden Pearl 2 capsules 2 times a day. She tolerated all the chemotherapy sessions perfectly – there was no nausea, the blood test was normal after each session, and her working capacity was high.

Woman, 50 years old, Semey, Kazakhstan. Cancer of the left breast. Metastases in the liver. Condition after mastectomy. I took shock doses of Secrets of Tibet, capsules Pride of the Ocean, Golden Pearl, Bright Dream. She tolerated chemotherapy well. Notes improvement in general condition. Continues to receive products.

Woman 45 years old. Semey, Kazakhstan. Cancer of the left kidney with metastases in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes on the left. Suspicion of metastatic lesions of the right kidney and ovary. Metabolically active node in the left lobe of the thyroid gland. Inpatient treatment was not carried out, she was discharged for treatment at the place of residence. Lost 23 kg. She accepted the products of the McAster trademark in a complex in full according to the scheme. Extract Mystery of Tibet 1 bottle per day, gel capsules Golden Pearl 2 caps. 2 times a day; Pride of the Ocean 2 caps. 3 times a day; Bright Dream 2 caps. in a day. Result: after 6 months the condition improved. No signs of metastases were found at the follow-up examination. Continues to accept ASTER products. Lives a full life.

Woman, 45 years old. Yakutsk. In June 2015, she was operated on for uterine fibroids. During the operation, stage 3 uterine cancer was discovered. Metastases in the liver, large intestine, left lung. Ascites and left-sided pleurisy (fluid in the abdominal and pleural cavities). The oncologist said that the disease was started, the condition was serious, and she suggested looking for alternative methods of treatment. I took The Secret of Tibet 5 ml 3 times a day, The Best Protection tea 400 ml a day. The oncologist gave minimal doses of chemotherapy. The woman really liked The Secret of Tibet.During the next examination before the second course of chemotherapy, metastases in the lung and fluid in the pleural cavity were not detected, in other organs, metastases decreased. In August, all tests were normal. When she received chemotherapy, she took the secret of Tibet at 5 – 10 ml 4 – 5 times a day. She noted that, at the same time, she easily tolerated chemotherapy without side effects. In December 2015, she underwent an operation to remove the primary tumor to one stage, because By this time, all metastases resolved. Since February 2016, she went to work. Continues the preventive technique of Secrets of Tibet and Best Protection.

Woman, 36 years old. G. Zhlobin, Belarus. Puhol in the mammary gland. An operation was scheduled. Doctors warned that the scar would be about 6 cm. She received our products since October 2016: “The Secret of Tibet”, “Bright Dream”, “The Pride of the Ocean”, “Golden Pearl”, and Tea Balms. To date (02/20/2017), after the examination, the operation has been canceled. Continues to receive products. She, her relatives and friends are grateful and happy, and, too, accept our products.

Man, 35 years old. Kazan. Cyst of sinus sinuses. The removal operation was scheduled. Within a month, the secret of Tibet dripped into the nose. When a preoperative examination (3D is a picture of the maxillary sinuses) was underwent, the doctors were surprised to cancel the operation, because Cysts did not find. She resolved.

Woman 68 years old. Smolensk. Quick -growing brain meningioma. Strong headaches were worried. An operation was scheduled at the Institute. Burdenko (it was necessary to wait for the queue for 2 months). I took the secret of Tibet 5 ml 2 times a day, bright dream 2 capsules 3 times a day. She lived before the operation without painful, unbearable headaches. Safely underwent the operation to remove the tumor.

Man, 69 years old. G. Nizhny Novgorod. The diagnosis of sigmoid cancer was made in December 2010. In January 2011, it was operated on, a stoma was brought to the front abdominal wall. In April 2011, he met the products of our company and began to take a bio -edition with cordyceps and Lynchi of 30 ml per day, the capsules Golden Pearl, bright Dream, Dragon Power, Energy of Life for 2 capsules a day, a teaspoon Balm Best Protection 2 to 3 glasses per day. According to this scheme, I took it within 1 month, then the dose of a liquid bio -ethrient was reduced by half for the next 2 months. In May, the stoma was removed and the natural function of the large intestine was restored. From the 4th month he constantly accepts the “secret of Tibet” of 5 ml per day in combination with capsules.

He notes an improvement in well -being from the first days of reception of health -improving products of the Mcaster brand, a sense of confidence and protection.

Analyzes: 04/29/2011 09/24/2014

Marker SA-19-9 5.16 3.0

Antigen 1.36 0.97

Hemoglobin 117 150

Leukocytes 4.7 5.7

red blood cells 24.6 33

Platelets 342 239

Woman 50 years old. Ussuriysk. Inoperable breast cancer with metastases in the spine, 4 stages.

Oncologists are prescribed symptomatic palliative treatment at home. Lay.Started taking products in January 2012: liquid form with cordyceps and lingzhi, 1 bottle per day, “Bright Dream” capsules, 4 pcs. per day, capsules Pride of the Ocean 2 pcs. per day, capsules Golden Pearl 4 pcs. in a day. Under this scheme, took 5 months. After 3 months from the beginning of the reception, she got up, well tolerated 6 courses of chemotherapy prescribed by oncologists. Over the next 5 months, she took a liquid form with cordyceps and lingzhi, 10 ml per day, “Bright Dream” capsules, 3 pcs. per day, capsules Golden Pearl 3 pcs. in a day. The general state of health has significantly improved, the tumor has decreased from a large and tuberous to a cyst., The mammary gland has taken its usual form. Continues to receive TM McAster products and follow-up and treatment at the oncology dispensary.

Woman, 50 years old. Kazan. Uterine cancer. I took The Secret of Tibet 10 ml per day for a month before the operation. She easily underwent surgery. Histologically, the cancer was not verified in the postoperative material. There are no metastases. Continues preventive intake of products.

Woman, 39 years old. Kaliningrad. Inoperable brain tumor. Hemiparesis. Violation of speech. Severe headaches. Morphine was used as an anesthetic. Moved in a wheelchair. On the background of chemotherapy, major epileptic seizures appeared, after which she could not get out of bed for 3 days. I took The Secret of Tibet 1 bottle a day, Bright Dream capsules, 2 pcs. 2 times a day. After 2 months of admission, she began to walk, cook food, her speech was completely restored. The pains have stopped. Large epileptic seizures turned into small ones. The quality of life has improved significantly. I began to get to know and communicate with relatives. She died in her sleep without pain.

Woman 59 years old. Since January 2012, I have been suffering from pain in the lower abdomen. Seeked for medical help. In April, a colonoscopy revealed an intestinal polyp.

In July, she was referred for a consultation with an oncologist. From January to July, no treatment was given. Independently during this period, she took Cordyceps and Lingzhi and Propolis and Lingzhi 5 ml 3 times a day, alternating with each other, capsules Golden Pearl 2 pcs. 3 times a day, Pride of the Ocean 2 pcs., Bright Dream and Life Energy 1 pc each, tea balm Emperor's Secret 1 sachet per 1 liter of water per day. On July 13, 2102, during an abdominal operation to remove a neoplasm of the sigmoid colon, cancer without metastases was verified. Produced partial resection of the intestine with a tumor. She easily tolerated anesthesia and surgery. On the 5th day after the operation, she began to take Cordyceps and Lingzhi 10 ml 2 times a day. After discharge from the hospital, she added tea balm Secret of the Emperor, capsules Golden Pearl and Pride of the Ocean, 2 pcs. 3 times a day. Feeling good and in a good mood. Gained weight. At the control examination in October 2012, tests and ultrasound were normal. Radiation and chemotherapy were not prescribed as unnecessary. Continues to receive products.

Woman, 50 years old, Rechitsa. Inoperable cancer of the mammary gland, metastases in the liver, lungs. 4 tbsp. Chemotherapy passed. The pronounced weakness, shortness of breath and cough were worried, especially at night, did not go out into the street. Within 2 months. I took 1 bottle per day Cordyceps and Lynchi. Health improved, energy appeared, leaves home, sleep improved, shortness of breath and cough decreased. Continues to receive products.

Man, 81 years old. Vladimir. Prostate cancer with metastases in the spine and shoulder joint. Stage 4. He took “Cordyceps and Lynchi” for 10 ml per day, “Dragon Sila” 2 caps., “Golden Pearls” 2 caps. General health, complexion of the face, energy increased, efficiency increased, the level of the dog decreased, blood tests improved. Continues to receive products.

Man, 79 years old, Vladimir. Prostate adenoma. Acute delay in urine. Hospitalized. After taking 1 bottle of Cordyceps and Lynzhi, urination was restored. Discharged home.

Man, 24 years old, Kovrov, Vladimir Region. Diagnosis: lymphoma (cancer) of inguinal lymph nodes with multiple metastases to the liver, spine and other organs. The tumor is operated, removed. 4 courses of chemotherapy passed. During the 4th year, in July 2012, he began to take Cordyceps and Lynchi 1 bottle per day, pride of the ocean for 5 capsules, bright dream for 5 capsules, golden pearl for 5 capsules, tea Balm Best Protection 1 bag per day for 2 months, then Propolis and Lynchi 1 bottle, pride of the ocean at 8 capsules, 1 package of tea Best Protection during the day for another 3 months. He transferred the course of chemotherapy easier than the previous ones. During the control examination, in December 2012, metastases were not found. Continues a preventive technique.

Man, 60 years old. He underwent a radical operation for cancer of the rectum, in the postoperative period, peritonitis developed, repeated surgery, the condition was very difficult. Aster began to be accepted in parallel with droppers, while still in a hospital bed, and then continued at home for 6 months. Result: restored health. your previous weight. COMPLEMENT, Life tone. He returned to work.

Woman, 43 years old. A benign breast tumor. She took the phytobalms “The Secret of the Emperor” and “Best Protection”, the capsules “The Pride of the Ocean”, “Black Pearl with Cordyceps”, “Golden Pearl”, “Bright Dream”, “Secret Tibet” extract 5 ml 2 times a day for 6 for 6 for 6 months. With a control ultrasound, the tumor is not detected.

Man, 60 years old. Bladder cancer. Galloneal disease, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis. He refused surgical treatment of the bladder. After the first course of chemotherapy, he used only Aster products. The doses were therapeutic, alternated with preventive. 6 years have passed. There is no tumor. The stones of the lure bubble and urine-out-of-class tracks resolved, went out with sand.

Woman, 43 years old.During the examination, the increased numbers of the oncomarker CA 125 (ovary) were revealed. The ultrasound examination did not reveal pathology. It is examined in different laboratories, the numbers of the SA are increased everywhere. She took all gel capsules, the secret of Tibet, secret of the emperor, Best Protection. Result: After 2 months, a second examination is a decrease in indicators to the norm. Continues a preventive technique of products.

Woman, 42 years old. Indicators of tests for the ovarian oncarkers (CA 125) – 45.3 (at normal – 35). She accepted the “secret of the emperor”, “Best Protection”, “bright Dream”, “Pride of the Ocean”, “Golden Pearl”, “Black Pearl with Cordyceps”, “The Power of the Dragon”, “Energy of Life”, “The Secret of Tibet”. Result: After 3.5 months, repeated analyzes for the oncomarkers showed numbers 18.9. Continues to accept products.

Woman 76 years old. Diagnosis: face skin cancer. She took the “secret of Tibet” inside and daily lubricated the destruction site. The face was cleansed for 2 months

Woman, 36 years old, Smolensk. Diagnosis: breast cancer I Art. Operated, receives chemotherapy courses. With the beginning of chemotherapy, postoperative seams diverged twice (in the words of the attending physician). She began to take the “secret of Tibet” 5 ml 3 times a day. After 3 weeks, the wound healed in an “amazing” (according to the same doctor) in a way, that is, almost without a scar. Health is satisfactory. Blood indicators improve. Continues to accept products.

Man 56 years old. The malignant tumor of the esophagus III Art. It is difficult to eat, lack of appetite, stomach pain, weakness. A chemotherapy, irradiation is prescribed. 2 weeks before chemotherapy, he began to take the “secret of Tibet” from 1 to 5 ml 2 times a day, “black pearls and cordyceps” and “pride of the ocean” 1 capsule 2 times a day. Best Protection during the day. Result: irradiation and chemotherapy suffered perfectly. The appetite has improved a lot. The pain does not bother. After chemotherapy, the hair did not fall out. 1 month after treatment, upon examination, the doctor said that the tumor was encapsulated and does not give metastases. Continues treatment.

Man 69 years old. The condition after surgery for the tumor of the stomach. Accepted the Secret of Tibet. A blood test, general well -being improved. Appetite appeared. Continues to receive products.

Woman 50 years old. She underwent surgery in the oncology department. On the 2nd day after the operation, she began to take the secret of Tibet 2 ml 3 times a day. Healing of the wound is fast, the general condition is much better than that of the same patients. Discharged and satisfied.

Woman 45 years old. She underwent surgery about the west of the uterus with metastases to the ovaries, pipes. Received several courses of chemo- and radiotherapy. Against the background of treatment, she took the secret of Tibet, while the condition remained satisfactory, immunity is normal, the level of leukocytes above 4000. A year after the operation, she returned to work. Continues to receive products for prevention.

Woman 26 years old. Disabled person of group II regarding relapses of tumor tumors.The first was removed 10 years ago. The attacks of suffocation were worried, which became more and more often every day, and an operation was proposed in the surgical department – a constant tracheostoma. I took the secret of Tibet, phytochai, gel capsules. After 5 days of receiving attacks, suffocation did not become. Continues to receive products with maintenance doses. During the year, segment attacks were not observed.

Woman 46 years old. 2 years ago, surgical treatment for a malignant tumor of the mammary gland. There was radiation therapy, repeatedly chemotherapy courses. Accepted the Secret of Tibet, Bright Dream, Golden Pearl, Secret of the Emperor, Best Protection. Health has improved significantly. A blood test for 7 days was restored to normal indicators. According to the patient: There was a hope for recovery.

Woman 40 years old. Breast cancer with metastases in the bones of the pelvis. Poorly tolerated chemotherapy, there was nausea, hair fell out, severe pain in the bones of the pelvis. For 2 months I took the “secret of Tibet” 5 ml 2 times a day, “bright dream” 2 capsules 2 times a day, “pride of the ocean” and “golden pearl” 3 capsules 2 times a day, tea “Best protection up to 2 liters per day. Result: the general condition improved, the pains in the bones of the pelvis decreased, the hair began to grow, the strength appeared, the depression “left”, the blood test was normalized, and the chemotherapy courses were able to undergo. Continues treatment.

. The woman is 69 years old. Cancer of the large intestine with metastases into the liver. Pronounced asthenic syndrome, aversion to meat food, decrease in appetite, anemia, cough. Oncologists refused treatment. I took the secret of Tibet 10 ml 3 times a day for 4 months. Health improved significantly, appetite appeared, became active, worked in the country. The cough was preserved. When taking the ocean pride, 2 capsules 2 times a day for 2 weeks, the cough decreased significantly. With a decrease in the dose of Tibet's Secrets to 2 ml 2 times a day, ESR again increased, hemoglobin and blood serum iron began to decline. She turned to oncologists, operated on – the tumor of the large intestine was removed. Astster continues to receive products.

A man of 48 years old. Cancer of the large intestine, metastases in the liver. Before detecting the disease, 2 months attended practically nothing, exhaustion. After making the diagnosis, he began to take the “secret of Tibet” 10 ml 2 times a day for 3 months. Safely underwent 2 consecutive operations to remove a tumor and metastases in the liver. After 4 months, after a decrease in the dose of Tibet's Secrets, new metastases in the liver were identified .. increased the dosage of Tibet's Secrets to 30 ml per day, added “bright dreams” capsules per day and tea “Best Protection”. After a month, during a control examination of metastases in the liver, no metastases were found. Continues a preventive technique of products.

Woman 65 years old. The tumor of the upper mediastinum. Gorner syndrome. Siley voice. Identified in 2003 during a prosp on the examination.The operation was not proposed, was under supervision. Shortness of breath and cough appeared 1.5 years ago. Diagnosed with bronchial asthma. used the inhaler several times a day. I took The Secret of Tibet 2 ml 3 times a day. After 1 month of taking, the state of health improved significantly, shortness of breath and cough decreased, there were no painful sensations when eating. A month later I added Bright Dream and Pride of the Ocean 1 capsule 2 times a day. uses an inhaler once a week. Strength, energy appeared, voice, mood and appearance improved significantly.

Man 76 years old. Prostate cancer IV stage. with metastases to the chest. Oncologists were not prescribed treatment due to a weakened state (did not get out of bed) and poor tests. When taking Secrets of Tibet 10 ml 3 times a day, appetite appeared, strength, became active, well-being, mood and tests improved. After 3 months, a course of chemotherapy was carried out, the tumor decreased in size. Continues to receive products.

Woman 59 years old. History of mastectomy for breast cancer. Has grown thin, there was a weakness, a hoarseness of a voice. During the next examination, the oncologist revealed a metastasis in the larynx. An operation was scheduled to remove the larynx. Having learned about ASTER products, she took The Secret of Tibet 10 ml 3 times a day for 4 months. The metastasis resolved, the operation was canceled as unnecessary. I recovered by 15 kg, looked younger and prettier.

Woman 39 years old. Lipoma in the head. I drank tea The best defense. Within 1 month, the lipoma resolved.

Man, 62 years old. Nizhny Novgorod. Colon cancer stage IV, metastases to the peritoneum. I took The Secret of Tibet 1 bottle a day. He underwent 3 severe chemotherapy treatments. Until the last day, I ate everything, felt good, drove a car. After establishing the diagnosis, he lived without torment for 9 months.

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