The history of the school

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Without Kevordo, the history of the UO secondary school No. 2 of Bobruisk in the dates and faces – let's scroll through the pages of school history. – “As I remember now the smell of paint, freshness, and, most importantly, the feeling

Without Kevordo

Story UO Secondary School No. 2 of Bobruisk in the dates and faces

– Let's scroll through the pages of school history.

– “As I remember now the smell of paint, freshness, and, most importantly, a feeling of space, light. Everything seemed big, even huge, ”recalled Mazan Grigory Mikhailovich, one of the first graduates of the school.

– And on the threshold of the school (the building in which the house of art is now located), students are met by Vladimir Antonovich Glinsky, the first director of the school.

– So young. Yes, he was 20 with a little, and he was already appointed to such a responsible position. Everyone who knew him spoke with great love about him: a modest, beloved, kind person, a wonderful organizer, an economic one who did a lot for the prosperity of the school.

– Unfortunately, he has not been with us for a long time, but we pay tribute to deserved respect. And the memory of how it all began will live in our hearts.

– Everything changed in the life of people on June 22, 1941. This terrible word war burst into the walls of the school.

– The director of the school Vladimir Antonovich Glinsky went to the front.

He could not do otherwise, because it was his duty and thousands of others to the school, to the city, to the country.

– I would like to remember one graduate of the first issue.

This is Leah Israeilevna Paley. The war found her in Moscow, where she studied at the Pedagogical Institute. In 1942, Lia, a young girl, the Komsomol member went to the front and walked from Stalingrad to Berlin with her 43 -search regiment, and since 1947, Leah Israeilevna returned to her native school, in which she had worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature for more than 20 years.

– Among the first graduates was Evgenia Andreevna Kernazhitskaya, who survived the blockade and became a teacher by vocation, by the command of the soul. She gave the school and students 41 years of her life. She was awarded the Order of Lenin. For fruitful work, she received the title “Honored Teacher of the BSSR”. Evgenia Andreevna worked for 15 years by the head teacher of our school for educational work. Unfortunately, there is no Evgenia Andreevna with us today … She passed away, but lives in our hearts, the hearts of her students.

– Now we understand that we, future generations owe it to him, students and teachers of the school who won. Teachers for being taught well, students for the fact that they learned a lesson well.

1947 – 1957

– The war in Belarus ended. In 1944, the school began to work again and was female. During this period, she was led by exhibition Evgenia Ivanovna, who began to restore her and was the director until 1947, until Glinsky Vladimir Antonovich came from the war.

– What were these years?

– Very heavy. But in the school building, a fragment of heat was always burning, warming his students.

-They remember: famine, building houses, cultivating gardens.

There was no time to teach lessons, “but the school took an active part in all our problems,” recalls graduate Galina Yakovlevna Pechenko, who now lives in Odessa. “Without tears, it is impossible not to remember the pieces of bread with and without sugar that were handed out to us at school in the hungry post-war years.”

– At that time, the school already had its own traditions: the children patronized the grave of General Bakharov, took part in the restoration of the city, laid a park near the Mir cinema, and participated in amateur art competitions.

– Yes, and there were experimental agricultural plots in the school yard. Each class was responsible for its own plot of land, and an annual agricultural exhibition was held, where products from their school gardens were exhibited.

– Of course, the merit of the school administration was in many respects. At that time, the head teacher for educational work was Anna Grigorievna Pechen, who worked until 1963. Head teacher of the primary classes – Pokrovskaya Lyubov Ivanovna, Lukoshko Irina Andreevna, Gavrilchik Ivan Aleksandrovich.

– In this post-war period, in 1948, a young teacher came to school – Kondratik Iraida Andreevna. The school became her second home. She has worked at our school for 55 years.

– For this labor feat and devotion to her work, she received the title of “excellent student of education”. She was always distinguished by modesty, adherence to principles, conscientious attitude to business.

– How many wonderful students of Iraida Andreevna have gone into life.

She met them on the very first day of school, gave them her love and the children answered her the same.

– With special gratitude, I would like to recall the teachers who have devoted more than 30 years of their pedagogical activity to the second school:

1. Ananyina Ekaterina Grigorievna – 40 years old;

2. Bubnova Alexandra Maksimovna – 48 years old;

3. Gerasimchik Claudia Dmitrievna – 37 years old;

4. Kondratik Iraida Andreevna – 55 years old, the title of excellent student of education;

5. Livshits Raisa Efimovna – 39 years old, a graduate of the school herself, has the title of excellent student of education;

6. Petrovich Emilia Borisovna – 45 years old, the title of senior teacher, veteran of labor;

7. Rak Joseph Ivanovich – 36 years old;

8. Friedberg Israel Markovich – 40 years old, veteran of the Great Patriotic War;

9. Mazan Galina Dmitrievna – 35 years old;

10. Andreikina Lidia Vasilievna – 36 years old;

11. Drazhnik Valentina Ivanovna – 33 years old;

12. Yushkevich Elena Alekseevna – 33 years old;

13. Efremenko Lyudmila Vasilievna – 35 years old;

14. Kazusyonok Yanina Vikentievna – 44 years old, still working;

15. Kupenko Larisa Ivanovna – has been working at school for 30 years;

16. Stavrov Vasily Grigorievich – 43 years of teaching experience, has the title of Veteran of Labor and for 5 years has been working at the school as a building maintenance worker.

– And not only teachers give their work to the school. Prigozhaya Tamara Alexandrovna worked at school for 26 years either as a supply manager or as a technical assistant. For the 27th year, Zelyonaya Zinaida Ivanovna has also been working as a technical engineer.

– A new page in the history of the country and in the history of the school. The famous sixties. Everyone was read out by the verses of Yevtushenko, Okudzhava, Voznesensky, covered with questions of teachers of history, literature.

– The spirit of freedom hung in the air, there were disputes between physicists and lyrics about the purpose and usefulness of activity for society. Where is the truth? How to answer all the questions that students ask? The creative energy of the guys did not know the boundaries.

– And the way out was found! Livshits Raisa Efimovna – a teacher of Russian language and literature, invited the children to create a manuscript magazine “Our Contemporary”. And for 30 years, under the leadership of Polina Efimovna, the editorial board gathered once a week to choose how to fill out the pages of the magazine, discuss the pity issues, choose the material for all 4 sections of the magazine: “Poetry of young people”, “About good people and deeds ”,“ On literature and art ”,“ Through the points of the comedian ”.

– The output of each number was a sensation, they were waiting for him, he was believed.

Many of those who wrote in this magazine became professional journalists, philologists, artists.

– The magazine was exhibited at the exhibition of the achievements of the national economy in Moscow and was awarded a diploma.

– I would like to especially say about the director of the school Gukov Paul Ermolaevich, who led the school from 1965 to 1977. A man of heroic fate, a scout, is a thunder, awarded ten government awards for courage and heroism manifested during the war.

– And in peacetime, they were admired by students and teachers – an intelligent, restrained person, always respected people. Teachers who worked with him do not remember the case that he raised his voice, and it does not matter who is in front of him: a teacher or student.

Autumn sings the winds outside the window.

Another year has gone unnoticed.

And he is also early, as before, rises,

And he runs to school, does not go.

He solves problems, leads lessons.

Home is very late wandering tiredly.

Yes, you have chosen not a simple road,

Continuous thoughts, excitement, anxiety.

But the joy of community with children brings you,

And he gives new forces to work.

You inspire us with an example,

We appreciate and love for all this.

You led us from year to year –

The enlightenment calls you an enlightenment.

-When a person leaves us, always bitter and sad … And when a person comes, whose kindness and generosity had no boundaries, but was the usual essence of his nature, his character, his relationship with people, to which everyone was accustomed to and for which it is endless Pupils and teachers loved – then with pain in the heart you realize that there was no man of great generosity of the soul.

– These words about Sorma Lev Zakharovich, from which we can say, began to target educational work in secondary school No. 2. He was the first organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular work. Much began with him in this school.

– He was always swift, caring, patient. He burned himself and lit others. So he died in the pedagogical system, not having time to rest in retirement.

– Lev Zakharovich created the first theater at school, in which scenes from school life were staged. He was a writer and director himself. It was at this time, in January 1961, that the first KVN was observed at the school.

– KVN traditions were continued by the current generation of students.

In 2005, KVN was revived. The current generation can be proud of its achievements: these are victories in city competitions, and the participation of our graduates in the KVN teams of Minsk and Mogilev universities, in particular, in the BSU team.

– President of the KVN club – history teacher Vakhnik Dmitry Vladimirovich. Ladies and Gentlemen! (Corporate address of the president of the KVN club.)

– The last decade before Perestroika. What was it like?

Or rather, what was our school like? What lines are inscribed in the school history? Now this period is called Stagnation. It may be true for the country, but not for the school!

– Everything was in full swing at school, summer holidays were approaching and, according to tradition, there was a thorough selection for the Mayakovets labor and recreation camp, which was located on the basis of the Kiselevichi state farm. Only conscientious and industrious, cheerful and resourceful, aching soul for a common cause, passed the competition announced by the Komsomol committee.

– Everything was very serious, only an individual approach.

The administration kept everything under its control.

– In 1977, Kostareva Valentina Sergeevna headed the school. Everyone who worked with her notes her vigor and adherence to principles. Valentina Sergeevna did a lot to improve the school. A bust of Mayakovsky and a bust of Bakharov were made for the school, and much more appeared in our school at that time.

– Maron Svetlana Yegorovna worked as the head teacher for academic work then, who, unfortunately, is not in the hall now, but she remembers the school and sends us telegrams and letters from distant Israel.

– The head teachers of the primary classes at that time were Gaiduk Lilia Pavlovna, Belozer Nina Vasilievna and Tereshchenko Antonina Mikhailovna – she still works at the school as a primary school teacher.

Let there be fewer holidays than weekdays.

But the one who became a teacher will understand

What a blessing to be useful to people

Teach His Majesty – People!

Bring him the gift of wisdom and knowledge,

And the kindness of your heart light –

There is no more responsible calling on earth,

There is no more honorable and joyful!

“Those years at school were different. But 1979 made its own adjustments. Just yesterday they were boys of school No. 2, and today they are called Afghans.

“Perhaps someone will say that, compared with the death toll of the Nafghan war, the death of 24 young lives on the large anti-submarine ship“ Courageous ”is not so much, but the point here is not in arithmetic, but in human memory” – these lines from an article in Sovetskaya Belorussia, signed by Vladimir Salasyuk, a graduate of our school, and the newspaper's own correspondent.

– The thing is that he wrote about his friend and classmate – Viktor Borisov, who died heroically on the Courageous in peacetime. He is remembered by friends and family.The school remembers its heroes: Platitsyn Alexander and Borisov Victor.

– I really want to say about this person – the director of the school from 1982 to 1985 Dyilevich Alexander Stanislavovich. I see how smiles have blossomed on the faces of teachers, and this, for the most part, women, when they heard this name.

– Everyone remembers how Alexander Stanislavovich could tell women compliments, as he was an attentive director, he always found kind words for those with whom he worked, whom he taught. The children simply adored him, trusted him with all the school secrets.

– The teachers, when parting, gave him a souvenir in the form of a sailboat, while saying: Any sailboat always returns to his harbor

– Another school -age page has been turned over. And these years are interesting and beautiful in its own way.

– In the midst of Perestroika, the young and energetic director Plaksitsky Nikolai Grigoryevich comes to school and contributes to the history of the school. Under his leadership, the school building is ennobled: the lobby is decorated with a stucco ceiling, it becomes more comfortable in the offices.

– Together with him, the head teacher of Rotova Zinaida Ulyanovna worked, who for 10 years was the right hand of the director. As an experienced leader, Zinaida Ulyanovna tried most of the concerns and problems to take on herself.

– Nina Vladimirovna Glukhova was Glukhova, who proved herself not only a skilled leader, but also a wonderful teacher who knew his job.

– A hard time for exams. Moscow. There are entrance exams in the MFPI, MEPhI, and other technical universities. Our graduates answer. Brilliant knowledge. The examiners involuntarily ask the question: Where did you get such knowledge? And future applicants proudly answer: “We are students of the second school of the city of Bobruisk. They taught us to physics and mathematics in special class Rokhlin David Samsonovich, Maron Svetlana Egorovna and Maron Vladimir Evseevich! ”

– Wow, what a wilderness, but they teach! – the examiners are perplexed.

– In 1992, after a long male government, the team was headed by a woman – Ryabova Svetlana Petrovna. At school, a surprisingly warm atmosphere reigned. The school team is mostly female and who, like a woman, can better understand another woman, help in solving both professional and personal issues.

– Svetlana Petrovna was helped in the work of the head teacher of senior Zeleadodova Lidia Vasilievna and the head teacher of primary grades Zhuravleva Zhanna Petrovna. Professionals in their business – they are at their post today. Together with them, the Deputy Director for Educational Work, Esman Polina Efimovna, helped to manage the school ship, who began his activities in 1991. Then she was replaced by Zhelnova Evgeny Eduardovna.

– During this period, a class with an in -depth study of the German language, a defectological point was opened at the school, a school psychologist began to work. A pioneer squad was revived, which, according to tradition, bears the name of the hero of the war Boris Sergeyevich Bakharov.

– For many years, a wonderful team lived and worked at the school – the literary and artistic theater Epic under the direction of Esmanskaya Polina Efimovna. The activity of the theater left a deep imprint in the hearts and souls of the audience and members of the theater group.

– Polina Efimovna was also the main ideological inspirer of the KVN team of school teachers. Everyone was literally charged with her seething energy, and until midnight they wrote reprises, rehearsed, prepared props … KVN connected the school team with strong bonds of friendship.

– And today the secondary school number two does not lose its pedestal. She stays on top of the wave and is proud of her students, who win prizes at various levels of olympiads, at city competitions, and in sports competitions.

– And their stars grow up to shine for new generations and shine on the pages of the history of their beloved school. Since 1979, when the medal register was introduced, 123 people graduated with gold medals and 124 with silver medals (since 1985).

– The teachers of the school are doing everything to ensure that there are as many stars as possible. Many of the graduates choose the profession of a teacher and return to their native walls.

– Teachers graduates of different years work in the second school:

Kupenko Larisa Ivanovna, Karankevich Galina Anatolyevna, Andreikina Galina Aksentievna, Nikulina Marina Vladimirovna, Babak Elena Vasilievna, Petrovich Elena Anatolievna, Demidovich Alla Mikhailovna.

– The school has become a truly home for many families in the city. Graduates went into a great life, then they brought their children to study. And now the third generation – their grandchildren rush in the morning to their teachers.

“School is not only home. It is the beginning of all roads, and for some it has become the place where they met their fate.

– Matriarchy ended in 2001, when a young, energetic, charming director, Igor Moiseevich Sadovsky, came to the school.

– The appearance of a new director aroused keen interest among the entire school team, and especially from the students. Everyone certainly wanted to show off their talents in front of Igor Moiseevich, thereby winning his sympathy.

In a wonderful life, on the road of discovery

A kind and strict teacher prepares us.

The teacher is not only our patron,

In combination, he is a tamer.

We are stubborn, impudent, playful,

We do not teach lessons – it happens under an hour.

Thanks for being so patient

Thank you for loving us!

– A lot of good people came out into the big world from the school walls. Someone became a doctor, and someone became a teacher, someone became a leader, and someone became just a good person with a capital letter.

School is destiny, for someone the first and only …

And for someone not the first and not the only one.

But one thing is true – dear and unforgettable for everyone.

School – where you want to return and bring your children.

Bring so that they can touch its walls,

Feel her spirit and imbue them forever.

– Graduates leave, and leave a piece of their heart at school. After all, it is impossible to forget the place where a lot is lived and understood. As a magnet pulls graduates to return to school in order to wander along a quiet school floors.

Education institution Secondary school No. 2 of the city of Bobruisk Republic of Belarus

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