Best of 2017 Plane crash, Spartak, Akinfeev, coma, 22 million euros - in one football interview

The best in 2017. A plane crash, Spartak, Akinfeev, Coma, 22 million euros in one football interview

19 minutes, 25 seconds Read

Oleg Ivanov as a replacement of Titov, Zinchenko, who was waiting for Guardiola, and shooting in the video of Nikolai Trubach and Yegor Titov, a sports producer of the reality show Who wants to become a legionnaire? Alan Prudnikov tells “Match TV” about his career and life.

The best in 2017. A plane crash, Spartak, Akinfeev, Coma, 22 million euros in one football interview

Best of 2017 Plane crash, Spartak, Akinfeev, coma, 22 million euros - in one football interview

Sports producer of the reality show Who wants to become a legionnaire? Alan Prudnikov gave an interview to the correspondent Match TV Alexander Muizhnek.

Alan Prudnikov and Vadim Barlamov-football scouts, sports producers of the reality show Who wants to become a legionnaire?

  • How to survive a flood, a plane crash, two wars and 17 operations
  • What was the first training session in Spartak Luke Zo
  • How to get into the video of Nikolai Trubach and Yegor Titov
  • What were Igor Akinfeev and Diyar Bilyaletdinov.
  • Why did Rud Gullit and Ronald Kuman go to Lokomotiv
  • Where it is better to go to Fedor Smolov and where Alexander Kokorin could be in the summer

– The son of the former goalkeeper of Spartak Alexei Pruudnikov had options, except to become a goalkeeper himself?

– Probably no, I liked it. Although I started in the field, and I went through the views. For up to ten years they did not take me anywhere – when they found out who my father was. There are such fears in Russia that nature is resting on children of famous players. Although there is a different vision in Europe, it is believed that the genes of the father are helping.

– Where did you manage to live?

– Several years – in South Korea, for the year in Albania, Finland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia, Germany, Italy. I say in many languages, six months – and I will learn any language in the world, there are no problems.

Father of the novel, Alexei and Sergey Eremenko Alexei Eremenko Sr., Alexei Prudnikov and Alan Prudnikov

– Yes. But at the same time, almost every German club has a player from Albania. Albanians have a tough disposition, they are essentially evil guys.

In general, the war in Yugoslavia greatly changed the course of football history, for example, Zlatan Ibragimovich – after all, he is not a Swede, but Bosniyts. I know what I’m talking about: during the war, my family also fled from Yugoslavia. I was six years then. Our house was demolished with a bomb, and the apartment in Sarajevo was simply shot. There was nothing left.

– Have you seen such horror more?

– I experienced two wars, not one. The Ossetian-Ingush conflict found me in the village of Chermen-he was visiting my grandparents. In the back of my great -grandmother, the neighbor shot several times, but she survived.

I try to concentrate on good, but life is rich. In childhood, he survived the flood – we rested with my mother in the Krasnodar Territory, woke up at night, and I saw the most terrible scenes in life. Then a lot of people died.

Almost 13 years ago, he got into a plane crash in Germany. They fell during take-off, everyone who was sitting on the left, 70-80 people, died-all who on the right, the majority survived, including.He was not injured, three hours later he was already flying to Moscow – there was no time to wait.

– What is the best country you have lived in?

South Korea, of course. By approach, mentality, nutrition, football standards, rehabilitation … I learned there respect for elders – this is the main rule of Korean life. What amazed me was that every four years the Koreans have a rainy season, and because of the floods, they lose everything. The flood passes – they wake up, clean the houses, re-sow the rice fields and start working. I have never seen a nation that would smack so much, with such zeal and fearlessness. Such Koreans and football players are motors. It so happened that it was with the Koreans that I had many good deals in the Bundesliga.

– Was your father carried in the arms in South Korea?

– Definitely yes. Dad went to Korea already in the status of an Olympic champion, played in Chonbuk until the age of 39 – he could have been longer, but he was offered better conditions as a goalkeeping coach. So he moved to the Suwong Samsung Bluewings, the best team in South Korea. With his father, they reached the final of the Asian Champions League. Then Oleg Romantsev invited dad to Spartak Moscow, and he could not refuse. The whole family returned to Russia on the first flight.

– But you didn’t start your football career at Spartak, did you?

– At the age of 16, I was a student of Torpedo-ZIL. I already flirted for a double, but a conflict arose with the head of the school – we did not understand each other, he expelled me. At one of the tournaments, Spartak paid attention to me – they called me for a double screening. I spent three years there.

– Which of your peers stood out in Spartak?

— Oleg Ivanov. Cherenkov, Tsymbalar, Titov – we were sure that Ivanov would become the next pupil of Spartak in the position of ten. Olezhka is a very smart footballer. He immediately began to stand out when he came to us in reserve.

Then there were Pogrebnyak, Samedov, Torbinsky, Nemov, Sheshukov, Shishkin, Tarasov, Pavlenko, Danishevsky, Kudryashov in the duplicate … Yes, and we had wonderful coaches: Rodionov, Morozov, Tsymbalar, Romashchenko, Yuran. An amazing double: probably 95 percent of the players reached the Premier League, and half – to the national team.

– Spartak missed all of them.

– Just fucked up. Who was saved? Sam was returned – and the rest? A whole generation of players could be built on this springboard. Torbinsky, Tarasov and many others in good standing and Spartak would not interfere. These are the omissions of the former breeders and club leaders.

– The most incredible African who came to Spartak under Andrey Chervichenko?

There were so many of them, I can’t name all the names. I remember when Zoa came to the first practice. It was cold, we were all in sandals, and he was in a T-shirt, in six-spike boots on an artificial field. Or Ogunsanya – no one in Spartak had so many muscles and tattoos as he did. But the player is very weak.

But Bai Kebe is the most awesome acquisition of that Spartak.This is a high -class player, one of the best defenders that I saw in the Russian championship. Tepois, on the football evil, with a large amount of work and a good first pass.

“But the psycho.”

– Yes, I would not say. He had his own troubles, he was just a very believer. Only racism turned him into a psycho. When I heard something from the stands or from the opponent, in two seconds I turned into a devil. But in sports terms, this is a cool player.

-Did Torbinsky always burn his eyes as in a match with Holland at Euro 2008?

– All my life, even in training. Never free, he always surrendered one hundred percent. And nothing has changed over the years. But all these trials that fell on him … Dozens of football players did not transfer as many operations on cruciate bonds as Dima transferred. And he always returned at the level of a large player – and is still there.

– Unopened talent for which you are most offensive?

– Sasha Pavlenko. This is the most talented player of the 85th year-throughout Russia. It was a new phenomenon, a top class. Sanya and I played Dynamo, from there he left for Lausanne, already from there – to Spartak. As I remember now, in the match with Liverpool, Sasha walked on the flank, shot, and Danishevsky scored. An amazing player, of course, the level of Spartak. I don’t know what prevented him from revealing him completely.

“There is almost nothing on you on the Internet.” Did you really star in the video of Nikolai Trubach and Yegor Titov?

– Everything happened spontaneously. Yegor then served the disqualification, he and Nikolai recorded the song What kind of people we are. We canceled the morning training, the trumpeter calls, I just called to look at the shooting like a guest. Some of the Spartak players-in my opinion, Kalinichenko-were not released from the taras, and instead I starred in the video. The whole shooting day was fun!

– Where did they go from Spartak?

– For a year in KAMAZ Yuri Gazzaev. Then – to Macedonia, to the small factory team Cementary. I became the best player of the year there, the best legionnaire in the championship. From there I was called the scouts of Hamburg, and after a monthly viewing I signed a contract for five years. Literally two weeks later they played a match – no one needs, and I do not want to remember him. I ran into a player – and got into a coma. The last thing I remember, as I asked everyone: What is the result, how they played?

He lay in a coma for three days, woke up – and realized that he was paralyzed. Nothing moved. He made the first movement in six months, he learned to walk again, then to speak. In the seven countries, I conducted 17 operations, it took more than two years to restore.

– What now reminds of this?

– Pain – in the head, but anywhere. With the pressure of the problem. It will never leave.

– There was no chance to return to football?

“I went to watch Khimki,” Muslin knew me in the Balkans, I admitted the best there. Glory to me a chance. I worked in a common group with Roma Berezovsky, we handed over tests – and all the indicators went off scale from me.In a calm state, everyone has a pressure 120, I have 180, and does not fall. A normal football player is resting for a minute, I need five or seven. They offered to stay for two years – to see what will happen to health. But taking someone's place was wrong.

– Then went to Bosnia?

– In Zheleznichar – gave a good contract for three years. With calm loads, my pressure jumped to 180-200-three times I was taken to intensive care directly from the field. In one match I lost his hearing and vision – I spent a week in the hospital until everything returned. The doctors then said: Finish if you do not want to die on the field. Why deceive nature? I did not want to see the tears of my mother anymore.

– In Bosnia, crossed with Jeko?

– Certainly. I called Lokomotiv, Dynamo, Spartak, persuaded: “Send scouts, we have a stunned boy, costs 30 thousand euros.” No answer – and thank God that no one came to the poor Zheleznichar, half of which then played in the Bundesliga. For the same 30 thousand, Jeko was sold to the Czech Republic, after five years, City bought Edin for 35 million, and now he broke Totti’s record for goals for Roma in one season.

-Is it true that when you played for Dynamo, 85th year, advised Father Akinfeev?

-Igor was 86 years old, but played for the 85th. This is a nugget, I clearly understood that he would become a star. I called my father, he came to take Igor into Spartak. The next day, CSKA offered Akinfeev a contract. Subsequently, the whole accumulation of situations is the death of Seryozha Perkhun, a broken penalty in a debut match with the Wings, Gazzaev, who took Igor to the national team.

In Igor’s career, I think, only one mistake – he did not go abroad at one time. At the right time. And I know that there were suggestions, and good ones – I personally saw them. From the Bundesliga, from England-not Manchester United, but the TOP-3 Premier League. Perhaps CSKA none of these proposals suited, which I am not surprised.

– Did they arrange Akinfeev?

– And I think he did not even know about them. I don’t know if the CSKA board was ready to release the best goalkeeper of the country. I look at everything at a business. If the club thought about him (Akinfeev) – I would let go. Apparently, they thought about themselves there.

– Vyacheslav Chanov said: Akinfeev does not see the point of jumping behind the balls that seem dead to him. Akinfeev always played like that?

– I do not see a problem here. Leo Yashin also did not always jump, but chose the right position. Igor also does it competently and jumps only when necessary. Igor has one quality that made it to those who he are – composure. None of our goalkeepers over the past ten years have seen this. And this is not from the age of 16, but from nine. Then he was the same as now. I could not kill the penalty at the child, and Akinfeev took the ball 70-80 meters from his feet!

– Who else was striking from the young men, except for Akinfeev?

– Only Bilyaletdinov. An insanely gifted guy. He came to our team GPZ (football school of MEPhI.-“Match TV”), when we were nine to ten years old, ”Diyar moved to“ Lokomotiv ”at 15-16. Den is a vision of the field, speed, understanding, and also sociability. Everyone loved him. And on the field he was a leader. Bilyaletdinov was appointed captain of Lokomotiv, he was bought by Everton – not at all a surprise for me.

– Bilyaletdinov did the right thing that he left Everton to Spartak?

– In professionally, this is the main mistake in his career. I think Diniyar himself understands this. He had a wonderful four -year contract with Everton, and Den played wonderful there – I did not miss a single match. Bilyaletdinov should not return to Russia.

– How did you decide to become an agent?

– When he finished at 23, Soccerway, Instat, Wyscout appeared – this helped. I proceeded from my experience: I did not have very good agents, I decided that I would be better.

– Your first customers?

– Rud Gullit, then – Frank Raicard, Ronald Kuman, Co. Adrians. With them, I was brought by the Dutch agent Evald van der Boith. My first major deal-Gullit in Los Angeles Galaxy, Raicard-in Galatasarai. We were with Gullit in China, we already signed a contract when a proposal was received from Terek with crazy numbers. We could not refuse.

– You said that a year before Terek, Gullit could lead one metropolitan club. Which?

– Lokomotiv. He played a non -football factor. I will not voice it, but for our country it is, unfortunately, normal.

With Lokomotiv, we were talking about Kuman – his candidacy was the first on the list, we discussed all the details, I was already looking for Ronaldo an apartment in Moscow. On the last day, at the meeting [board of directors], the voices fell, in my opinion, in favor of Semin. But then I was more engaged in the transition of Adrians to Qatar.

– Agent Rustam Rajabov told how the “lawyer of Gullita and his best friend” received commission for you and disappeared since then.

– This is exactly Van Der Bio. Yes, I earned 350 thousand dollars at the Gullit transition, and the main sponsor of Terek asked: “Alan, where to transfer the money? Come on at the expense of Evalda. I agreed with a pure soul: at that time, we spent the side of the side for three or four years together. His clients are de Bure, Koku, the same Raicard. How could I not trust him? Van Der Bior received these 350 thousand, and since then I have not heard anything about him. Well, how – I see his photo in social networks, how he lives, rests on the islands. Everything is fine with him, but he does not get in touch.

– The biggest contract you knocked out to your client?

-striker, played in Dynamo Kyiv, then in Renna, from there we arranged it in Al-Nasr (Ismel Bangura.-Match TV). Five years, in total – 22 million euros.

– Who are your clients from players speaking in Russia?

– I try not to work in Russia, Sasha Zinchenko is an exception. My favorite player in the championship of Russia, whom I could sell to a large club, is only Jeano Ananidze.As I remember now: the 14-year-old Zhano comes to look at the Spartak school, comes out with the right midfielder-and what he did on the field indescribably. My legs with my feet were taken away. Once I brought a club to Russia, ready to redeem the rights to Zhano, but Spartak did not consider the sale option. Like, probably, now.

– Yuri Gavrilov – really agent Alexander Zinchenko?

-From the age of 13, Sasha’s affairs are led by two agents-Gavrilov and Anatoly Patuk, and in Europe I represent it. When Gavrilov offered Zinchenko to the Moscow Spartak, he was asked: Yur, give an assessment of the player. He simply said: This is my replacement. I think this is enough. The leadership of Spartak had to at least pay attention to such a player. Sasha played in the exercise therapy, for amateurs, no one then knew him. But be you Fedun or anyone, you can’t pass by such words of Gavrilov. He was ignored and answered literally: We have many of them. What are these? Show me who is a lot of Spartak?

-Did you try to attach Zinchenko somewhere else in Russia?

-In Lokomotiv, in CSKA, to all Premier League clubs. All that they heard: No, thank you, it is uninteresting. I went to view the double of Zenit, after which the club asked to pay Sasha a hotel. This is low for the Russian top club. On the same day, Sasha was taken away from Zenit.

Thanks to Dmitry Kuznetsov and Rinat Bilyaletdinov, Zinchenko went to Rubin. I spent six months there – in the main composition. Six months of negotiations were unsuccessful: Rubin was afraid to sign a player who was then in CAS. We just recently won this business at Shakhtar. Shakhtar asked for five million euros, the Lausanian court decided to pay six thousand euros.

This is how we have breeding services. But when Sasha began to play and we received proposals from European top clubs, there was no one in Russia who would not contact us.

– Russia was not considered at all. They were aimed only at Europe and Euro 2016. There were conversations with Chelsea, West Ham. Bournmut came out, Lance and many other French clubs flew to Russia for negotiations … only 30 clubs. Shakhtar, again. But after they treated him … Sasha is a pupil of Shakhtar, thanks to him he got into the symbolic team of the Champions Youth League – this was how Hungarian first noticed him. Arsen was in the game and pointed to Sasha: This boy. Even then, Arsenal sent Sasha an invitation.

– As a result, it was bought by Manchester City. Have you heard the words of Guardiola: “I need Zinchenko”?

– In addition to the slices, Josep looked at two full Sasha’s matches and said directly: “I want to see him at home.” Begiristain handed Guardiola a list of players whom City led even under Pellegrini – Pep was only approved by Sasha. He compiled his short list of ten people, and Zinchenko stood there under the first number.

But he came only the fifth or sixth – for example, Gundogan was signed before Sasha.Pep was very unhappy that Sasha was not yet in City, every day he asked the leadership: Where is Zinchenko? I could close the deal in two days, but everything stretched for months. Many advisers, many “well -wishers” intervened in negotiations.

– The best agent of the world?

“Undoubtedly, Georges Mendes, no one is standing next to him.” This is the standard of agent skill: negotiating, speed of work, the ability to find a language with all the tops, whether it be Ferguson or Mourinho. Rayola and other serious agents lose reality a little. Recently I called Mino about one of his clients: he had not achieved anything yet, and requests as if he were already golden or Balotelli. But Mino knocks out the best conditions on Earth to his players. Mendesh is a realist.

– The best agent of Russia?

– Konstantin Sarsania. I like the way he conducts business, how he argues. I know that his dreams are related to coaching, but I would like him to return to the sports director to some Zenit or Dynamo. Only the top agent could conduct such transactions that, thanks to Sarsania, Zenit designed-like Tymoshchuk.

– Which of the Russian football players will play in Europe?

– At the moment, Smolov is the most relevant product that can be pronounced and properly selling. “Borussia” is not his project, but in England at the site of the resin I would choose West Ham. He is looking for an attacker of a similar plan, there is bilich, and the financial capabilities of the club correspond to what the football player's side requests. I’ll also name Miranchuk – if he will work a lot on himself.

– Dzagoeva in the summer could take Fiorentina. Alan can still leave?

– “Fiorentina” fits Dzagoev in style. Now, according to Dzagoev, the whole question is, for how much he is ready to release CSKA. Many clubs contacted me: Can you lower the numbers of CSKA a little? Now 15-20 million is a minimum bar. For a player without a European passport, this is unrealistic if you choose between the Argentine and Russians, they will choose the first.

– Kokorin had to leave for Arsenal?

– Alexandra ended with talent – unfortunately, until he is practicing this talent. When you make such a salary to the player, the psychological factor will not work for it. Get so much, there would be no complaints – but Sasha has no progress. If Kokorin came to such a money on an increase in, and not in the era of the rich Anji and Dynamo, he might have already left for Arsenal.

But I know another case. When he finished the deal for Zinchenko last summer, he received an offer for Kokorin. Two days before closing the window, a good English club called me (not Arsenal, but no worse) and asked: Kokorin will go to us with more than a two -time decrease in salaries? The transfer could be closed in six to eight hours-and this is not rent, but a ransom. But the party of Kokorin did not consider such financial conditions.

Text: Alexander Muzhnek

Photo: Andrey Golovanov and Sergey Kivrin,, RIA Novosti/Vladimir Song, RIA Novosti/Vladimir Fedorenko, RIA Novosti/Said Tsarnaev,

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