Stormy weather in the Arkhangelsk region will continue.

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Stormy weather in the Arkhangelsk region will continue. According to the Arkhangelsk Hydrometeorological Center, on January 21, stormy weather in the Arkhangelsk region and the White Sea will continue.

Stormy weather in the Arkhangelsk region will continue.

According to the Arkhangelsk Hydrometeorological Center, on January 21, stormy weather in the Arkhangelsk region and the White Sea will continue. In the afternoon and evening on Saturday in the northern regions, a northwestern, western wind of 21-26 m / s, snow, a blizzard, and sometimes worsening of visibility are expected. Wind intensification up to 32 m/s is expected in the White Sea.


Due to the storm northwest wind in the White Sea in the delta and on the estuary seashore of the Northern Dvina River, a surge increase in the water level is observed. On January 20, the water level in the port of Arkhangelsk at full water will be 200-220 cm, low water will exceed the table values ​​by an average of 1 m and is expected to be 130-150 cm. water marks 220-250 cm at the Solombalsky water metering post, for the PRR Economy area, the Mudyug Island area and the city of Severodvinsk. An increase in the area of ​​water spill on the ice is expected, including pedestrian crossings and water outlet to the low banks of the Northern Dvina delta: Maimaksansky district, Khabarka island, Krasnoflotsky island, Dynamo settlement, Bakaritsa area.

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