Lyudmila Isakova

Skydiving, the role of Firs, a new song about Karelia and travel; Online magazine "Lyceum"

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How I Spent This Summer Artists have already told us about their summer impressions, now the floor is given to Petrozavodsk artists. Ludmila Isakova,

Skydiving, the role of Firs, a new song about Karelia and travel

Lyudmila Isakova

– I spent June at work, but this work was a pleasure, as if I rebooted, cleared myself, discovered new facets of another me, charged with a new one. All this happened in beautiful Norway, in a wonderful and already native team.

I spent almost the whole of July mentally and calmly with my family in Finland, then I returned to my beloved Karelia: a cheerful wedding of a friend, my spontaneous and crazy “non-anniversary”, the Olympic Games in the swamp, long-awaited meetings with relatives, relatives, friends.

August: adorable Peter and of course sea and Sahara Desert — every year I try to discover new cities and countries, this year I visited Tunisia with my friends. I am a sun-dependent person, so this summer I, like a solar battery, absorbed and caught rays of light and heat every minute, I am sure that it will be enough for the next theatrical season.

And, of course, water, not a day without swimming: whether it be the turquoise lakes of Nurmolitsa, or the Olonka River, or Lake Ladoga, or the Mediterranean Sea, or swimming pools. In general, water and the sun are my air, my food.

The highlight of the summer was the skydiving that my crazy friends gave me for my birthday. It was my old dream, which I kept postponing “for the next year”. On August 11, I made a jump from three thousand meters in tandem with an instructor. A burst of powerful adrenaline, hysterical laughter, tears of happiness, it is impossible to believe what is happening – you are soaring in the sky, you are flying above the ground: one minute of free fall at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour and five minutes of parachute flight. To everyone who wants for a long time, but is afraid, I recommend overcoming their fear – go and jump! With renewed vigor and positive energy, I plunge into my beloved and long-awaited work. See you at the National Theater of Karelia!

Victoria Fedorova, Theater Creative Workshop: I gave myself a bit of Italy

Victoria Fedorova

This summer I gave myself a little Italy. First, the Ligurian coast and the resort town of San Remo, once a favorite vacation spot of the Russian aristocracy. The city is noisy and joyful: scooters are always buzzing here, Italians are chirping, Italians are talking about something very emotionally. And at every step gastronomic temptations: fragrant pizza, delicious coffee and delicious gelato.

Then Verona, which competes with Paris for the title of the most romantic city in the world – thanks to Shakespeare, of course. The most beautiful city of lovers: into each other, into life, into the comfort of Italian streets, into the beauty of countless sights.

By the way, Italian women never deny themselves small joys and care about the impression they make on others, they are always well dressed. And it's very beautiful.

And if we talk about the impression of the book, then my summer discovery is Agatha Christie and her biography. Christie is not only the queen of the detective, but, of course, the magnificent writer is thin, with beautiful humor, sensitive to people, events and the most tender feelings.

Dmitry Konstantinov, Theater Creative Workshop: Read Montaenya

– Of the many events of this summer, one insignificant fact left the most vivid impression of oneself. I was lucky to purchase the book Experiments of Michel Montaenya. But that's not the point. Reading her, I could not believe that it was written in the second half of the sixteenth century. Sixteenth! The thoughts and views of the author are so relevant. It is surprising and partly sad that over several centuries, a person has not changed at all.

Vladimir Yelmchev, Theater Ad Liberum: Fishing, walks in the forest …

Vladimir Yelmchev

– The most vivid impression of this summer is a trip to Tarzhepol. Fishing, walks in the forest. I really like to just wander through the forest alone. In one of the walks, I came to a family of four vipers, peacefully gloomy in the sun. For security reasons, the photo shoot did not arrange. But the old root of a tree, similar to the gnome house, captured.

In August, the IV theater school of Karelia “Your Exit” was held. Unforgettable and productive five days of creativity.

Natalya Miroshnik, Theater Creative Workshop: Every day was unforgettable

Natalya Miroshnik

– This summer I bathed in mutual love with life! From June 1 to August 31, a bright and happy journey happened! Every day I was unforgettable, but 48 nights I fell asleep under the open, warm, starry and peaceful sky of Israel.

… This is how this summer dream is.
So it happens, he melted …

Leonid Prokofiev, director, actor: The release of the course, the role of Firs is blocked by all other impressions

Leonid Prokofiev

– The release of the course with diploma performances at the Karelian College of Culture and the role of Firs (in the premiere of the Puppet Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan Garden. – Ed.) block all other impressions. The troupe of the Karelia Puppet Theater is in great shape!

Anastasia Averina, Musical Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan: The long -awaited premiere of the new song about Karelia took place

Anastasia Averina (left) with Anastasia Salo and Mikhail Totsky in Belomorsk

– One of the vivid impressions of the summer, of course, was a trip to Belomorsk to celebrate the Day of the Republic of Karelia. Once again they admired the variety and beauty of the native land! Especially impressive is the power and greatness of the empty river Vyg. Well, the most valuable is the creative process and communication with the talented people of our republic.

The long -awaited premiere of the new song about Karelia composer Anastasia Salo to the verses of Vladimir Brendoev was translated in the translation of Armas Mishin.

Igor Makarov, Musical Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan: My debut in operetta Bat took place

Igor Makarov

– This summer began with the long -awaited event for me – in June my debut in the party of Henry Aizenstein in the operetta Bat took place. The party is not easy, especially in the acting plan.Honestly, I never thought that I would talk so much from the stage, and not sing!

Another bright event of summer was a concert in Kazan. In the city where I was born and studied, I always sing with special excitement and pleasure. I warmly love the Kazan audience – subtly sensing music, warm, responsive. It is a pity that because of a dense schedule in the theater, only once a year it is possible to break out of their homeland with a concert.

Natalia Antipina, AD Liberum Theater: Our son Nikita was first visited by Mamaev Kurgan

Nikita Antipin

– We rested with the whole family this summer in Volgograd, my parents. Unfortunately, it is not often possible to come often, but on every visit we go to Mamaev Kurgan. I have been there many times, and every time a lump in my throat, each time my heart beats quickly and powerfully, every time pride and admiration for a feat. On this visit, our seven -year -old son Nikita was first visited by Mamaev Kurgan. And for him and for us this event.

Oleg Romanov: They traveled with children by car to the sea

Oleg Romanov with family

– The most vivid impressions for me as an artist, of course, are related to work. Two performances that were staged in our theater are very different and interesting. The Garden for adults was delivered in June, and the premiere of the “Zarvushka Princess” was dedicated to the opening of the season, and the work is still in full swing.

But the hot July we dedicated the trip with the children by car to the sea. We visited the road in many cities. And in each there was something special and fascinating. Voronezh, for example, met us with folk walks in honor of the victory at one of the matches of the World Cup. In general, this summer was really generous for events.

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