Why Kanchelskis is still cooler than Arshavin, Kerzhakov, Smolov and Dziuba

Since Andrey, two Andrey: The best in history is the one who won the titles – MK

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The MK-Sport observer studies the rating of the best Russian football players compiled by British journalists, and formulates clear criteria, which immediately becomes clear who was really successful and who only flickered on the screens.

Since Andrey, two Andrey: The best in history is the one who won the titles

Why Kanchelskis is still cooler than Arshavin, Kerzhakov, Smolov and Dziuba

In the preparation of any ratings, a high degree of conventionality is initially laid down, but the ranking by English journalists of Russian legionnaires who performed in the Premier League seems an island of justice in this sea of ​​subjectivity. Especially – on the first or second.

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Sometimes, of course, you involuntarily forget, hearing all these delights about the goal Smolov Real that has already grown a whole generation of experts who did not see in the case Karpina with Mostovbut compare English careers Kanchelskis and Arshavina – This is about the same as comparing Russian achievements Wagner Lava And, let's say Alex. The first one had played from CSKA trophies on a home mini-museum, the second memorable was dyed in Spartak. Brightly, but nothing more.

The comparison, what is said, is attracted, but the achievements of the kanchelskis in England from the current potential candidates for departure to the real Premier League may even dream of. At the same time, do not forget that when Andrei signed a contract with Manchester United – it was a club that could not become a champion for a quarter century.

About five years ago, Aeroflot, who loves not to be called a sponsor, but a partner of one football club from the city of Manchester, invited me to fly as part of a group of colleagues to trample the grass at Old Trafford – and it turned out that the first thing you are for You stumble, turning under the stands to the master's locker room – this is a huge poster with kanchelskis, an amazing champion of the ADL champion. Our team then supervised Peter Shmeichel – The Danish woman is such a job, to serve as a lifting Lengenda Manchester United. I gave him greetings from Andrei, Peter immediately remembered how he stole socks in Kanch in the locker room – they were not red, and not even black, not patriotic! “And he asked where his former partner is now.” I replied that he was training Spartak – however, from Jurmala. And Jurmala is where.

So, Kanchelskis won everything for his four Manchester season – and the championship and the Super Cup is two times at all. He played, almost without sitting down – 162 matches in all tournaments. And 36 goals in them are enviable, you must agree, performance for the extreme Hava.

That's just by twenty -five years Alex Ferguson, personally looking for Kanchelskis at the friendly game of Scotland – Russia in 1991 (not to be confused with the famous match between these teams a year later), ceased to be a god for Andrei. After the injury, Ferguson carefully brought the football player to return, and he was so eager to battle that he began to give the coach tips on the formation of the composition.Who knows, maybe Sir Alex would not have put Kanchelskis so hard in his place, if only the time had not come to return one twenty-year-old boy to his position from loan to Preston. Beckhamif anything, his last name.

Kanchelskis, on the other hand, was sold to Everton – then it turned out that since the purchase from Shakhtar for 550 thousand pounds, he had grown in price ten times. And in a year and a half, Fiorentina will pay even more for Andrei.

And about Arshavin, with the exception of that famous poker at Anfield, there is nothing more heroic to remember. Not possessing the health of Kanchelskis, he with visible difficulty digested English loads. The elder Andrei, in a word, was always very zealous about his comparison with the younger ones: “He almost never plays full matches! By the middle of the second half, he is changed over and over again. they have a mentality. And sell Arshavin, who did not live up to expectations Arsene Wenger, Arsenal could not go anywhere – so I had to return it to Zenit for rent. And there is no need to talk about Andrey's involvement in any Arsenal title.

So the current coach of Navbakhor Andrei Kanchelskis is the best Russian legionnaire by a huge margin. But Peter Schmeichel would have to explain for a long time where on the football map of the world one should look for the city of Namangan.

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