RSHB and GFK: For the first time in five years, sour cream began to catch up with yogurt in consumption | RIA of the Penza region

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In Russia, the main time of pancake lovers began – Shrovetide Week. Special love was wound up by home, farm pancakes, the demand for which their native one doubled on the platform. Pancakes are served with caviar, jam and other products, but their most traditional satellite is, of course, sour cream. According to the Center for the industry examination of the Rosselkhozbank (TSOE) and the research company GFK, in 2020, Smetana began to wrap up the place of yogurt in the diet of Russians, but the latter continues to withhold leadership in consumption. Nevertheless, as analysts note, yogurt consumption can return to growth this year and reach 5.7 kg in 2021.

RSHB and GFK: For the first time in five years, sour cream began to catch up with yogurt for consumption

In Russia, the main time of pancake lovers began – Shrovetide Week. Special love was wound up by home, farm pancakes, the demand for which their native one doubled on the platform. Pancakes are served with caviar, jam and other products, but their most traditional satellite is, of course, sour cream. According to the Center for the industry examination of the Rosselkhozbank (TSOE) and the research company GFK, in 2020, Smetana began to wrap up the place of yogurt in the diet of Russians, but the latter continues to withhold leadership in consumption. Nevertheless, as analysts note, yogurt consumption can return to growth this year and reach 5.7 kg in 2021.

Analysis of demand on the platform showed his own that among traditional additives to pancakes with a significant margin, sour cream leads, which bypassed honey, jam and caviar in popularity.

Nevertheless, yogurt remains more popular farm milk goods, as it is often used in the preparation of low -calorie sauces.

From 2016 to 2019. The average per capita consumption of sour cream was reduced from 4.1 kg to 3.9 kg per person per year. At the same time, the average per capita consumption of yogurt showed the return trend, increasing from 5.1 kg to 5.7 kg per year. The gap between the consumption of sour cream and yogurt increased.






Sour cream consumption, kg/person per year

Yogurt consumption, kg/person per year

The difference between yogurt and sour cream, kg/person per year


“In recent years, a trend for healthy and less high-calorie nutrition has been cultivated in society, and the active marketing of manufacturers contributed to the positioning of yogurt as a fitness product. At the same time, consumers become more selective when choosing products, paying more attention to their composition, ”the TSO and GFK explain in a joint study.

However, 2020 made adjustments to consumer behavior: according to the results of last year, the consumption of yogurt decreased and amounted to 5.5 kg per person, and sour cream – on the contrary, increased to 4 kg per person.

The cost of both types of dairy products per 100 grams is comparable.RSXB_I_GFK_VPERVIE_ZA_PYAT_LET_SMETANA_NACHALA_DOGONYAT_YOGURT_PO_POTREBLENIUU__ria_penzenskoi_oblas

RSHB and GFK: For the first time in five years, sour cream began to catch up with yogurt in consumption | RIA of the Penza region

In Russia, the main time of pancake lovers began – Shrovetide Week. Special love was wound up by home, farm pancakes, the demand for which their native one doubled on the platform. Pancakes are served with caviar, jam and other products, but their most traditional satellite is, of course, sour cream. According to the Center for the industry examination of the Rosselkhozbank (TSOE) and the research company GFK, in 2020, Smetana began to wrap up the place of yogurt in the diet of Russians, but the latter continues to withhold leadership in consumption. Nevertheless, as analysts note, yogurt consumption can return to growth this year and reach 5.7 kg in 2021.

RSHB and GFK: For the first time in five years, sour cream began to catch up with yogurt for consumption

In Russia, the main time of pancake lovers began – Shrovetide Week. Special love was wound up by home, farm pancakes, the demand for which their native one doubled on the platform. Pancakes are served with caviar, jam and other products, but their most traditional satellite is, of course, sour cream. According to the Center for the industry examination of the Rosselkhozbank (TSOE) and the research company GFK, in 2020, Smetana began to wrap up the place of yogurt in the diet of Russians, but the latter continues to withhold leadership in consumption. Nevertheless, as analysts note, yogurt consumption can return to growth this year and reach 5.7 kg in 2021.

Analysis of demand on the platform showed his own that among traditional additives to pancakes with a significant margin, sour cream leads, which bypassed honey, jam and caviar in popularity.

Nevertheless, yogurt remains more popular farm milk goods, as it is often used in the preparation of low -calorie sauces.

From 2016 to 2019. The average per capita consumption of sour cream was reduced from 4.1 kg to 3.9 kg per person per year. At the same time, the average per capita consumption of yogurt showed the return trend, increasing from 5.1 kg to 5.7 kg per year. The gap between the consumption of sour cream and yogurt increased.

Sour cream consumption, kg/person per year

Yogurt consumption, kg/person per year

The difference between yogurt and sour cream, kg/person per year

“In recent years, a trend for healthy and less high-calorie nutrition has been cultivated in society, and the active marketing of manufacturers contributed to the positioning of yogurt as a fitness product. At the same time, consumers become more selective when choosing products, paying more attention to their composition, ”the TSO and GFK explain in a joint study.

However, 2020 made adjustments to consumer behavior: according to the results of last year, the consumption of yogurt decreased and amounted to 5.5 kg per person, and sour cream – on the contrary, increased to 4 kg per person.

The cost of both types of dairy products per 100 grams is comparable.The cost of animal protein in both products is also comparable: 1 gram of protein in yogurt cost the Russian 4 rubles, in sour cream – in 3 rubles 80 kopecks. But at the same time, yogurt contains 3 times less fat than sour cream.

“Under the influence of pandemia, consumers began to switch to less expensive products of greater nutritional value. This was equally affected by the market of dairy products: yogurt was 8% more expensive than sour cream. At the same time, when calculating 100 grams of sour cream, it contains about 15 kcal more. We expect that as the consequences of the crisis and income growth are weakened, the consumption of yogurt will return to growth. Such a scenario is possible already according to the results of 2021, ”the joint study notes.

According to experts, according to the results of 2021, the consumption of yogurt per person can reach 5.7 kg, and sour cream – 4 kg.

“The choice in favor of a less nutritious and more expensive product (which is yogurt in relation to sour cream) can seem irrational. But at the moment, the society has more likely a negative attitude to the consumption of saturated animal fats, so the return to the pre -crisis indicators of consumption according to the results of 2021 looks logical, ”said Andrei Dalnov, head of TSOE.

Rosselkhozbank JSC is the basis of the national financial and financial system for servicing the agro-industrial complex of Russia. The bank was created in 2000 and today is a key creditor of the agricultural sector of the country, is one of the largest and most stable banks in the country in terms of assets and capital, as well as among the leaders of the rating of the reliability of the largest Russian banks.

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