Review of the board game Monopoly 85 years Glamor, brilliance and golden chips

Review of the board game Monopoly 85 years; Glamor, glitter and gold chips; | Board games | Reviews | Club DNS

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Monopoly board game is a popular economic game. Monopoly is 85 years old this year, and Hasbro has released a special edition: Glamour, Glitter and Gold Chips. For collectors, this is a good addition, and for fans and connoisseurs of the game, it is a good option for everyday pastime in the company of friends and relatives.

Review of the board game Monopoly 85 years Glamour, glitter and golden chips

Review of the board game Monopoly 85 years Glamor, brilliance and golden chips

Monopoly board game is a popular economic game. Monopoly is 85 years old this year, and Hasbro has released a special edition: Glamour, Glitter and Gold Chips. For collectors, this is a good addition, and for fans and connoisseurs of the game, it is a good option for everyday pastime in the company of friends and relatives.

The creator of the game, Charles Darrow, was a stubborn and outstanding person, it was he who in 1934 began to produce home-made versions of this game, because Parker Brothers refused him mass production. But as soon as the game exceeded 5,000 home-made copies and gained mass interest, the creator turned to Parker Brothers again, and they, realizing all the circumstances, did not refuse him anymore, and already in 1936 the game received the title of bestseller in the United States as the best-selling game.

To date, the board game Monopoly attracts the attention of an uneven age category. The patent for the game belongs to Hasbro, it was they who began to release not only the classic version of the game, but expanded the boundaries and began to produce a monopoly for children, themed and collectible versions.

Monopoly 85 years Glamour, Glitter and golden chips

Contents of delivery

The Anniversary edition of the game includes:

  • playing field;
  • 8 gold chips;
  • 28 property cards;
  • 16 cards Chance;
  • 16 cards Public treasury;
  • 32 houses;
  • 12 hotels;
  • 2 dice;
  • A stack of money.

Unfortunately, in this version of the game there is no stand for the banker, where all banknotes and other details of the game are placed.

The photos show a similar stand, but it's taken from another version of Monopoly: The Big Scam.

The package includes a cardboard insert with tips on how to play a fast, fair and gambling game.

In the event that you are playing for the first time or have forgotten the rules, a colorful instruction is provided that describes all the rules and key points.

Key moments of the game

The game is for two to eight players. Recommended age limit 8+.

The key element of the game is the playing field. The playing field is collapsible and consists of many cells that are closed in a single circle. Each cell has its own name: street, object or action.

Monopoly 85 Years board game properties include:

  • 2 utility companies Electrostation and Vodoprovod;
  • 4 railway stations;
  • 3 green streets;
  • 3 streets of burgundy color;
  • 3 streets of yellow;
  • 3 streets of red;
  • 3 streets of orange;
  • 3 streets of blue;
  • 2 brown streets;
  • 2 streets of blue.

Each player has his own chip. In this version of the game, they are made of metal with imitation of “gold”. Mini figures are made in the form of: yachts, aircraft, car, helicopter, hours, glasses, cylinder and butterflies. In other words, all the chips imitate luxury and glamor.

Game figures of houses and hotels are made of plastic. The houses are made in gray, and hotels in yellow, and much larger in size than at home.

A brief overview of the rules

  1. Before the game, you need to decide on the banker who is responsible for the bank and property. It is he who distributes starting capital to all players. The starting capital is a clear specified amount (1,500 monopolies), consisting of banknotes of different price equivalent.
  2. The sequence of moves is determined using game cubes, each player must throw away the maximum possible number. Who has a higher number, that first and starts the game.
  3. Each player throws cubes, where the resulting number determines the corresponding number of moves in the cells of the field. What field the player stopped, he needs to perform the action: either buy real estate, or put it up for auction, pay for a tax, or play a “chance” or “public treasury” card.

For example, the player falls on a free cell with real estate, he needs to buy it by the amount of the indicated on the cell. As soon as other players get to the purchased real estate, they have to sink rent. The cost of rent is indicated on the purchased ownership card.

The playing field consists of color sets of real estate, so when the player collects a full color set of streets (real estate), the rent is increasing, it becomes possible to build at home. Similarly, a price list is written on each ownership card, how much is the construction of a house, a hotel and how much rent to other participants who fell on this property will cost. The main condition, you need to build houses evenly. After building 4 houses on 1 street, you can build only one hotel, no more!

As soon as the player ends money, he can sell his homes, hotels, and also lay property. The cost of the pledge is indicated on the back of the card, if the player laid his property, he receives the indicated amount from the bank and turns the card with the other side next to the game cell. In this case, the ability to build houses and hotels disappears when at least one property from the color kit in the pledge, until it is bought from the bank.

In addition to ownership on the game field, you can get to cells with certain actions. Fields such as “chance”, “public treasury”, free parking, go to prison, pay tax, and call for the immediate implementation of a particular action.

The winner in the board game of the monopoly of 85 years is considered to be the one who will become the only non -bankrupt monopolist.

Hasbro produces high -quality tables, a monopoly of 85 years of this confirmation. The performance of the field is excellent, it is strong with quality printing. The chips are made with good processing, there are no irregularities and roughnesses. Print and illustration of all high -level cards. The game bones seemed great, and the lack of a stand under the money was a little upset. But in general, this version of the board game is satisfied. Monopoly 85 years “Glamor, shine and golden chips” is a great option for a gift! A pastime in a good company will fly behind it very quickly!

On the shelves of stores, you can find other versions of the game of the monopoly, there are thematic versions, there are versions with various additions and simple, road. Thus, you can choose a game that will be completely interesting to you 100%!

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