
Ramis | The Union of Foresters of the Nizhny Novgorod Region | Page 30

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The “Green Project of the Year” by the Forest Council (FSC Russia), together with partners, established the Green Project of the Year Award. The award is awarded to companies and organizations that have been used positive

Green Project of the Year

The forest board of trustees (FSC Russia), together with partners, established the Green Project of the Year Award. The award is awarded to companies and organizations that have made a positive contribution to the development of responsible forest use in Russia.

The award is a non -profit project. Participation in it is free. An official letter with a proposal for cooperation and the regulation on the award is attached.

Forest Ecological Hakaton

NTC LLC “Himinvest” proposes to conduct “Forest El Ogic Hacaton” in the IV quarter of 2019 or the first quarter of 2020 (a copy is attached).

Proposals for participation in the Forest Environmental Hakaton and proposals for organizing its conduct, composition of measures, tasks and problematic issues of organizing activities using people using forests, I ask you to send the union to e -mail.

The draft of a new cover document for the transportation of wood.


The specialized website of the Regulation posts a draft of a new cover document.

The new form of the accompanying document for the transportation of wood does not differ from the form approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2014 No. 571, practically does not differ from the new one.

Project of new wood accounting rules


The specialized website of the regulation posts a project of new wood accounting rules.

The new decree of wood, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1525, new are not distinguished.

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