PC-Gamers will be left for the first time without a free game in Epic Games Store | Gamemag

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Instead, they will give a pack for a F2P player.

PC Gamers will be left for the first time without a free game in Epic Games Store

In December 2018 Epic Games Store He launched a promotion with weekly distribution of games. Since then, the store users have been regularly given at least one title, but soon this tradition will be broken.

For the first time in almost three years since the beginning of the initiative, Epic Games will leave PC-gamers without a free game. Instead of this 11th of November The distribution of the kit starts in EGS Epic Pack For F2P player Rogue Company, which includes Blade and Skorch agents, the skin of the Devil for the first, as well as 20,000 points of experience of combat pass.

Now Epic Games Store offers to take the strategy free of charge Aven Colony From the studio Mothership Entertainment. In it, players need to colonize the distant planet Eiven-Prime, which is located at a distance of several light years from the ground.

Create infrastructure, follow the well -being of citizens, manage resources and bring the colony to prosperity against the background of the harsh and often dangerous realities of the exotic world Aiven Prime.

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