The most dangerous criminal. Five years of colony for stalker, wad with following in Gatchina; Articles; 47 Novosti from the Leningrad region

Digger with citizenship of Russia and Ukraine was punished for voyage abroad with GOSTAYNA in his pocket. 47news found him in a five -story building in the Leningrad region and heard what acquaintances say. The most dangerous criminal. Five years of colony for stalker Wad with following in Gatchina The Moscow City Court on October […]

RIAC: The country is a "splinter". To the 80th anniversary of the break in relations between the USSR and Uruguay

International Life Country – splinter. To the 80th anniversary of the break in relations between the USSR and Uruguay At this time, 80 years ago, in Moscow, foreign employees expelled from Montevideo were unpacking their bags and doing forced employment, and, on the contrary, those Soviet diplomats who were preparing to fight, as it was […]

RUSSIA. A. Roslin, Voal, V. Eriksen, S. Torelli, I. B. Lampi Senior, m-e-l. Vizhe -Labrene – Russian art of the XVIII century

Rossika. A. Roslin, J.-L. Voal, V. Eriksen, S. Torelli, I. B. Lampi Senior, M.-E.-L. Vizhe-Labrene Rossika of the second half of the XVIII century. Against the backdrop of a mature and highly professional Russian school – already Rossika. A. Roslin, J.-L. Voal, V. Eriksen, S. Torelli, I. B. Lampi Senior, M.-E.-L. Vizhe-Labrene Rossika of the […]

Roskomnadzor: Wikipedia risks obtaining the status of a foreign agent in the Russian Federation

Roskomnadzor: “Wikipedia” risks obtaining the status of a foreign agent in the Russian Federation Wikimedia Foundation, which owns the Russian “Wikipedia”, is subject to the “on landing” law, due to Roskomnadzor: “Wikipedia” risks obtaining foreign status in the Russian Federation The Wikimedia Foundation, which owns the Russian Wikipedia, is subject to the Law “On Landing”, […]

Results of the regional stage of the All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren "Presidential Competitions" – News – Events – Official website of the local authorities of the Amur Municipal District of the Khabarovsk Territory

Results of the regional stage of the All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren Presidential Competitions – News – Events – Official website of the local authorities of the Amur Municipal District of the Khabarovsk Territory Attention! If you have suggestions for improvement portal or you find an error, please contact us. The feedback form is located […]

Resource Center "Magnetic Resonance Research Methods"; Helvetica Chem. Acta, 2016, 99, 716-723 Resource Center "Magnetic Resonance Research Methods"

Without keyword D.V. Semenok, J.J. Medvedev, M.S. Avdontseva, S.I. Selivanov, J. Sieler, A.S. Mereshchenko, V.A. Nikolaev “Experimental Evidence of Intramolecular CAr–H···O=C Hydrogen Bonds in Without a keyword D.V. Semenok, J.J. Medvedev, M.S. Avdontseva, S.I. Selivanov, J. Sieler, A.S. Mereshchenko, V.A. Nikolaev “Experimental Evidence of Intramolecular CAr–H···O=C Hydrogen Bonds in the Structure of (Diaryl)tetrahydrofuranones Using Spectroscopic […]