Official website of MBOU gymnasium No. 12 of the city of Lipetsk – MBOU gymnasium No. 12 ka

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Without a keyword Due to numerous requests from parents, teachers and educational organizations about the need for methodological support to inform students

Without a keyword

In connection with numerous appeals from parents, teachers and educational organizations about the need for methodological support for informing students of educational organizations about current historical events, on March 10, 2022 at 12.00 Moscow time, a live broadcast took place on the “Classic Radio RDSh” on the topic “Adult conversation about the World” . The organizers were the Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Children's and Youth Center together with the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren. The broadcast materials can be viewed via the link on the VKontakte social network (, as well as on RuTube video hosting (
On March 10, 2022, at 19:00 Moscow time, an All-Russian online parent meeting is scheduled to be held on the topic “Information manipulation. How to protect children. The meeting will be broadcast on the official page of the Ministry of Education of Russia on the VKontakte social network ( and on the official website of the broadcast of education.rf
In addition, the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education has developed methodological materials that can be used by educational organizations when holding parent-teacher meetings. These materials are available at:

Attention! The vacation dates for students of 1A, 1B, 2C (first year of study) classes have been postponed!
Additional holidays will be from 01/31/2022 to 02/06/2022!
Entry to training sessions – 02/07/2022

To take part in the unified state exam, you must submit an application at the place of registration for passing the exam, indicating the list of subjects that are supposed to be taken. To register for the Unified State Examination, schoolchildren will only need a passport, graduates of previous years – a more extended set of documents.

Documents for registration for the exam for graduates of previous years:
• passport
• school certificate or diploma from a technical school or college
• a certificate from a college/technical school if you are still studying
• a document from a medical institution if you have health limitations (a certificate or a certified copy of disability, a copy of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission).
At some registration points for the Unified State Examination, you may be asked for a SNILS certificate. In addition, you will need to fill out consent to the processing of personal data. Those who, after the 9th grade, went to college and dropped out without finishing their studies, should keep in mind that an academic certificate from the college will not be enough to register the exam.
Places of registration for the exam.
1. Administration of your educational institution (school, lyceum, college, etc.):
• all graduates of schools of this year (including those who have the right to early delivery of the exam);
• Students in colleges, technical schools and schools.
2. Municipal bodies of education of their region:
• graduates of past years;
• graduates of colleges, technical schools and schools;
• Citizens who have received secondary (complete) general education in educational institutions of foreign states who want to pass the exam in May-June of this year.
Addresses of regional educational bodies can be found on their official sites.
Attention! It is necessary to apply for participation in the USE until February 1 inclusive. After February 1, graduates may submit an application or amending it only by decision of the State examination commission of this region. At the same time, the participant needs to have a good reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documented). In order for the application to be adopted after the deadline, it must be submitted no later than two weeks before the corresponding stage of the exam.

Russia, 398020, the city of Lipetsk, Gagarina Street, 2 4. Phones: (4742) 27-73-58, 27-70-56, 27-54-61

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