Charity fair.

Non Stop Marathon “All the colors of life for you”: Belarusian stars about Slutsk, about their childhood and about special children; Slutsk • newspaper "INFA-KURK"

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The Belarusian singer “With a memorable velvet voice and a unique timbre” Ivan Buslai is thinking about cooperation with Slucca Aigun Guliyeva. Star

Non Stop Marathon All the colors of life for you: Belarusian stars about Slutsk, about their childhood and about special children

The Belarusian singer “With a memorable velvet voice and a unique timbre” Ivan Buslai is thinking about cooperation with Slucca Aigun Guliyeva. The star of the Belarusian pop singer Daria in childhood, at a quiet hour, escaped from the Slutsk kindergarten No. 8 (now – the center of correction – developmental training and rehabilitation (Crocryir) – acceptor).

And Peter Elfimov, a popular song performer of Belarus, says that if our help is needed, we will break, quit everything and come up with.

The IK correspondent learned about this and much more, visiting the charity non-Stop marathon “All the colors of life for you”, which took place on May 17 in the Slutsk City House of Culture (GDK) as part of the volunteer movement of the BRSM “Good Heart” and the project of the Minsk Regional Organizations of the BRSM Good Heart of the Minsk region.

Help IK. All funds raised from the sale of tickets for the concert and part of the monetary revenue from the charity fair and the sale of souvenirs and other products, which worked in the State Duma and on the territory adjacent to it, will be aimed at supporting the pupils of the Central Committee of Tsriir.

Charity fair.

Charity fair.

On the same day, the BRSM volunteer detachments held the “Good Day” campaign. It began with assistance to veterans, elderly and single people, families raising children with disabilities. Further, according to the plan, there was a improvement of the Central Committee for the Croir, in which, at the end of the labor landing for his wards and activists, a creative meeting was held with Ivan Buslai and Daria, artists of the Production Center “Spamash”.

Photo for memory with the stars of the Belarusian stage.

Photo for memory with the stars of the Belarusian stage.

Ivan Buslai: I'm sure we will cooperate

During the conversation, Aigun Guliyev, whose share of a difficult life test fell – the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, asked the singer:

– Ivan, are you ready to cooperate with young little -known authors of texts?

– Certainly! Do you write yourself? – the singer became interested.

– Yes. But it happens that thoughts come at night and I do not record them: I want to sleep. (Smiles)

At a concert, Buslai gave Aigun Guliyev his disk under the stormy applause of the audience and said:

– I'm sure we will cooperate. What if what happens.

Another owner of Ivan was another Sluchin with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy – Vladislav Gudkov. Note that, despite the limited possibilities, the guy entered the Builder at the Baranavichy State University and is studying in it to this day.

Ivan Buslai with Vladislav Gudkov

Ivan Buslai with Vladislav Gudkov

Daria: at a quiet hour I ran away from the kindergarten

The singer is from Slutsk, where she lived until four years old, after which she moved to Vileyka. Daria still keeps the memories of childhood in Slovechina.

– I was brought up in kindergarten No. 8. Now this is already the Crocryir. When I came here, one of the educators recognized me. I found out because I distinguished myself in childhood: on a quiet hour I ran away from the kindergarten … My grandmother lived in the house opposite, on Pionerskaya Street in house number 2. Therefore, I am joyful, warm and at the same time excitingly and touching to remember these wonderful days. And in such a miraculous way to be here with you.

In the city there is a river Slich, and my friends and I, being children, do not know why, called it a bull. It seems that there were no bulls there … I don't know. I also remember how we went to the city bridge, near the restaurant Paparaz-Kvetka, and caught small prickly fish there with some bag. It was the most beloved adventure to your fifth point.

Hope of Bronska: Slutsk – a beautiful and clean city

Before a charitable concert, my colleagues and I went into the dressing room for the Polish singer Nadeia of Bronsk. We were met by a pleasant woman with a radiant smile. She looked great, in the spring …

– Yes, I have a spring mood. There can be no other when you do good deeds. Many good people gathered today. And I think they understand that next to us there are a little other, special people who need to give something from themselves.

Thanks to the organizers of Non Stop, I managed to see Slutsk. I was shown a museum of Slutsk belts. It is very good and made with taste. The city is beautiful, in the center of the scope, cleanliness on the streets. I also heard that you have a breakdown holiday. I can imagine how it looks picturesque, and I imagine that the ancient spirit blows from them.

The hope of Bronska during the performance.

The hope of Bronska during the performance.

REFERENCE Ik». In addition to Ivan Baslav, Daria, the hopes of Bronsk, Peter Elfimov, the Atlantica group, Anastasia Vinnikova and others participated in the concert program.

Slutsky district – Territory of tolerance

In the final of the concert, the wards of the Crocryir presented impromptu hearts to the Belarusian pop stars. And Inessa Ponomorov, the director of the center, turned to the public:

– In any family, parents dream that their children are healthy, smart and happy. But, unfortunately, it is far from always the case. Neither the same possibilities are given to everyone. And we must understand the essence of the obstacles that these children should overcome. And create the maximum comfort for training and education. It is not for nothing that our Slutsky district is called the territory of tolerance. No wonder the experience of forming a tolerant attitude towards children with the characteristics of the psychophysical development of our teachers is recognized as the best in the republic. In the region, no child is left without attention.

On their own behalf, on behalf of their employees, on behalf of parents, who educate special children, I thank the Minsk Regional Committee, the Slutsk Executive Committee and the BRSM for holding such a wonderful action of mercy.

Pyotr Elefimov: We will break, quit everything and come up with

After the concert behind the scenes, where many people who wanted to take a picture with the Belarusian star gathered and take an autograph from her, Peter Elfimov shared his impressions with the IK correspondent:

– I will say that nothing unexpected happened. Each of our marathon takes place in the same atmosphere: warm and home. In an atmosphere of unity of artists, children and spectators. For two hours we are in euphoria, in a single impulse. Therefore, when everything turns out, succeeds, calmly in the soul. And I want everyone to have peace of mind. I know that if you need the help of artists, we will always break, quit everything and come up.

Communicating with children with the features of psychophysical development, I noticed that they do not like when they are pity. They need to be treated as equal, full -fledged. If you can extend your hand to help, help. And never turn away. God gave a test, which means that you need to go through it.

Peter Elfimov gives an interview.

Peter Elfimov gives an interview.

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