News | The Federation of Climbing St. Petersburg

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News on May 14-15 on the rocks of Lake. Yastrebinoye, the massif Farm Rocks will be held by the memorial V.A. Solonnikova – 2022, in which the St. Petersburg Championship in mountaineering in the rock will be held. also in


May 14-15 on the rocks of the lake. Yastrebinoye, the massif Farm Rocks will be held by the memorial V.A. Solonnikova – 2022, in which the St. Petersburg Championship in mountaineering in the rock will be held. Also, within the framework of the memorial, the strongest climbers among climbers will traditionally be identified.

The application of the ligament.

Application difficulty.

On May 9, the competition of Parnassus (Lake Hawk) will be held the competition of FA SPb Marathon on Parnassus. This type of competition is a classic climbing with the upper insurance at a natural relief.

All participants will be offered one attempt for the sequential passage of 3 tracks according to the Parnas array. Rise up with a climbing, down by Dulfer along the judicial railing. The time when switching from the route to the track does not stop. The average complexity of the tracks is 5B – 6A+.

The regulation on competitions has been published and registration has been opened.

The main judge of the competition is Markelov Viktor Viktorovich
Deputy Chief Judge – Grigoryev Alexander

The mountains have always attracted not only athletes, but also many people of other classes and professions. Among them were and there were landscape artists who sought to reflect the beauty of the mountains on their canvases. Sometimes these two passions were united in one person. Perhaps all climbers know the names of athletes-artists A. Maleinov (the author of the badge Cellular of the USSR), A. Gutman, Yu. Vizbor, etc.

In recent years, there has been the desire of such artists to jointly go to the mountains to work in the openier. So, for example, last year a group of artists from St. Petersburg went to the Schaelda Alps, at the invitation of its leadership, where many interesting works were written dedicated to the base itself and Elbrus in general.

This year, participants in this trip continued their joint work to popularize the domestic mountain landscape.

Their efforts will be presented at the Mountain Landscape exhibition “My Heart in the Mountains”, which will be held from May 2 to 30, 2022 in the Bryullov mansion (St. Petersburg, Vasilyevsky Island, 37 Lieutenant Schmidt).
The exhibition works daily, from 11.00 to 18.30, the entrance is free.

The exhibition is supported by the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (Pani) and the Federation of Clinism of St. Petersburg (FA SPb).

As part of the exhibition participants, members of the Union of Artists Anatoly Annenkov, Julia Berdnikova, Vladimir Mishurov and Alexander Pasmurov (member of FA SPb).

The exhibition presents works written by the results of authors' trips not only to the Caucasus, but also to Altai, Tien Shan, to the Himalaye, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy.

Order 42 ng dated March 30, 2022

On the assignment of the qualification category Sports judge of the All -Russian category

In accordance with the Regulation on sports judges, approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2017 No. 134 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 31, 2017, registration No. 46917), as amended by the orders of the Ministry of Sports of Russia of February 13, 2018 No. 123 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 14, 2018, registration No. 50353), dated October 26, 2018 No. 914 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 19, 2018, registration No. 52710),
I order:
Assign the qualification category Sports judge of the All -Russian category

The city of St. Petersburg

Totmyanin Nikolay Anatolyevich

Minister O.V. Matycin

Nikolai Anatolyevich, congratulations.

The national team of St. Petersburg performed perfectly in the Russian Championship in the Russian Championship of Russia in Ski-Alpinism! Irina Umnitsyna and Valery Merkuryev became champions of Russia, winning the command race. Irina Umnitsyna won still silver medals in individual and vertical races, and Valeria became a bronze medal on a vertical race. But Ira is only 18 years old, she is still a junior.

Our men's team in Krasin Anton and Fedorov Andrei did not disappoint either, showing the third result in the command race. We congratulate everyone warmly!

We remind you that from April 01, 2022, the size of a membership fee to the Federation of Climbing St. Petersburg for the season 2022 – 2023 will be increased to 1,500 rubles (1600 when paying online).

Club representatives can pass college contributions on the list of Olga Turanova.

Congratulations to Arkady Andreev, Nikolai Korzhakova and Oksana Yakimenko with the assignment of the Master of Sports of Russia in Alpinism!

Order On the Assistance of the Sports title Master of Sports of Russia dated February 25, 2022 No. 25 NG

In accordance with the Regulation on the Unified All -Russian Sports Classification, approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2017 No. 108 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 21, 2017, registration No. 46058), as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia of June 1, 2021 No. 370 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 30, 2021, registration No. 64041) I order:

Assign the sports title Master of Sports of Russia

The city of St. Petersburg

Andreev Arkady Borisovich
Korzhakov Nikolay Yuryevich
Yakimenko Oksana Anatolyevna

Minister O.V. Matycin

On March 8, during the ski relay race in Toksovo on the SKA highway, one of the participants in the competition received a serious injury – a fracture of the hip neck.

The emergency occurred before the start of the competition, during a warm -up in Julia, a third -party man crashed poorly skiing.

Against the background of stress, Julia did not estimate the damage and was able to even run 2.5 kilometers in competitions, but then she fell from a sharp pain in the leg and she had to be evacuated in a lying position to the Toksovsky hospital, where the diagnosis was established.

So consider “out of the blue”, on the holiday of March 8, Yulina has changed sharply and not through her fault.Last night she was hospitalized in 15 hospital and will do the joint.

The operation costs 92 tons. Julia lives alone with a ten -year -old child and this is significant expenses for her.

We declare a fundraiser and ask you to help in her trouble as much as possible. You can transfer money to her phone, +7981-854-40-60, Julia Kirsanova, Sber or VTB thanks for the help!

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We invite you to the competition Price of climbers March 8, 2022

Place: SKA ski track, pos. TOKSOVO.
Start at 11:00

✅Classification of competition
Ski relay race in 3 stages of 5 km with mandatory participation in the team of at least one girl. Stage 1 is a classic style.
Competitions are open, everyone is invited to participate.

✅Requirements for the composition of commands
⛏The Climberists team – all team members must have ascents confirmed by the entry in the climber’s book or in the profile on the FA SPb website, or a designed category for mountaineering. * (Beginners, participants without perfect ascents, athletes fall into the offset).
⛷Sports team – all members of the athletes team (or the climbers team included athletes or juniors)
🎿The juniors team are all members of the junira team (boys and girls up to 14 years old)

The first three teams in the tests are awarded with cups and valuable prizes:
General offset (among all the teams of the relay)
Climbers (all participants in the team are climbers)

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30/20 km, rack with a backpack 2.5 kg, free style

Congratulations to the winners and winners!

General test m 30 km:
1. Fedorov Andrey (a/c Leti)
2. Levchenko Vladimir (Redfox)
3. Lukin Sergey (SL Team)

Total test 20 km
1. Yurlova-Permcht Ekaterina (iurlova-team)
2. Umnitsyna Irina (University ITMO)
3. Pashuto Anastasia (Begunki)

Men climbers ma 30km
1. Fedorov Andrey (a/c Leti)
2. Smutin Valery (a/k ledin)
3. Dvorkin Alexander (technologist)

Women climbers ZHAS 20 km
1. Umnitsyna Irina (University ITMO)
2. Maslennikova Maria (assault)
3. Nesterova Valentina (technologist)

Veterans Alp Ma60 20 km
1. Smirnov Victor (miner)
2. Nastryakov Mikhail (Mayak)
3. Khadzhinov Sergey (Polytechnic)

Women-veterans Alp. FOR50 10 km
1. Klimenko Olga (LIAP)
2. Kachkova Svetlana (miner)
3. Zhbanova Inessa (Dynamo St. Petersburg)

Photos about Konstantin Vorobyov will soon appear in the album

Thank partners and sponsors of the competition for support and the prizes provided!

Prize certificates and books-sports marathon
SIS sports nutrition – SPBGEL4U store
SWIX covers and bags, LF liquid paraffin and screed – Skate Classic

If possible, we celebrate sponsors in social networks.
Sports marathon #SSPORTMARAFON
SIST SIS #SISI_SPB sports nutrition
Tramontana #Tramontana_Shop
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Regional Sports Public Organization “The Federation of Alpinism of St. Petersburg”
When designing the site, photos of Konstantin Vorobyov were used.
Programming: Maxim Nesvit and Vadim of Tuners.

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