News service | TV company "Volga"

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The official portal of the Volga television company

News Service

The information broadcasting of the Volga television company is acute topics and important events, modern technology and a team of professionals. The Volga television company occupies a leading position in the information space of the Volga Federal District and the Nizhny Novgorod Region, confirmation of this is the attention and respect of viewers, high ratings of weekly programs with the first persons of the city, the region, leading politicians of our state. In the daily information programs of the Volga television company, an interactive television system is used, which allows for feedback with our viewer and recognize his opinion on all issues discussed on the air.

Over the years of work, persons of federal and international scale have visited the Volga television studio. Among them are Victor Chernomyrdin, Sergey Kiriyenko, Anatoly Chubais; The leaders of all political parties are Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Gennady Zyuganov, Boris Nemtsov and Gennady Yavlinsky, Sergey Mironov and Boris Gryzlov. The Volga television company became the only regional television company, where Russian President Boris Yeltsin gave interviews on the air. The interlocutors of the journalists “News” are both ordinary Nizhny Novgorod and world -class stars – Alla Pugacheva, Galina Vishnevskaya, Vladimir Spivakov, Zurab Tsereteli, Nikita Mikhalkov and others. Maya Plisetskaya, Mstislav Rostropovich, Mikhail Zadornov appeared on the Volga television company.

Today in the information broadcasting grid – 5 daily issues of the News program on weekdays at 06:10, 08:10, 18:00, 20:30, 22:30, the criminal chronicle – “crew” on weekdays at 06:00, 08 : 00, 12:50, 17:50, 20:20, 22:20 and the analytical program “Afterword. Events of the week ”on Saturday at 18:00.

There are 45 information broadcasts in the staff of the information broadcasting directorate, at the same time with those who work outside the state. In fact, each of the employees of the television company takes part in the work of information broadcasting-someone brings topics, someone-interesting personnel. And by and large – our colleagues and co -authors are all viewers, and these are hundreds of thousands. People treat their troubles and joys, share problems and ideas, which then are reflected on the air.

The head of the Volga television company, Alexander Resonov, invariably holds the position of one of the most popular and influential journalists in the ratings of the Nizhny Novgorod media. The analytical program of Alexander Rezontov “Afterword. Events of the week ”took first place in the nomination“ The weekly journalistic program ”of the second All-Russian competition“ TEFI-Region ”.

2009, 2011 – Victory in the nomination “Best Information Program” and “New News” on the Eurasian telephone.

2005, 2006 – special prizes at the All -Russian competitions TEFI -Region For Fidelity of the Profession.

2000- The first award for the professional use of the principle of interactive television. International Forum Anigraph-Telekino 2000.

1997 – Grand Prix in the nomination leading the information program and a prize of the audience sympathies of the International Television Forum of the CIS and Baltic countries.

Our awards

  • The main prize at the Volga Regional Competition News – Local Time – Svetlana Lipatova in the nomination Best reporter of the Volga region (Kazan, 1999)
  • The diploma of the laureate of the Eurasian telephone in the nomination Social Report Alla Roshchina (Moscow, 1999)
  • The main prize in the competition dedicated to the centenary of the trade union movement of Russia and the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the nomination Electronic Media to the correspondent News Alexander Toporin (Nizhny Novgorod, May, 2005)
  • Diploma For journalistic skills, creative approach and reliability of materials in the coverage of the events and activities of the Upper Volga Department of the State weather service of the editorial office of the News of the Volga television company (VII International Scientific and Industrial Forum Great Rivers-2005 , Nizhny Novgorod, May , 2005 year)
  • The medal “For the military valor” to the correspondent of the News of the Volga television company Ksenia Alekseenko “For three business trips to the Chechen Republic during the counter -terrorism operation, for professional and accurate reports on the Russian military and for actual participation in the hostilities” (April, 2005 year)
  • Special prize For reportership of the All-Russian television contest TEFI-Region to the Observer of the Directorate of Information Broadcasting of the Volga television company Alexander Toporin (February, 2008)
  • Diploma For professional coverage of the activities of the GU FSIN of the All -Russian contest On guard of order to the Observer of the Directorate of Information Broadcasting of the Volga television company Alexander Toporin (Ufa, April 2008)


The first release of News was aired on December 17, 1993. It was then that new television began in the new Russia, including the regional one.

The task of “news” is to convey the information to the viewer fresh, important, objective and doing it interesting. Today, “News” is a daily information program about the main political, economic, social, cultural and sports events of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

One two -minute plot on news – this is at least ten people. And only two of them – the correspondent and the host – sees the viewer on the air. The labor of the rest remains behind the scenes, and meanwhile, the news is primarily a team. The information collection editor – a person who knows how to talk at the same time by three phones and at the same time still analyze editorial mail, operators – see what no other sees. Drivers, like their five fingers, know streets and lanes, district centers and villages. Installation engineers in a minute for a minute will show the viewer that the clock, days, and sometimes years.Correspondents are those who are always on the front edge. Moreover, often – literally. From 1999 to 2001 The series of reports in Grozny and Urus-Martan was shot by Ksenia Alekseenko. In August 2008, Anatoly Mayorov worked in Tskhinval and Gori.

Many news officers have repeatedly received recognition at all -Russian festivals and competitions.


Crew. Chronicle of incidents ” – daily information program, about the main criminal events of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The program correspondents daily, around the clock, regardless of the weather and the holidays, are monitoring the operational situation in the city and the region.

In 1995, the editorial board of criminal programs began with the thematic release of the news Crime Noon. By 2000, she grew up in a separate program “Crew”, which today is on the air of the Volga television company, on weekdays at 06:00, 08:00, 12:50, 17:50, 20:20, 22:20.

The program contains headings:

  • Investigation
  • Special report
  • From heart to heart (the whole world Nizhny Novgorod helps those who need it)
  • Weather on the roads (a detailed story about the weather for seven days ahead)

Analysis of the audience of the region shows that the program “Crew. Chronicle of incidents ” – an undoubted leader in the coverage of criminal events in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The “crew” is a team of criminal reporters, which promptly and objectively informs the audience about the most important and interesting incidents. We are always in the center of the most acute events!


The program afterword on the air since September 1994.

Afterword. The events of the week.

Weekly information and analytical journalistic program. Within an hour – all the most interesting and important events for the region in reports and analytical materials of observers and correspondents of the information broadcasting directory.

The program afterword. Events of the week ”All these years, one permanent presenter – Alexander Rezontov. He summarizes the results of the week every Saturday at 18:00.

If you have witnessed interesting events, possess an important information on an acute, relevant topic, write and call us! If you know people who need help, who cannot independently cope with their misfortune, tell us: we will try to help!

A large team is working on the creation of News: editors, presenters, correspondents, video operators, video engineers, drivers.

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