Moscow Polytech, Kolomna

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Kolomna Institute (branch) of the Moscow Polytechnic University – the official website of the university. Former names: KI MAMI, KI MGOU, KI VZPI. The main building is located at the address: Moscow region, Kolomna, st. October Revolution, house 408

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Dear students and employees!

Read the information provided by Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health

Students of the Kolomna Institute of the Moscow Polytechnic University became participants in the rally-concert Kolomna – the city of labor prowess

On May 1, 2022, a patriotic rally-concert Kolomna – the City of Labor Valor was held in the Memorial Park near the City of Labor Valor stele. A group of student volunteers from the Kolomna Institute of the Moscow Polytechnic University at a rally-concert stood with portraits of teachers and employees of the institute, participants in the labor front.

72nd open student scientific conference of the Moscow Poly SNK – 2022

Students and teachers of the Kolomna Institute (branch) took part in the 72nd open student scientific conference of the Moscow Poly SNK – 2022.

An open student scientific conference is traditionally held at the Moscow Polytechnic University in April of each year. This year, the work of the closed sections of the conference, held on April 4-9, 2022 for students of the Moscow Poly, was organized online in 56 areas.

To the winners of the Polytechnic Olympiad for schoolchildren
diplomas and valuable gifts were awarded

On April 28, 2022, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the Polytechnic Olympiad for schoolchildren was held at the Kolomna Institute of the Moscow Polytechnic University, timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of JSC Scientific and Production Corporation Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering and the 120th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding weapons designer Boris Ivanovich Shavyrin.

Krasheninnikov Vitaly Georgievich
Member of the Great Patriotic War

Sailor of the Pacific Fleet. Participated in the liberation of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Director of the Kolomna Institute from 1963 to 1968

Teachers and students of the Kolomna Institute became participants in the presentation of the legal class

April 23 at the Kolomna Gymnasium No. 9 named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S.G. Gorshkov held a presentation of the legal class. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the urban district of Kolomna came to a meeting with the students and their parents – assistant to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kolomna, major of the internal service Elistratova S.A., inspector of the professional training group of the ORLS, captain of the internal service Vorobyova E.V. The Kolomna Institute of the Moscow Polytechnic University was represented by Deputy Director Sergomasov M.Yu., Art.teacher Abramova I.O. and a group of students.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, as of April 27, 2022, 510,521,091 confirmed cases were registered in the world (an increase of 726,340 cases per day, 0.14%)

The full list of countries can be found here

At all checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor conducts enhanced double control of persons arriving from disadvantaged regions using stationary and portable thermal imaging equipment.
In the period from December 31, 2019, as of April 25, 2022, 47,900,387 people were examined, during this period 2,093 people were identified with signs of infectious diseases. In all cases, a full range of measures was taken to prevent complications of the epidemiological situation.
For clinically healthy individuals who do not have the possibility of isolated living, 286 observatories for 27,691 places are provided in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of which 86 observatories are deployed for 9,734 places, where 335 people are accommodated.
For more news and up-to-date information about the spread of coronavirus in Russia, visit stopcoronavirus.rf.

52nd Kolomna Fighter Battalion of the NKVD

At the height of the Moscow battle, NKVD destroyer battalions began to be created in Moscow and the region. The 52nd fighter battalion of the NKVD was formed on the 5th floor of the building of the training complex of the Kolomna Plant. The main part of the battalion fighters were workers of the Kolomna Machine-Building Plant. According to the staffing table, each fighter battalion of the NKVD was armed with two light machine guns, rifles, revolvers, and, if possible, grenades. But since there were not enough weapons, everything that could be used came into service with the fighter battalions – old-style rifles, Molotov cocktails and edged weapons. Uniforms for the fighters of the fighter battalions were not supposed to. Kolomna 52nd Fighter Battalion was formed at the end of August 1941, and at the end of October near Ruza, he made his first combat operation.

Kolomna Institute of Moscow Polytechnic University joins the action of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Scientific Regiment

Established in the first post-war years, the Institute is proud of the contribution to the Great Victory of teachers, employees and graduates on the fronts and in the rear. As stipulated by the regulations, from April 18 to June 22, the information resources of the university contain materials about the teachers, employees and graduates of the Kolomna Institute who contributed to the victory over fascism, as well as information about the formation of artillery regiments during the war years and the work of the Diesel Institute in the building The training complex of the Kolomna Plant, where the Kolomna Institute of the Moscow Polytechnic University is currently located.

Makarov Alexander Ivanovich (1921 – 1997)
Member of the Great Patriotic War

Navigator of a flight of dive bombers (Pe-2).The war of the War as part of the troops of the Western, Leningrad, I and II Baltic and III Belorussian fronts. He participated in the liberation of Smolensk, Minsk, Riga, Vitebsk, Danzig, the capture of Koenigsberg. The service was completed by the senior navigator of the aircraft regiment of naval aviation with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was awarded orders: Patriotic War, two orders of the Red Star and 6th combat medals.

Registration for the second season of the Topblog project has started

Topblog is an educational project of the “Russia -Country of Opportunities” platforms, where leading bloggers and experts are absolutely free to teach everyone to develop their social networks and create involving content.

The national team of the Kolomensky Institute took third place in a combined fire relay race

On the basis of the sports town of the fire department number 32, an open tournament was held in fire and applied sports, a postponed memory of the head of the Kolomensky garrison of the firefighter, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Andrei Vladimirovich Morozov.

April 22, 2022 The competition was attended by 11 teams from Kolomna, Lukhovitz Zaraysk and Voskresensk.

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