Photo: Press Service of the Domagot TV channel

May premieres on Home – KP. Ru

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From May 2 to May 9, a magical atmosphere of love and romance – only for spectators of Home

May premieres on Home

Photo: Press Service of the Domagot TV channel

Will open the marathon prime minister May 2 at 13:10 movie Olyushka.Olya decides to correct the mistake of the past: she is going to find and reunite two lovers who were once quarreled by her mother. The plan works – thirty years later, the former lovers meet again! But this meeting turns into a disaster and destroys the lives of all Olushka's close people. She has to return everything to its place, restore peace in her own family and find true love …

Production: Atlantic Production Producers: Alexander Kushaev, Roman Kovalev Written by: Julia Svetlova Directed by: Alexey Prazdnikov Director of photography: Gleb Vavilov Production designer: Maria Belozerova Composer: Leonid Inovlotsky Casting director: Yana Kushakovskaya Cast: Maria Skuratova, Pyotr Romanov, Yaroslav Zhalnin, Tatiana Kolganova, Boris Khvoshnyansky, Natalya Burmistrova, Ekaterina Reshetnikova, Ekaterina Zorina, Vitaly Taks and others.

Photo: Press Service of the Domagot TV channel

In the evening May 2 at 22:55 viewers will be able to see the premiere of the film Looking for you. Starring – Lyanka Gryu and Stanislav Bondarenko.

Lovers Roman and Berta go with friends to the country. The stormy fun of young people unexpectedly leads to a tragic ending: tipsy Roman loses his beloved at cards to a friend; trying to protect himself and fight off Sergei, Berta unintentionally kills him.

To avoid punishment, she finds an opportunity to start a new life under a false name. But the past haunts her: an old story resurfaces. At this difficult moment, fate again confronts her with Roman. Guilt haunts the man – he does everything to help Bertha.

Production: Rekun-Cinema LLC Producers: Ilya Neretin, Denis Petushkov Executive producer: Elena Kozhanova, Maxim Koroptsov Written by: Alzhbeta Adonis Directed by: Mikhail Weinberg Director of photography: Sergey Blednov Production designer: Vitaly Glazko Cast: Kirill Pletnev, Lidia Milyuzina, Stanislav Bondarenko, Lyanka Gryu, Polina Syrkina, Alesya Samokhovets, Elena Dubrovskaya, Olga Skvortsova, Anna Shikut, Sergey Rudenya, Viktor Manaev, Andrey Krivetsky, Pyotr Yurchenkov (junior), Kirill Zakharov and others.

Photo: Press Service of the Domagot TV channel

Will continue the line of holiday premieres May 3 at 22:55 action melodrama Blood with milk. The main roles were played Olga Fadeeva and Andrey Frolov.

Divorce for Evgenia became a real tragedy: the head of the investigative department built a protective shell, which is why she cannot find a worthy companion.

The personal life of a simple hard worker Kostya is also not going well. By chance, the characters meet on a blind date, where Zhenya introduces herself as a kindergarten teacher, and Kostya as a wealthy businessman.The deceit entails many incidents and contradictions. The further they plunge into a lie, the more difficult it is to get out …

Production: CJSC Studio Avangard Producers: Alexander Kushaev, Irina Smirnova Executive producer: Tamara Khromova Written by: Alexey Krasovsky Director-Supporter: Alexander Khvan Operator-operator: Valery Tsybin Wasteer artist: Denis Istomin Composer: Vitaly Istomin Casting director: Natalia Grechukhina Cast: Olga Fadeeva, Andrei Frolov, Yana Kranova, Mikhail Vladimirov, Ilya Isaev, Alexander Korobko, Anna Polopanova, Evgeny Volovenko, Natalya Tretyakova, Olga Bobkova, Sergey Serov, Tatyana Chernopyatova, Yuri Gumirov, Boris Karelina, Karelina, Ksenia Chernoskutov , Pavel Arkhipov, Olga Degtyareva, Sergey Frolov, Vladislav Dunaev, Ekaterina Davydov Tongur, Valentina Dubinina and others.

Photo: Press Service of the Domagot TV channel

May 5 at 23:00 The premiere of the melodrama will take place Golden scissors. The main roles were played Olga Sukhareva and Sergey Mukhin.

Lisa is studying at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and undergoes a practice at the police department. On the eve of the New Year, Lisa receives a task from the boss, she has to find a strange maniac who cuts her hair to the girls. Meanwhile, the rich businessman Nikita, desperate to find his love, sends an announcement of acquaintance in the newspaper.

One mistake in the ad – and the heroes are found. Lisa sees that criminal in Nikita, and he is in a mysterious stranger – a dream girl …

Production: LLC Tesya Producer: Vladimir Ignatiev Executive producers: Julia Yereshko, Evgeny Redidarevich Creative producer: Sergey Hirgel Scriptwriters: Alexey Tagushev, Marianna Sokolskaya Director-Supporter: Mikhail Zhervsky Operator-operator: Ruslan Yarullin Composer: Igor Shcherbakov Cast: Sergey Mukhin, Olga Sukhareva, Sergey Komarov, Evgenia Girzekorn, Evgeny Nikitin, Vladimir Voronkov, Evelina Sakuro, Tatyana Khorozhaya, Vyacheslav Shakalido, Alexander Odinets, Tatyana Cherdyntseva, Vasily Grechukhin and others.

Photo: Press Service of the Domagot TV channel

The prime minister Fairytale melodramas will continue the line May 6 at 23:00 painting Chronicle of betrayal. Starring – Love of Tolkalina and Vyacheslav Manucharov.

Anna is happy in marriage with Andrei, but by chance, Yegor arises in her life … He begins to take care of, but she is embarrassed by the age difference – Yegor younger than Anna is ten years younger. The young whisper leaves no hope of winning a lover, pursues her, throws her with letters and terrorizes with phone calls. Once Anna returns home and discovers that the apartment was burned, and Andrei was gone …

Production: LLC Maximus Producer: Sergey Sendyk Scriptwriters: Daria disobrait, Sergey Krutin, Olga Shulina Director-Set: Sergey Krutin Operator-operator: Vladimir Ivanov Wasteer artist: Victor Fomin Composer: Egor Olesov Cast: Love Tolkalina, Dmitry Lalenkov, Vyacheslav Manucharov, Dmitry Surzhikov and others.

Photo: Press Service of the Domagot TV channel

Complete the May premieres 7, 8 and 9 May at 23:00 The trilogy of melodramatic comedy Diary of Bridget Jones, Bridget Jones: the edges of the reasonable and Bridget Johns-3. Starring – Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant and Colin Fet .

Photo: Press Service of the Domagot TV channel

Thirty-year-old Lonely Englishwoman Bridget Jones decides to get rid of bad habits in order to fundamentally change her life, and at the same time do something with her personal life …

Producers: Tim Bivan, Jonathan Cavendish, Lisa Chezin, Eric Philner, Helen Fielding, Debra Hayord, Peter MacAlis, Bernard Bellew (Bridget Jones: the edges of the rational), Lisa Chezin (Bridget Jones: the Ek of the Reasonable ”), Cezare Landrichin (Bridget Jones: the City of the Reasonable”), Oswald Volkenstein (Bridget Jones: the Ek of the Reasonable ”), Jane Robertson (Bridget Johns-3) Scriptwriters: Helen Fielding, Richard Curtis, Andrew Davis (Bridget Jones: the Ek of the Reasonable ), Adam Brooks (Diary of Bridget Jones: the edges of the rational), Dan Mazer (Bridget Johns-3), Emma Thompson (Bridget Johns-3) Directors-winners: Sharon Maguire (Diary of Bridget Jones, Bridget Johns-3), Biban Kidron (Bridget Jones: the edges of the rational) Settlement operators: Stuart Dryberg (Diary of Bridget Jones), Edrian Biddle (Bridget Jones: the Ek of the Reasonable), Andrew Dunn (Bridget Johns-3) Waste artists: Jamma Jackson, David Warren, Paul Inglis (Bridget Jones: the Ek of the Reasonable), John Paul Kelly (Bridget Johns-3) Composers: Patrick Doyle, Nick Eshford, Eric Carmen, Kenny Gamble, Bart Howard, Leon Huff, Walery Simpson (Bridget Jones Diary),

Photo: Press Service of the Domagot TV channel

Harry Greggson-Wilems, Michael Price, Stephen Barton, Toby Chu (Bridget Jones: the edges of the rational) Cast: Renee Zelweger, Jim Brodbent, Hugh Grant, Jamma Jones, Colin Fert, James Fulkner, Shirley Henderson and others.

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