Mathematical game Meat grinder

Mathematical game; Meat grinder; – News – Faculty of Mathematics – National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

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From March 6 to April 26, 2019 The Faculty of Mathematics, which is the resource center in the project of the Department of Education of Moscow Mathematical Vertical, holds mathematical games in a number of schools. The guys among themselves call this game meat grinder. Classes are conducted by students of the program Joint Bachelor of the Higher Professional Education and CPM.

Mathematical game Meat grinder

Mathematical game Meat grinder

Polina: The organization of mathematical games began back in January 2019, when we proposed our sponsored schools (as we call 36 schools, the resource center of which in the project Mathematical Vertical is the Higher School of Economics) to conduct their classes in a playful way. Schools chose the date and time convenient for them, and the students of the VSHE and CPMs Council of People's Commissars have developed the game regulations, picked up tasks and now carry out these games. The tasks are the most diverse: school and non -standard.

How the games pass

Victoria: The guys are divided into 5-6 teams of approximately 5 people. When solving problems, participants earn points that they can use to move around the game field and “chop” (“eat”) teams that come across in their way. The one who “chop” most teams wins.

Polina: The rules of the game are arranged so that the one who solved the most problems does not necessarily win. Schoolchildren are very fascinated by the game format: from 2 lessons in solving problems, they do not have time to get tired, as they often get tired of ordinary mathematics lessons. School teachers are also involved in the play and work of the jury. It is useful for everyone to share their observations about the guys, the advantages and disadvantages of classes in a playful way. Of course, schoolchildren like such classes and open mathematics from the other side.

How the guys cope with the tasks

Victoria: This game is not only to solve mathematical problems, but also to choose the right tactics. Of course, the solution of problems requires considerable effort, because the tasks are non -standard, but the guys do it. Funny remark: those who solve problems well rarely pay great attention to tactics, and vice versa. In practice, very often these approaches give an approximately equal result of the game. Although not always.

Polina: Many guys are faced with an unusual format for themselves: this activity is more like a team than individual. They are used to solving problems in the lessons, but here we still need to think about how to win. Sometimes students solve problems together, and sometimes everyone chooses from the list of tasks what is closer to him, and participants in one team solve problems separately.

What does it give to the student

Meat grinder

Victoria: You can learn how to evaluate other people's solutions and approaches only by knowing and developing this experience constantly. And also, of course, I personally, as a student, like this atmosphere, the children themselves who try so hard! In general, the children are well solved by the proposed problems.The spirit of rivalry, the desire to reach the correct answer, teamwork – the guys have all this, so we, the organizers, do not have to sit idle.

Polina: We will continue to hold this game until the end of April, then the schoolchildren begin control measures. But we plan to call the teams of the winners to the final final competition, which will be held at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Higher School. We also invite everyone to participate in the summer city mathematical school on August 14-24, 2019.

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