Legends of Russian hockey. Chapter 27. Yuri Lizavin's Double Center – News Archive – Russian Bandy Federation

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Legends of Russian hockey. Chapter 27

Started in Ulyanovsk, and ended in Dynamo Moscow, to which he gave most of his hockey career. He made his debut in the national team quite late – at the age of 25, but nevertheless managed to become world champion six times, often scoring goals in the most decisive matches.


Ulyanovsk gave the national bandy many strong masters, and Yuri Lizavin is one of the brightest. First of all, he is a unique scorer: Lizavin broke performance records, became top scorer in Dynamo Moscow history (which is already amazing, since in different years such forwards as Evgeny Papugin, Mikhail Osintsev, Valery Maslov, Alexander Tsyganov, Evgeny Ivanushkin played for this team). Other qualities were also strong in him: he mastered the filigree dribble technique, knew how to play outside the box at the end of an attack, coolly and effectively acted in a penalty area saturated with opponents. And his strong and aimed blow from both hands (that is, from the right and left swings) was considered exemplary – not as powerful as that of Papugin, but biting, like a snap of a whip. Lizavin knew how to cleanly remove the ball from the ice, when hit, without touching it with a club, and the ball flew as if fired from a sling.

Son Yuri Stepanovich Andrei keeps at home his game stick, donated as a sign of friendship and respect by the famous Swede B. Bempoy Ericsson. “She is in perfect condition! he says. “My father played with her in the USSR championship and did not damage the hook at all.”

The sports biography of Yuri Lizavin began in his native Ulyanovsk. In his youth, he had the opportunity to perform under the guidance of many coaches, but Yuri especially singled out Nikolai Ivanovich Gunin.

For the Volga he played quite a bit, but managed to fall in love with local connoisseurs of bandy. The local poet Vitaly Masyukov even dedicated several quatrains to young Lizavin in a large poem Evening Hockey, in which there were also such words: “But even though he is a modest boy, his destiny is not gray, and he is already looming: in his chest “USSR”!”

Photo from the book

It was Gunin who recommended Lizavin to Khabarovsk SKA, when it was time for military recruitment. As Yuri Stepanovich noted in a conversation with the author of these lines, if it were otherwise, he (like Evgeny Gerasimov earlier) could end up in Kuibyshev, where the army team played ice hockey. That is how Alexei Butuzov, another favorite of the Ulyanovsk fans, who was a year older, lost several years in Russian hockey.

But the departure of Lizavin from his hometown so then and remained not forgiven by local fans, madly in love with his native Volga (and then the full house at her home matches was almost invariably) … This is later, when Yuri said goodbye to the Great Hockey, he loved to come to his hometown and play in the matches of veterans. In the years of heyday, as a sniper at the stadiums of the Volga and Trud, he had to be completely hard. After the matches, Yuri Lisavin was often surprised: they say, why Vasily Dmitrievich Trofimov It puts me at the base, does it know that they will “kill” me here?

Largely because of Lizavin, first SKA (Khabarovsk), and then Dynamo were obstructed by fans, who, after the game, threw the bus with snowballs and even empty bottles.

– Yura had all serious injuries after meetings with the Volga, – adds Tatyana Mikhailovna, wife of Yuri Lizavin. – And the chin was sewn up, and their teeth were knocked out.

As a child, the son of Lizavin Andrei rested almost every summer with his grandmother in the maternal line in Ulyanovsk. “Adult men, when they found out that I was the son of Yuri Lizavin, in all seriousness told me that I was the son of a traitor. This caused sincere bewilderment: why are they not proud of their contemporary and fellow countryman, who became famous? He recalls.

Photo from the book

Khabarovsk: Competition and blood on the head

Five seasons – from 1963 to 1968, Yuri Lisavin spent in Khabarovsk SKA. Then, in the early 60s, the Far Eastern team represented a formidable force that dreamed of invading the dispute of the Sverdlovsk and Moscow Dynamo for allied gold. In many ways, this happened by the efforts of the recruits: in the attack line, together with the Urals team, Anatoly Frolov and Vladimir Ordin, who had arrived from the Moscow Region, who had already arrived in the Urals Mikhail Devishev and Mikhail Khanin. Yuri Lisavin also fell into this company. In 1964, Khabarovsk SKA became the second winner of the USSR championship.

Yuri Stepanovich clarified:

-With Khanin, we arrived in Khabarovsk at the same time-in 1963. Then Viktor Gladkov left the army, and the coaches began to look for a replacement for him on the right region. However, only I managed to gain a foothold in the composition.

SKA's popularity was simply fantastic. Fans With three -liter (!) Banks of red caviar They stood after the game at the exit from the locker room, hoped that the players would accept these gifts, and, if it happened, they were immensely happy.

Yuri Lisavin recalled: when they became silver medalists, the fans carried them in their arms.

In Khabarovsk, Yuri devoted poetry to the team of geologists of the Far Eastern Geological Management. It was speaking for the Khabarovsk SKA, Yuri Lisavin began to train his The famous blow to the radius.

“Father said that he remained after the main training on roller skates during summer camps and Bil-Bil-Bil while there were strength,” recalls Andrei Lizavin. – The result, according to him, was the hit In the distant nine in 9 cases out of 10! He generally often repeated: if you want to become unique, then you need to work 200 percent and be sure to overcome the placed bar each time.

When Yuri Lizavin was 52 years old, in a match of veterans he scored a beautiful goal Alexander Tenyakov. He complained to Andrei in his hearts: “After all, he knew that it would fly here. But how to recapture?! Your father was and remains a great master of such unsuccessful blows. ”

From the Khabarovsk period, Yuri Stepanovich often told his son Andrei the following case:

– We played in Khabarovsk against teammates from Sverdlovsk. Then there were no protective helmets, on their heads – simple woolen hats with pompons. And they played with the balls, who in the frost became stronger than the stone. After serving the corner, Nikolai fools beats, the ball falls into the crossbar, then it flies into my head and flies into the field. I feel that something warm pours on the face-of course, dissection, blood … I think, okay, even though I didn’t score a goal. But at that moment the judge shows to kill the corner. It was very disappointing.

Photo from the book

Moscow: Ulyanovsk bandits and the risks of Trofimov

In the Moscow Dynamo, his legendary mentor Vasily Dmitrievich Trofimov He invited Lizavin as a central striker. And he had to change in this position not someone, but the glorified Evgenia Papugina. Of course, Trofimov risked: on the side of the newcomer there was only one advantage – youth: Lizovin was ten years younger than Papugina. The 20-year-old fellow countryman Yuri also became recruits Anatoly Rushkin and 18-year-old George CanarekinArriving from Arkhangelsk.

Then Trofimov had a conflict with Papugin, and the head coach was not afraid to remove him from the team. Valery Maslov later admitted that the coach was right, since Lisavin quickly and easily fit into the team and the game scheme.

Former Dynamo player, an arbiter of international category Yuri Afanasyev recalls:

– Yura came to Dynamo when I was already finishing. I appeared, I remember, at the base in Novogorsk, there was still a wooden old two -story building. I did not know him very well then, although he was noticeable from performances and goals for the Khabarovsk SKA. You were young, modest. First, at the base with Gerasimov lived, then I received an apartment. That's when he began to win the championships of the country and the world, he became shameful, became a “bandit” in a good sense of the word. We called all the Ulyanovskiy – Zhenya Gerasimov, Yurka Lizavina, Tolya Rushkin … In Ulyanovsk, you know, what fans? When the players went from the locker room to the field, they took their clubs and threw empty bottles! These are the same arrogant and aggressive: they did not recognize any authorities!

– At first, we lived in Moscow either at the base in Novogorsk, or in the famous hostel at the Water Stadium, – this is another former Dynamo, world champion Anatoly Rushkin recalls. – The Shaibists lived there.So we were with them before our workouts for half an hour the puck in the box drove. Three on three: we are with Lizavin and Kanareikin against Valera Vasiliev, Sasha Maltsev and Yura Reps. Later, Maltsev and Vasiliev became world famous. Lizavin and I received service apartments in the Tushino district, opposite the Baltika cinema. Therefore, we went to training together: first by bus, then by subway.

Yury Lizavin's wife Tatyana Mikhailovna speaks about those times:

— Valera Maslov, and Zhenya Gorbachev, and Zhenya Gerasimov were our guests. Once even Vasily Dmitrievich Trofimov and his wife Oksana Nikolaevna granted. They talked, of course, about hockey – what else did they have to talk about?

Captain Dynamo Yuri Shorin on the pages of the book Ice, pain and copper pipes recalled:

“To the credit of our coach, he built the training process so skillfully, debugged all the game connections so well that from the very first matches our team began to demonstrate such a high level of play that it aroused admiration among specialists. And this despite the fact that due to participation in a trip to the countries of South America as part of the football Dynamo in that season 1968-1969, the strongest forward Valery Maslov practically did not play!

“Yura was always worried when something didn’t work out,” says the ex-coach of the USSR and Russia national teams Vladimir Yanko. – And I tried to find out why Dynamo did not show the game that they are capable of, where the combinations disappeared, who played below their capabilities. He wanted the team – Dynamo or the USSR national team – to always be the best. Everyone thinks that Valery Maslov was an outstanding passer. But Yuri Lizavin sometimes gave out absolutely brilliant programs.

Photo from the book

Rookies led by a veteran Mikhail Osintsev, played the 1968-1969 championship beyond praise. Judge for yourself – the team passed the tense championship without a single defeat. Having made only three draws, two of them already after four rounds before the end of the tournament the issue of the championship was decided. The team showed an enviable performance, scoring 143 goals, and achieved a record the difference between goals scored and conceded – +97!

The effectiveness of Yuri Lizavin also increased sharply. If in the 1968 season (when the Khabarovsk team became the third winners) he hit the opponents' gates 15 times, then in the new team a year later with 38 goals entered the top five scorers championship.

MOSCOW-2: duets with Maslov and Gerasimov

In the season 1969-1970 Dynamo installed new performance record, scoring 154 goals in the matches of the national championship, which ultimately led to the tenth victory in the allied championships. During the championship, Osintsev left the team, Trofimov moved Maslov to his position. Then he formed in the center of the Dynamo attack duet Yuri Lizavin – Valery Maslov. Together, they performed for a whole decade, having learned to understand each other from a half-look.

– Lizavin had a wonderful duet with Valera Maslov.At the same time, out of ice, Yura often talked with Evgeny Gerasimov, they lived in the same room on trips, – recalls Vladimir Yanko. – Perhaps because both are from Ulyanovsk. At the same time, Gerasimov was very closed and talked with few. A pair of Yanko – Maslov against Lizavin and Gerasimov always played on cards in the “goat”. Vasily Dmitrievich Trofimov did not like this very much, but he turned a blind eye to such leadership tricks. Perhaps the head coach was reassured by the fact that hockey players never played money – only for interest.

Yuri Stepanovich said about his friend Yevgeny Gerasimov as follows: It's good that I play with him in the same team, and not against him. The fearlessness of Eugene as a defender was meant.

But Maslov became a mentor of Lizavin by driving. The first car of Yuri Stepanovich was the Lada of the third model. When Yuri Stepanovich taught the driving of his son Andrei, he recalled the phrase of Palych: “Yurok, first learn to ride slowly. Everyone can quickly!

Lizavin went to his first world championship In 1969 And he immediately fell into the symbolic team of the world championship. But already in 1971, competition for places in the main composition among the attackers became so sharp that Yuri more often went to replace. However, it was his exact blow two minutes before the end of the decisive match with the Swedes after the beautiful pass Nikolai Durakov brought our national team gold medals!

After the game, the wife of Vasily Trofimova Oksana Nikolaevna threw Lizavina around her neck and repeated: “Yurochka, thank you, thank you!” Some experts believed that it was this goal that saved the head coach from the resignation – the USSR team was very close to defeat.

Lizavin himself believed the best in his career World Cup 1975. In the match of the second circle with the Swedish national team (7: 2), after a row, he scored three goals after a row (in total – six) and again entered the symbolic team of the championship. The Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat wrote: His red sweater burst into the ranks of rivals and deprived them of calm.

“Then in Finland they played with the Swedes in a large football stadium,” adds Vladimir Yanko. – We lost the first meeting 1: 3, and we had to take a more convincing revenge. In warm weather, “knee -deep in the water”, Yura issued such a game that he almost torn the main competitors alone.

Goalkeeper of the USSR national team Sergey Lazarev He talked about Super Golf in the gates of the Swedes, which they arranged with Lizavin: “I saw in the center of the field of Yura and two Swedish defenders, but I ventured to start the attack by emitting the ball into this group of players. Lizavin deceived the opponents with the movement of the corps, very successfully accepted the ball, dealing with the defenders, and outplayed the goalkeeper. ”

In our conversation, Yuri Stepanovich complained that he was still offended by Vasily Dmitrievich Trofimov – because the team coach stopped putting him on the starting lineup and did not take him on 1981 World Cup. Lizavina was often reproached with game egoism: receiving the ball from the penalty area, he first relied on his blow, hoping to increase the bombardry account. Trofimov, on the other hand, demanded from his wards of the collective game. As for the first world championship in Khabarovsk in 1981, the 38-year-old Lizavin could hardly strengthen the team then.

After that defeat of the USSR national team (the first world in the history of the world in a row in a row!) Vasily Trofimov was removed from the post of head coach of the national team. Valery Maslov was a famous Balagur, and with the inherent humor inherent only to him commented on the resignation: And in the Pacific Ocean he ended his campaign.

Moscow-3: five meters and short stroke

In turn, Trofimov was invariably picky. On the pages of “Evening Moscow” after the victory of “Dynamo” in the championship of the country of 1972, representing Lizavin, he ironically wrote: “The title of the best scorer of the championship speaks for itself. He scores from any provisions and distances. Now, if I still learned to hit the gate from five meters …

“Once, in front of a big tournament, Vasily Trofimov preferred Yure Lizavin Anatoly Frolov,” recalls Vladimir Yanko. – I later asked why. He, as always, very capaciously answered: “Lizavin has a short stroke. The Swedes adapt to her because they meet in the body. ” But this was rare. For many years without Lizavin it was very difficult to imagine the USSR national team. Awesome person. He remained modest Being a six -time world champion. Studies – definitely not about him.

Another great Dynamo Vyacheslav Soloviev The assessments were more generous: “One of his best matches as part of Dynamo spent on this day (the final of the European Champions Cup – 1975 in Yusdal. – Ed.) Our center forward Yuri Lisavin. He was, as they say, in the blow and managed to score five goals, which predetermined our victory. In that match, the exact blows of Lizavin already in the 27th minute made a score of 4: 0.

Yuri Lisavin himself about the ligament with Vyacheslav Solovyov and Valery Maslov said: “This is something cosmic, we understood each other on the field with a half, half-look, even by the movement of the corps. We often succeeded in combinations where the ball was at the opponent’s gates of three passes, one-two-three! ”

As for the notorious Lisavinian game egoism, then you can argue here. Vladimir Polovunov, not hiding admiration, remembered one of the matches:

“I especially remember the ball, clogged by my partner Vyacheslav Solovyov. Tarasevich, having gained speed, with the help of the Fints beat several rivals and, when, according to the logic of the episode, he should have completed his slalom passage to the gate with a blow, unexpectedly for the Swedish goalkeeper rushing towards him, threw the ball back to Lizavin. He, in turn, made a false swing, and the ball overwhelmed to the right, where Solovyov could only substitute the club. ”

By the way, Yuri Lisavin I played hockey on the grass very well And more than once he said that he could calmly combine two sports. But Vasily Trofimov really did not like it. The coach even put an ultimatum: either grass or ice. Then only the part -time was allowed Valery Maslov and Vyacheslav Soloviev, who played both the ball hockey and football at the highest level.

And Lizavin turned perfectly with the football ball. Veterans of the Dynamo football club invited him to play for their team in the summer. He even participated with her In the international tournament in Montenegro.

Photo from the book

From coaches – to judges

For Dynamo, Yuri Lisavin played for 1982, in the last two seasons he was a playing coach. Another season helped Vyacheslav Evgenievich Soloviev, no longer going on the ice. But Lizavin performed the coaching work in the team of masters, without appetite, and therefore soon transferred to the Dynamo school, where he worked until 1992. Yuri Stepanovich brought to the release The team of guys born in 1974The leader of which was Vyacheslav Mankos. Was engaged in his beginning and Vladimir Besvyatny, Subsequently, the star of the football Spartak became a star.

In parallel, Yuri Stepanovich performed For the Dynamo team in the championship of Moscow. One of the authors was lucky to play three seasons near him. It would seem: what for a six-time world champion, which five years ago tore the national team of Sweden in the final of the World Cup, some kind of city tournament? But no! Stepanych (he immediately said that he needs to be called so for brevity – on the field is not to good appeals) never spared himself. He could not differently! Coming to the locker room, we saw his legs and arms – all in bruises and scars. After that, students, engineers, workers and employees who went on the field next to him could not play through their sleeves.

He was especially started by strong rivals. For example, the acting players of the team of masters in the grass hockey players played for Fili. All physically strong, with murderous blows and brilliant skills of the game in defense. They did not spare even the great Lizavin, and he, having received once again on his feet, started even more. It will attach snow to the next bruise during the break – and again into battle.

Once he brought to the games of the ex-stalling prybean Dynamo Peter Nature. He, as it seems to me, generally picked up a round club in his hands. But ten minutes later he got used to it, and he and Lizavin together (!) Simply defeated those to whom we almost invariably lost. It’s only a pity, we never became champions of Moscow …

“When his father was already working at Dynamo CSS and trained, a fax from Sweden came to the football and hockey department with his invitation to coaching,” recalls Andrei Lisavin. – But he learned about this much later, when there was no man who ordered not to inform him of this, tore the letter and threw this invitation to the garbage.

There was a period when Lisavin took care of the judge But the customs of the Highest League of the 80s quickly turned him away from this lesson. Hockey ended for him.

… For some reason, there is an opinion that the last years of his life Yuri Stepanovich worked as a driver at the Finnish embassy. But this is not so. Perhaps the journalist who interviewed something misunderstood. Lizavin was the administrator of the school at the Finnish embassy in Moscow, and also led the physical education lessons (but he also had an official minibus). In the summer, Finnish children played football, in winter learned to skate and drove a ball or washer-under the supervision of the 6-time world champion Yuri Lizavin …

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