Kirov | The Kirov team "Soyuz" reached the final of the All-Russian competition "Golden Puck"

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On Wednesday, January 12, the Soyuz sports complex hosted the final games of the regional stage of the Golden Puck hockey competition among older boys. Kirov region. Kirov.

The Kirov team Soyuz reached the final of the All-Russian competition Golden Puck

The Kirov team Soyuz reached the final of the All-Russian competition Golden Puck -

On Wednesday, January 12, the Soyuz sports complex hosted the final games of the regional stage of the Golden Puck hockey competition among older boys.

The tournament included teams from the city of Kirov, Pizhansky, Kirovo-Chepetsky, Slobodsky, Vyatskopolyansky and Arbazhsky districts.

Team Union” of the city of Kirov won first place and received the right to participate in the final competitions of young hockey players of the Golden Puck Club. Silver medals were won by the ice team Vikings from the Vyatskopolyansky district, and the bronze of the tournament was taken by the guys from the Kirovo-Chepetsky district.

“The project has been implemented since 2014, and every year our guys defend the right to be among the best hockey teams at the All-Russian stage,” said Grigory Zhitenev, Chief Federal Inspector for the Kirov Region, at the awards ceremony. – I congratulate the winners on the well-deserved first place, and the winners and participants are waiting for the Nadezhda tournament, where there is every chance to prove themselves again.

Minister of Sports and Youth Policy of the region Georgy Barminov drew attention to the fact that interest in hockey in the Kirov region is growing year by year.

– Tournamentgolden puck” not only enhances the prestige of a healthy and active lifestyle, but also contributes to the development of children's hockey, being the first step in big-time sports,” Georgy Andreevich noted.

Young athletes were congratulated on the completion of the regional stage of the tournament by the chairman of the Federation of Hockey of the Kirov Region, Sergey Churin. He wished the winning team a good result in the final.

Each of the winning teams received diplomas, medals and certificates for the purchase of a set of clubs. The guys who took first and second places also won a monetary reward – 100,000 rubles and 50,000 rubles, respectively – for the purchase of sports equipment.

Let's add that the project golden puck in the 2021-2022 season is held under the patronage of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District.

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