G. Kasparov

Kasparov: This war will lead to the collapse of Putin's regime – LRT

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The defeat of Russia in the war with Ukraine can become one of the factors that will lead to the collapse of Putin’s political system, …

Kasparov: This war will lead to the collapse of Putin's regime

G. Kasparov

The defeat of Russia in the war with Ukraine may become one of the factors that will lead to the collapse of Putin’s political system, the ex-champion of the world of chess Harry Kasparov said in an interview with the newspaper FAZ.

The ex-champion of the world of chess Harry Kasparov against the backdrop of the Russian Federation against Ukraine sharply criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), published on the website of the publication on Thursday, March 3.

The fact that I was right (in relation to Vladimir Putin. – Ed.) Is not a reason for joy. For my country it is a tragedy. Thousands of Russians die for this crazy dictator. Many of them were born under Putin and die under Putin, – said the opposition.

Kasparov considers Putin an existential threat

According to Kasparov, when he was once asked who, in his opinion, is more dangerous – Putin or Islamists from IG – he replied: The terrorist organization comes and leaves, and Putin is a constant existential threat. “Then they looked at me as an idiot. However, today not many remember what the abbreviation of IG means. Today I look like Nostradamus, because I described that people did not want to hear,” he added.

Kasparov also emphasized that he hopes that this war will lead to the collapse of the regime (Putin. – Ed.).

In order for the dictatorship to collapse, three factors are needed. The first is a military defeat. This can happen if Ukraine will resist for a long time. The second factor is an economic and financial collapse, and this is just a matter of several weeks. The third factor is isolation. This is psychologically very important. If all three components are completed, the regime can collapse overnight, because people will go out and the oligarchs will throw Putin, ”the oppositionist listed.

About the situation in today's Russia

According to Kasparov, the situation in today's Russia cannot be compared by fanaticism with the situation under Stalin or in Hitler Germany, where people were ready to die for their beloved leader. “Putin’s regime is only on money, he looks more like a mafia state. While the boss gives money and protection, people are standing after him. As soon as the money ceases to arrive, loyalty immediately disappears,” Kasparov emphasized.

“When the dictatorships approach their end, you can’t predict who will make the last move,” the chess player is sure. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, despite the risk of being beaten, arrested and locked in prisons for many years. Today they protest against the war, next week they can protest due to a fall in their living standards. When hundreds of thousands or millions will take to the streets Who will attack them? – He asks a question on the pages of the German edition.

Harry Kasparov is today the chairman of the organizations of Human Rights Forum and Renew Democracy Initiative.

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