Karate for children – club news and the results of competitions, recent events of children's sports – RIA Voronezh

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Read all the most interesting about karate for children on our portal – fresh news and results of the competition, all about the young athletes of Voronezh

Karate for children in Voronezh

The success of the guys pleases more than their own. Who is the Voronezh karate player - the world champion

RIA Voronezh network edition (Voronezh Regional Information Agency), (Regional News Agency Voronezh), (RNA Voronezh)

  • Contacts of the editorial office
  • Editor address, publisher: 394026, Voronezh, st. Plekhanovskaya, 53, 10th floor
  • Email address: [email protected], [email protected]
  • Editorial phones: +7 (473) 246 52 99, +7 (473) 246 53 88, +7 (473) 259 31 73
  • Advertising placement: +7 (473) 235 64 24, +7 (920) 229 30 25; [email protected]
  • RIA Voronezh network edition (Voronezh Regional Information Agency), (Regional News Agency Voronezh), (RNA Voronezh ) is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications June 13, 2019
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