How to slow down aging: five working tips from a Nobel laureate

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The famous American biologist Elizabeth Blackburn gave five tips to help slow down aging. .layer1 { float: right; width: 50% } (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Aging…

How to slow down aging: five working tips from a Nobel laureate

The famous American biologist Elizabeth Blackburn gave five tips to help slow down aging.

Aging is an inevitable process, however Elizabeth Blackburn, thanks to her extensive research, has found ways to cheat time.

Elizabeth's recommendations are based on her scientific work on the theory of aging due to the reduction of protective regions of chromosomes.

1. Learn to deal with stress

Elizabeth in her study studied the behavior of mothers raising children with autism and other chronic diseases. It turned out that in more stress-resistant mothers, the protective regions of chromosomes decreased much more slowly.

2. Meditate

According to the scientist, people who meditated for 12 minutes a day for two months were able to slow down the aging of parts of the chromosomes. Meditation also helps relieve psychological stress. The ability to step back from unpleasant and difficult thoughts helps us understand that they do not necessarily reproduce reality and pass over time. We begin to appreciate the present more instead of constantly worrying about the past or worrying about the future, according to BBC News.

3. Blackburn is sure communication with neighbors positively affects the emotional background of a person and slows down aging.

4. The biologist advises to marry and live with one person for the rest of your life.

5. Earn money

A study by Elizabeth Blackburn found that people with higher incomes were more likely to have longer protective regions on their chromosomes.

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