How much does it cost to cook home borsch now and how much a year ago. We checked

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Belstat recently reported that foods have risen in price by 4.2% in a month and that in a year their price increased by 15.6%. Something went up more, something smaller-the indicators are average, like a temperature in the hospital. Therefore, let's add specifics and calculate how the cost of the pan has changed at home

How much does it cost to cook home borsch now and how much a year ago. We checked

Belstat recently reported that foods have risen in price by 4.2% in a month and that in a year their price increased by 15.6%. Something went up more, something smaller-the indicators are average, like a temperature in the hospital. Therefore, let's add specifics and calculate how the cost of a homemade borschory pan has changed.

How home borsch reacts to inflation

On the Internet there are hundreds of options for the recipe “only correct” borsch, we chose the first one that came across and calculated its cost based on Belstat's data. If you suddenly did not know, every month the National Statistical Committee publishes average prices for consumer goods and services.

Ingredients Price
March 2022 February 2022 March 2021
water, 2.5 liters Let's assume that for free
beef on bones, 500 g 4 rubles. 67 kopecks.
(9 rub. 34 kopecks per 1 kg)
4 rubles. 63 kopecks.
(9 rub. 25 kopecks per 1 kg)
4 rubles. 15 kopecks.
(8 rubles. 30 kopecks per 1 kg)
two beets, only 150 g 22 kopecks.
(1 rub. 45 kopecks per 1 kg)
21 kopecks.
(1 rub. 42 kopecks per 1 kg)
11 kopecks.
(71 kopecks per 1 kg)
third of the average head of cabbage, 350 g 61 kopecks.
(1 rub. 74 kopecks per 1 kg)
61 kopecks.
(1 rub. 74 kopecks per 1 kg)
20 kopecks.
(57 kopecks per 1 kg)
4 potatoes, 400 g 55 kopecks.
(1 rub. 38 kopecks per 1 kg)
55 kopecks.
(1 rub. 38 kopecks per 1 kg)
30 kopecks.
(74 kopecks per 1 kg)
1 onion, 130 g 20 kopecks.
(1 rub. 56 kopecks per 1 kg)
20 kopecks.
(1 rub. 50 kopecks per 1 kg)
15 kopecks.
(1 rub. 17 kopecks per 1 kg)
1 carrot, 120 g 18 kopecks.
(1 rub. 54 kopecks per 1 kg)
18 kopecks.
(1 rub. 49 kopecks per 1 kg)
8 kopecks.
(66 kopecks per 1 kg)
3 tablespoons of tomato sauce, 60 g 36 kopecks.
(5 rubles. 92 kopecks per 1 kg)
34 kopecks.
(5 rubles. 70 kopecks per 1 kg)
25 kopecks.
(4 rubles. 22 kopecks per 1 kg)
Salt, 7 g 0.4 kopecks.
(57 kopecks per 1 kg)
0.4 kopecks.
(58 kopecks per 1 kg)
0.4 kopecks.
(57 kopecks per 1 kg)
sour cream, 400 g 2 rubles. 5 kopecks.
(6 rub. 28 kopecks per 1 kg)
2 rubles. 48 kopecks.
(6 rubles. 19 kopecks per 1 kg)
2 rubles. 20 kopecks.
(5 rubles. 50 kopecks per 1 kg)
Total 9 rub. 29 kopecks. 9 rub. 20 kopecks. 7 rub. 44 kopecks.

If you bought products for borsch at Belstatov prices, in March of 2021 it would cost you 7 rubles. 44 kopecks. A year later, all the same borsch costs 25% more (recall, in general, food products went up by 15.6%). During the month, the pot of borscht rose by 1%.

Let's count in dollars: 7 rubles. 44 kopecks. At the weighted average of March 2021, this is $ 2.70, and 9 rubles. 29 kopecks. At the Middle March rate of this year is $ 2.89. That is, in dollars borsch, welded in Belarus, went up by about 7%in a year.

How much borsch can be boiled for an average salary, pension and children's allowance

The average salary in March 2022 amounted to 1603 rubles, in March 2021-1385 rubles. The average age pension in March 2022 is 580 rubles, in March 2021-513 rubles. The monthly childcare allowance in March 2022 amounted to 540 rubles, a year ago it was 473 rubles.

March 2022 March 2021
average salary 173 pots of borsch 186 Poster borsch
Pension 62 pots of borsch 69 pots of borsch
Child manual 58 pots of borsch 64 pots of borsch

Thus, the average employee, as well as a pensioner and mother on maternity leave, can afford a little less food, but not in food, because happiness (but this is not exactly when it comes to borsch).

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