The Ministry of Emergency Situations told why the Christmas tree needs to be removed immediately after the New Year

Growing news search — News of the Surgut region – Bulletin

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Search results for the query #Rastu Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations advise getting rid of the Christmas tree as soon as possible after the New Year. The fact is that in heat, the needles dry quickly and can flare up from

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The Ministry of Emergency Situations told why the Christmas tree needs to be removed immediately after the New Year

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations advise to get rid of the Christmas tree as soon as possible after the New Year. The fact is that in heat, the needles quickly dry out and can flare up from the slightest spark.

The public utilities of Lyantor continue the campaign to write off penalties

The public utilities of Lyantor continue the campaign to write off penalties

The action Write-off of penalties for housing and communal services started in Lyantor in December 2018. Many citizens have already taken advantage of the opportunity provided by public utilities to save money. The promotion continues in 2019.

Cardiac surgeons of Khanty-Mansiysk saved the life of a resident of Nyagan

Cardiac surgeons of Khanty-Mansiysk saved the life of a resident of Nyagan

The most priceless gift for the New Year – life – was given by cardiac surgeons of the Khanty-Mansiysk Regional Clinical Hospital to a resident of Nyagan.

Surgut woman “bought” building materials from a fraudster for 45 thousand

Surgut woman “bought” building materials from a fraudster for 45 thousand

A 58-year-old local resident contacted the Surgut police. She said that the swindler deceived 45 thousand rubles from her. It was found that the woman from Surgut wanted to purchase building materials through the site of free ads.

In Surgut, a girl stole a smartphone from a friend for 47 thousand

In Surgut, a girl stole a smartphone from a friend for 47 thousand

A man born in 1986 turned to the Surgut police with a statement about the theft. He lost an expensive gadget – a cell phone worth 47 thousand rubles.

The people of Surgut switched to bicycles. The bus is no longer affordable

The people of Surgut switched to bicycles. The bus is no longer affordable

In Surgut, activists of the NGO Big Family held a protest action against the increase in fares in public transport.

Lyantor Children's Art School No. 1 told about plans for 2019

Lyantor Children's Art School No. 1 told about plans for 2019

The first issue of news from the children's art school in Lyantor was released yesterday. The guys talked about the results of 2018 and plans for this year. This year the School of Arts is celebrating its 25th anniversary. – The date is of great importance to us.

Specials of Employment Centers of Ugra will help people with disabilities in employment

Specialists of the Ugra Employment Centers will help disabled people with employment

In Russia, changes have been made to the law on employment. Since January 1, 2019, a new direction has appeared in it – Support with the assistance of the employment of people with disabilities. In Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, they prepared for this earlier.

Interest on a mortgage rise up

Mortgage interest rises

At the beginning of the year, banks will continue to raise mortgage rates. On average, the cost of loans for the purchase of real estate will rise by 0.25-0.5 percent.

A schoolgirl from Fedorovsky invented the best Christmas miniature of the 60th parallel

A schoolgirl from Fedorovsky came up with the best “Christmas miniature of the 60th parallel”

Anastasia Sokolova became the winner in the miniature competition, the schoolgirl outperformed more than 70 participants who sent about 100 works to the jury. Her work Stars Shining brought a well-deserved victory.

Vestnik Information Service PHOTO

The botanical garden in Surgut will change beyond recognition

Botanical garden in Surgut will be changed beyond recognition

In Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, a specially created working group will decide the fate of the botanical garden in the Za Saima park in Surgut.Specialists are called upon to develop an updated concept for the development of the territory, presenting a plan as early as next month.

Vestnik Information Service PHOTO

Victory volunteers in Ugra help to find out the family story of each

Volunteers of the Victory in Ugra help to find out the family history of everyone

Organization Volunteers of Victory expands the range of work. Starting this year, volunteers will participate in a new project called My Story. Its task is to help Ugra residents to learn more about the history of their families.

Police Santa Claus reminded the drivers of Ugra about the rules for transporting children in a car

Policeman Santa Claus reminded Ugra drivers about the rules for transporting children in cars

During the New Year holidays, Ugra traffic inspectors remind drivers-parents about the rules for transporting children by road. The action #Save a child's life was held in Ugra in an unusual form.

Vestnik Information Service PHOTO

What do the dispatcher need to be informed when you called 112?

What should you tell the dispatcher when you called 112?

A single number 112 for calling emergency services in case of any incident has long been present in the mobile phones of Russians. The main function of a single number is to increase the efficiency of informing emergency services when calling for help.

Police Santa Claus came to visit children in the center of social assistance

Policeman Santa Claus came to visit the children in the Social Assistance Center

In the Nyagan center for helping children left without parental care, a real Santa Claus came to visit.

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The online publication Bulletin of the Surgut District (16+) Registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) Mass media registration certificate EL No. FS 77-72798 dated 05/17/2018. Founder: Municipal unitary enterprise Editorial office of the newspaper Vestnik of the municipality Surgutsky district Publisher: Municipal unitary enterprise Editorial office of the newspaper Vestnik of the municipality Surgutsky district. Chief editor Zyzo Lyudmila Sergeevna. Editorial address: 628408, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Surgut, st. Respubliki, d. material” in the “Partner News” section were paid for by the advertiser. The editors of the site are not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in advertisements. Materials marked with this icon are published as advertising
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