Four minutes a day to lose weight. Myths about the bar – Moscow 24, 03/31/2017

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They say that four – ten minutes a day is enough. And you are Apollo! But is it really so? The answer is in the material of Eduard Kanevsky

Four minutes a day to lose weight. Myths about the bar

Lack of free time is the main problem of the inhabitants of the metropolis. A lot of work, a lot of household problems, someone has two or three children, and there simply is simply no time and time, in order to elementarily, does not remain. A lack of time is especially acutely felt when it comes to some kind of motor activity-it can be a sport or a trip to a fitness club. Moreover, some people for a long time begin to acutely feel the lack of elementary physical exertion, because someone has excess fat deposits or constant back pain, legs from sedentary work, someone simply reduced performance, and therefore productivity.

Photos provided by Eduard Kanevsky

You need to train, but where to find the time? So reasoning, many in search of a magic wand are looking for miraculous exercises on the Internet, which will help to achieve a good result in a minimum time. As a rule, in the descriptions of such techniques and exercises they say that four to ten minutes a day. And you are Apollo! But is it really so? The answer to this question is in the material of the observer, fitness expert and TV presenter Eduard Kanevsky.

Planck – fashionable exercise

Today I will talk about fashionable, yes, it is a fashionable, and not a truly unique exercise, such as a bar. The meaning of the exercise is simple: you stand on the elbows and socks, your body and legs form a straight line – the bar, and in this position you should stand for a certain time. On many Internet sites, they describe the bar as a unique exercise for all body muscles, which, if you perform four minutes once a day, will give you an amazing result. Your body will become stronger and more beautiful: stronger – due to muscle development, more beautiful – because you will lose calories and lose weight.

Moreover, the methodology is described in detail, thanks to which you can stand the desired four minutes on the 28th day, which means that you have not only become more trained, but also pretty tightened your body. So you read such articles and think that I did not know this before? You can know anything, but the truth is that there is not a single exercise in the world, not a single technique, thanks to which you can bring yourself into a form in just four minutes a day. Why? I'm telling.

Photo: Ingoro Ivanko

At least three times a week

For example, when a person has an excess of body weight due to fat deposits, he needs not only a diet, but also the so -called aerobic or cardio training. Everyone who has ever been regularly engaged in cardio traffic is known that less than thirty minutes can even not be engaged in, because the process of burning fat reserves is very long. And you will not do anything about it – so laid down by nature.A full -fledged cardiosessia lasts forty -five minutes, and you need to train at least three times a week.

Can you imagine what work you do to lose weight? One and a half – three hours a week to really achieve the desired result. The same applies to training on a really beautiful, toned figure. Yes, a lot of muscles really work in the bar, but, firstly, the muscles experience only a static load, which means that not all muscle fibers work (distinguish fast and slow), and secondly, thanks to this exercise it is almost impossible to increase the volume And the size of the muscle is precisely due to static effects. If men want pumped hands, large breast muscles, and girls – beautiful and elastic buttocks, you will have to go to the gym and again work out a particular muscle group with the help of strength exercises for an hour.

When the bar is too high

But that's not all. The bar is categorically not suitable for people with strong obesity, because it will be almost impossible to keep such a body weight in statics, it is undesirable to do this exercise for people with high blood pressure, because the static load can worsen the condition, and the bar is prohibited from serious back injuries, in particular with intervertebral hernia, especially in the acute phase.

So it turns out that we are massively deceiving? In relation to the exercise bar, there is rather incorrectly provide information. It is possible to draw attention to their Internet resource, where, after following the link, in parallel they will try to sell you something related to be more interesting in the bar.

Photo: Ingoro Ivanko

Remember, everything related to our figure requires long regular training, there are no miracles. And this is an axiom. Even after liposuction, people go to special procedures in order to avoid negative consequences after surgery.

So what to do to still train with a fatal lack of time and get at least some result? Start with the simplest: go more on foot; If you spend time with children, then try to walk more, and not sit the clock at home or in a cafe. Indeed, perform the bar, as this is also a variant of physical exertion.

What to do at home

You can also perform a number of simple exercises at home that will not take much time, for example:
1) push -ups from the floor (three approaches of 12-30 repetitions);
2) squats with its own weight (three approaches of 12-30 repetitions);
3) the bar (three approaches from 30 seconds to infinity);
4) breeding hands with dumbbells to the sides, you can use bottles of water (three approaches of 12–20 repetitions).

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