Pavilion of the Tsarskoye Selo Station

For the sake of the Aeroexpress, a rough distortion of the Vitebsk station is planned – Opinion – Canon

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For the sake of the Aeroexpress, a rough distortion of the Vitebsk station is planned

The tragicomic longens of the epic to the airport of the Pulkovo Aeroexpress line must have already been close to a natural positive end when, after intricate plot turns, Moscow allocated federal funding for construction.

The long -developed project provided for the airport’s connection with a geographically closest Baltic station to it and even the construction of the second exit of the Baltiyskaya metro station to the former Warsaw station. The latter even forced to believe in the possible revival of the Warsaw station for its initial use, including the disclosure of its unique interior of the mid -19th century and impressive metal structures – a monument of engineering thought of that time, now tightly built by trade institutions.

This project, which fully met the interests of residents and guests of the city, seemed so obvious that it was maintained even by the leadership of the traditionally conservative October railway. There were four ruts of roads leading to the station, which allowed to ensure the frequent movement of the Aeroexpress trains, the absence on the highway of old dilapidated bridges and other narrow places. The wagon depot is nearby, a direct convenient short (no more than 100 meters) path for passengers from the platform to the Baltic metro.

The proximity of Kolya of the Warsaw and Baltic lines leading to this station, with cargo lines to a new port and a coal harbor (and now an armored armor has been added here), gave a certain immunity to disassemble these Kolya in the future – in the case of possible optimization of the entire urban railway unit, as already It happened with the Warsaw Line to the Platform Airport. There was also the opportunity to organize in the future here the movement of urban train with a turn of routes for the Aeroexpress to Electrosil and further along the district of the district already electrified railway with the maintenance of all parts of the city, that is, that which is currently being successfully implemented in the capital and has long been implemented for it and has long been implemented for line.

The project also did not cause concerns among city -defenders and connoisseurs of architecture in the city, since the Baltic station was greatly rebuilt in Soviet times, and only a partially preserved front facade was represented by relative value. The new modern building of the necessary Aeroexpress terminal could not be built in the preserved historical part of the station, but behind the Baltic metro pavilion, so this did not pose a threat to cultural heritage.

In this situation, as thunder, a message was made that “in St. Petersburg they decided on the Aeroexpress route, which will transport passengers from Pulkovo Airport to the Vitebsk station.The LSR group of companies began the pre-project developments of the future aeroexpress from Pulkovo and even agreed with the Government of St. Petersburg to the Vitebsk station. ”

It seemed that the point of increasing the cost of the project, connecting the airport with the further outdated station without modern infrastructure (there are not even escalators to high platforms) and build an additional intersection in two levels with the Varshavsky railway line east of Pulkovo? The casket opens simply, given that the lobbyist of this direction – the LSR developer – has several commercial housing projects in Shushara, through which the Aeroexpress route to the Vitebsk station should go.

At the Vitebsk station, the traffic long-distance trains is exclusively by diesel locomotives, since the station is virtually impossible to electrify due to the presence of three luxurious debrkaders at the beginning of the 20th century, which interfere with the device of wires of the contact network. A similar debarker over the ways of the imperial branch, which were directly next to the imperial pavilion on the shore of the Vvedensky Canal, was demolished in Soviet times for the electrification of two Western platforms for electric trains.

Pavilion of the Tsarskoye Selo Station

According to leaked information, it was here, on the former shore of the Vvedensky Canal, according to the project lobbying for the LSR, they are going to place a new terminal building. In the absence of the opportunity to bring the Aeroexpress path to the debrkader, the choice here is small – either in the place of the imperial pavilion, or between it and the main building.

This station occupies an exceptional place among the architectural treasures of the city, representing the ensemble of structures, designed in the same style of modernity, including the main building with the famous and almost not preserved by the country, the separate building of the imperial pavilion, commodity stations, service pavilions, pavilies and many platforms and many Stylish decorative details on the facade and in the interior. There are almost no such surviving stations that have survived without distortions of the stations of this style, and he deservedly has pages in Wikipedia even in foreign languages ​​and earned numerous reviews of passengers comparing the station structures with the palace.

In the same row there are aesthetically expressive, all in the same style, the railway bridges of the Vitebsk direction through the Obvodny Canal and Borovaya Street. By the way, they are constantly subjected to vehicles on their ground supports, which make them structurally unreliable, actually emergency.

It seems that at the Vitebsk station there is simply no suitable place for the construction of a new modern building without distorting an existing ensemble, and the place that is proposed – on the former Vvedensky Canal is a trivially hard for passengers using the Pushkinskaya metro station and even more so Zvenigorodskaya ” .

Instead of restoring the original appearance that has no equal in the world of a station complex in the Art Nouveau style, its rough distortion is planned. But, as can be seen in the current times, this is permissible: buyers of real estate of the LSR in Shushara will pay for all costs, and then at least the grass does not grow.

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