Crater to F. Argonauts. Argonauts: a campaign for the golden rune. Fricks and Gella (Argonautae, άργοναυ̃ται). Heroes who went on Argo ship to Colchis for a gold rune under
Crater to F. Argonauts. Argonauts: a campaign for the golden rune. Fricks and Gella
(Argonautae, άργοναυ̃ται). The heroes who went on the Argo ship to Colchis for the Golden Fleet led by Jason. The reasons for this campaign were as follows: the brother of his father Jason, Pelius, took his power over Jolk; In order to considerate on the throne, Pelius encroached on the life of Jason, who was a child at that time. Yazon, however, was saved and was sent to educate the centaur Hiron. When he grew up, Pelius promised to give him the kingdom if he gets a golden rune. This Golden Fleece (about its origin, see Fricks) was hanged on an oak in the grove of the Arend, in Colchis, and was guarded by a day and a night dragon. Yazon decided to take a campaign and instructed the Argu, the son of Fricks, to build a ship at 50 oars, who received the name Argo from his builder. Athena herself patronized this ship. Together with Jason, all the great heroes of that time went on a campaign: Hercules, Laerte, The Theze, Ajax and others; There were 50 of them, respectively, the number of cheerful of the ship. After a dangerous trip, they finally arrived in Colchis. Ayet, the king of the Colchis, learning about the purpose of their arrival, promised to give them a golden fleece if Jason performs the following feats: tame two fire -breathing bulls with copper hooves, harness them into the plow, and on the ground plowed in this way sow the teeth of the dragon, killed by the cadme; When armed people grow from these teeth, it will kill them, and also kill the dragon guarding the rune. The daughter of Ayeta, the Medei skilled sorceress, fell in love with Jason, and with the help of her magical means, Jason fulfilled the requirements of Ayet. But Ayit still did not give the rune to Jason. Having mastered the golden rune cunning, he, along with other argonauts and Medea, sailed from Colchis at night and, after numerous adventures, arrived in Iolk.
(Source: “Brief Dictionary of mythology and antiquities”. M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, edition of A. S. Suvorin, 1894.)
(Άργοναύται, letters “floating on the“ argo ””), in Greek mythology, participants in the swimming on the Argo ship behind the Golden Fleece in the country of Eu (or Colchis). The most detailed about the journey A. is told in the poem of Apollonia of the Rhodes “Argonavtika”. Pelius, The brother of Eson, Tsar Iolka in Thessaly, received two predictions of the oracle: according to one, he was destined to die by the hands of a member of his kind of eolids, according to the other, he must beware of a man shodled on one leg. Pelius overthrew from the throne of his brother Eson, who, wanting to save his son Jason From Pelia, he declared him dead and covered him with a centaur Hiron. Having reached the age of twenty, Jason went to Iolk.Crossing the ANAVR River, he lost the sandal. Having appeared to the Pelia, Jason demanded that he give him the kingdom belonging to rightfully. Frightened Pelius mockingly promised to fulfill the demand of Jason, provided that he, having gone into the country of Helios, to King Eet, who was inhabited by Colchs, propitty the soul of Fricks who fled there and brings the skin of this ram – the golden rune (pind. Pyth. IV 70 trail. ). Jason agreed, and for a trip the ship Argo was built using Athena. He gathered to participate in the campaign of the most glorious heroes from all over Hellas (sources call a different number of its participants – up to sixty seven people). A. They asked the Hercules to take part in the campaign to take over the boss, but he refused in favor of Jason. Having sailed from the Pagasian Gulf, A. arrive on the island of Lemnos, whose residents were killed a year before the arrival of A. killed all men. A. Guests on the island, and the queen Gypsipila, Having become his beloved Jason, he offers him to stay with his companions on Lemnos, marry her and become a king. Only the persuasion of Hercules, who remained on the ship, forced A. to move on the road. On the advice of participating in the campaign Orpheus They accept dedication in the mystery of the cabin on the island of Samofrakia.
Having sailed through Gellespont to Propontida, A. were cordially accepted by residents of the city of Kizik in Phrygia by the valleys, who staged a feast for A. at that time, six -handed monsters attacked the ship, so the rest of A. had to withstand the rest of A.. When A. swam further, the nasty wind again drove them to Kizik at night. The Dolions accepted Jason and his companions for enemies – Pelasgov, and in a flared battle, Jason killed the king of the Dolions. When in the morning it became clear that the misfortune occurred, A. took part in the solemn burial. Leaving further, A. began to compete in the rowing, and Hercules, who turned out to be the most indefatigable, broke the oar. At the site of the next parking in Misia near the island of Keos, he went to the forest to make a new oar for himself, and his beloved young man Gales went to scoop up water for him. The nymphs of the source, captivated by the beauty of Gilas, carried him into the depths, and Hercules in vain sought him. Meanwhile, A. settled down, taking advantage of the fair wind. Only at dawn did they notice the absence of Hercules. The dispute began, what to do; The head of the sea, which appeared from the depths of the sea, discovered, “that Hercules by the will of Zeus was not destined to participate in the campaign. Tsar Bibrikov in Bithynia Amik, He had a habit of entering his country who arrived in his country into a fist fight, summoned a challenge to the battle of one of the A. Polydevk, who struck Amika to death. Entering Bospor, A. sailed to the dwelling of a blind old man, a soothsayer Finea, which was tormented by terrible fetid birds harpies, The food stolen from him. Boreads. Zet and Kalaid, the winged sons of Borea, forever drove the harpies, and the grateful Finna spoke about the path that A. was to do, and gave them advice on how to avoid dangers.Having sailed to those who blocked the exit to Pontus Evksinsky, close and diverging floating rocks of the Simplegadas, A., taught by the finish, first released the pigeon. The pigeon managed to fly between the rapped rocks, damaging only the feathers of the tail. This was a favorable omen, and the helmsman of Tifiy directed the “Argo” between the rocks. Thanks to the help of Athena, the ship managed to overcome the flow, and the converged sympoliads only slightly damaged the Argo stern, frozen after that forever so that there was a narrow passage between them. A. went east along the southern coast of Pontus of Yevksinsky (option: first headed to the north, to the land of Taurus, where Persian, brother of Eet, Diod. IV 44-46 reigned). Having driven a flock of monstrous birds like the harpies, A. moor on the island of Aretei and meet there with the Sons Fricks and others who went to his homeland from Colchis to his homeland in Hellas and the worshipers. They join A. and help them with advice (according to more ancient versions of the myth, the sons of Fricks returned to Hellas before the campaign A.). Approaching the Caucasus, A. saw an eagle flying to I will do it, And they heard his moans. Argo entered the mouth of the Fasisa River (Rioni). Aphrodite who is favorable to Jason Athena and Hera so that Erot was lit by love for Jason in the heart of his daughter Eete – sorceress Medei. When Jason with six companions appeared at the Eet Palace, Medea immediately fell in love with him. Upon learning that A. arrived behind the golden rune, the EET became furious. Wanting to destroy Jason, he invited him to plow the field on the copper -legged fire -breathing bulls of Ares and sow him with the teeth of the Theban Dragon, from which the warriors grow (option: at first the EET demanded that A. help him in the war against the Persian brother, Val. VI 1 trace .). However, the other daughter of Eet, the widow of Fricks Chalkiop, who was afraid for the fate of her children who arrived with A., conspired with Jason Medeya, so that she transferred a magic potion to Yason, which made him invulnerable for one day. In the presence of Eet and Kolchov, Jason harnessed the bulls and, walking behind the plow, threw the dragon's teeth into the furrow. Even before the evening, mighty warriors began to grow from the teeth. Jason threw a huge stone at them, and he hid. The warriors began to fight each other, and Jason interrupted them. Medea, moving with love for Yason and fear of her father, capturing the witchcraft potions, fled to Argo, taking a promise from Jason to marry her. At dawn, Jason and Medea went to the grove of Ares, where a terrible snake was erased by a golden rune. Medea lucked the snake with a sweet chant and magical potion, and Jason was able to remove the golden rune emitting from the oak (option: Jason kills the snake, Pind. Pyth. IV 249). A. hastily went into the sea, but the EET sent the ships in pursuit of Medea. A. Return in a new way: not through a proctate, but according to Istra (Danube). Colchies under the command of the son of Eet APSIRATE They got ahead of them and blocked them from Istra to the Adriatic Sea. BUT.were inclined to reconciliation and agree to leave Medea in the temple of Artemis, just to be able to move on with the Golden Fleece. Medea, showering Jason with reproaches, offered to lure her brother Apsyrtus into a trap. The plan was a success: Jason killed Apsyrtus, and A. unexpectedly attacked the Colchians accompanying him. Zeus was angry with A. for the treacherous murder, and a talking piece of wood made from Dodona oak inserted into the keel of the Argo announced to A. that they would not return home until they were cleansed of filth by the daughter of Helios, the sorceress Pick. According to an older version (Apollod. I 9, 24), Apsyrtus fled from Colchis with Medea, and they were pursued by Eet himself. When Medea saw that they were being overtaken, she killed her brother by cutting his body into pieces and began to throw them into the sea. Eet, collecting parts of his son's body, lagged behind and turned back to bury him.
Having risen along the Eridanus River, A. went through Rodan (Rhone) to the lands of the Celts. In the Mediterranean, they reached the island of Eea, where Kirka lived. She cleared A. from the crime they had committed – the murder of Apsyrtus. From Sirens A. saved Orpheus, drowning out their singing with his song. Thetis and her Nereid sisters, at the request of Hera, helped A. swim past Skilla and Charybdis and the wandering Plankt rocks. Alkina and Areta, who reigned over the feaks, received A. cordially. At this time, they were overtaken by the second half of the Colchian fleet, sent after them by Eet. On the advice of Areta, Jason and Medea immediately entered into marriage, so that Alcinous received a reason not to send Medea to her father. When A. were already near the Peloponnese, the storm carried the ship to the shallows of Libya. In obedience to the prophetic words of the Libyan heroines who appeared to A., they carried the ship in their arms for twelve days to Tritonian Lake. Here the Hesperides helped them get drinking water. In the desert, the soothsayer Mops died from a snake bite, and A. for a long time could not find a way out of Tritonian Lake until they dedicated a tripod to the local deity Triton. Triton helped A. swim out to sea and gave them a lump of land. When A. swam to the shores of Crete, the copper giant Talos began to throw pieces of rock at them, preventing them from landing on the shore. Enchanted by Medea, he injured his heel – a weak point; after that, all the blood flowed out of him and he fell down lifeless. One of A. Euphem threw into the sea a clod of earth donated by Triton, and the island of Thera arose from it (option: accidentally dropped it, Pind. Pyth. IV 38-39). After that, A. returned to Iolk. According to the most common version of the myth (Apollod. I 9, 27-28), Jason gave the golden fleece to Pelias, who during his absence, confident that Jason would not return, killed his father and brother. Having dedicated Argo to Poseidon, Jason, with the help of Medea, took revenge on Pelias (the daughters of Pelias, at the instigation of Medea, wanting to restore their father's youth, cut his body into pieces). The son of Pelius Akast, who reigned in Iolka, expelled Jason and Medea from the city. Thus ends the story of A.
The myth about A. was considered by a number of researchers as a transformation of the plot about a journey to the underworld; attempts were also made to build a story about A.To a fairy tale (individual motives of this myth are common for a fairy tale – an impossible task that the hero masters with the help of his daughter of his main opponent; hostile creatures that the hero wins by quarreling them with each other, etc.). However, most likely, the story of A. developed in the 8th century. BC. e. In the form of an epic poem that has not come down to us with a systematization, hyperbolization and projection in the mythical past of the stories about the first swimming of the Greeks in the Black Sea and to the western part of the Mediterranean Sea (hence the confused route A.).
Lit.: Gordiasan G.V., AIA in ancient Greek sources, “Antiquity and modernity”, M., 1972; Meuli K., Odyssee und Argonautika, V., 1921; Radermacher L., Mythos und Sage Bei den Griechen, 2 Aufl, Brunn ,. S. 166-237; Vian F., Legendes et States Argonautiques du Bosphore, in the book: Lit-Terature Greco-Romame et Geographie Historique, P., 1974, p. 91-104.
A.I. Zaitsev.
(Source: Myths of the peoples of the world.)
(Pagasei)- Heroes who went on the Argo ship led by Jason to Colchis for the Golden Fleece, which was guarded by the dragon. Argnonavtors were: Jason (their leader), Admet, Akfiarai, Arg, Atalanta, Boreads, Heracles, Gilas (Square and Hercules satellite), Erian, Euro, Brothers Idas and Linki (Afareids), Kenya, Clitius, Laerte, Melampus Orpheus, Perikliman, Telimon, Ergin, etc.
// Gustav Moro: Jason and Argonauts // Andrey Bely: Golden Fleece // Yannis Ritzos: From the campaign of Argonauts // Yannis Ritzos: Golden Fleece // Georgos Seferis: Argonauts // N.A. Kun: Jason collects satellites and is preparing to go to Colchis // N.A. Kun: Argonauts on Lemnos // N.A. Kun: Argonauts on the Kizik Peninsula // N.A. Kun: Argonauts in Misia // N.A. Kun: Argonauts in Bithynia // N.A. Kun: Argonauts at Finey // N.A. Kun: Simpelhades // N.A. Kun: Island of Aretiada and arrival in Colchis // N.A. Kun: Jason at Eet // N.A. Kun: Argonauts turn to Medee for help // N.A. Kun: Jason fulfills the assignment of EETA // N.A. Kun: Medea helps Jason to kidnap the golden rune // N.A. Kun: Return of Argonauts
(Source: “Myths of Ancient Greece. Dictionary-reference.” Edwart, 2009.)
Jason and Athena.
The painting at the bottom of the red -figure kilik Duris.
490-485 BC. e.
Vatican museums.
A fragment of the painting of the red -figure crater of the artist Niobid.
About 460 BC. e.
Watch what is argonauts in other dictionaries:
– (floating on; argo;) in the myths of the ancient Greeks, the participants of the navigation on the ship Argo behind the golden rune in the country of Kolchu Eu (or Colchis). The ship was built with the help of the goddess Athena. The forest was taken from Pelion or Osses; On the nose of the ship was strengthened … … Historical Dictionary
– (Greek, from Argos, the name of the ship, and nautes swims). In Greek mythology, 50 heroes who went on the Argos ship, led by Jason, to Colchis, to conquer the Golden Fleece. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian … … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language
A circle of Moscow Symbolists, which existed in 1903–1910. At the head of A. stood Andrey Bely and Ellis. In the circle, not only poetics was developed, but also the religiously philosophical and social ideology of symbolism.BUT. considered themselves the only ones … … Literary Encyclopedia
– (translated from Greek as sailors on the Argo) ancient Greek mythological travelers who obtained the Golden Fleece. The Greek hero Jason, on the orders of his uncle, the Thessalian king Pelias, was supposed to bring gold from the Colchis king Eeta … … Literary Encyclopedia
(I.A. Lisovy, K.A. Revyako. The ancient world in terms, names and titles: Dictionary-reference book on the history and culture of Ancient Greece and Rome / Scientific ed. A.I. Nemirovsky. – 3rd ed. – Minsk: Belarus, 2001)
Myths about sea travel occupy a significant place in Greek culture. One such myth is the story of the Argonauts. It looks like a fairy tale, but like any fairy tale, it has historical roots, and above all in the numerous strife that shook Hellas.
In this story, it all started with the fact that the children of the Orkhomenian king Phrix and Gella fled from their stepmother Ino (in the other version, from Aunt Boudica) on a magical ram with a golden fleece. On the way, Helle fell off the back of a wonderful animal and drowned in the strait, which was later named after her – the Hellespont, that is, the sea of \u200b\u200bGella (the modern Dardanelles). Phrixus reached the country of Aea, which is also called Colchis. He sacrificed a ram to Zeus, and the fleece taken from him was a gift to the king of the Colchians, Eet. Since then, it was believed that the golden fleece would bring prosperity to Colchis. It was kept in the grove of Ares, and was guarded by a dragon. Many years later, after the death of Phrixus, who married his eldest daughter Eeta, his sons left Colchis and went to their father's homeland. But soon they met his fellow tribesmen, striving along the same path. Jason, the son of Eson, led the new travelers. Aeson was the king of the city of Iolca in Thessaly, off the coast of the Pagasean Gulf. Brother Pelius overthrew him, but the usurper was predicted to die at the hands of his relative – which is quite realistic, and also warned that he should be wary of a man shod on one leg. Of course, Pelius feared revenge at the hands of his nephew Jason, but his father hid him in a safe place and declared him dead. The boy grew up under the supervision of a wise mentor – the centaur Chiron. Centaurs are mythical creatures, but one can imagine what impression riders could make on tribes that did not know horses. In any case, when Jason was twenty years old, he went to Iolk to demand his kingdom from his uncle. King Pelius was horrified when an adult nephew appeared before him, barefoot on one foot and, moreover, demanding the return of the throne. Some Greek authors mention that during campaigns warriors shod only their left feet. Therefore, most likely, Jason did not come to his uncle alone, but with an armed detachment. Pelius was frightened and decided to give the young man a difficult task – to go to Colchis. Probably, he was already thinking about an expedition to the distant Pontus Euxinus (as the Black Sea was called in ancient times).Now the opportunity presented itself to get rid of a dangerous opponent, pretending to promise him to fulfill the requirement. Jason willingly agreed to the journey. A ship called Argo was built, and the prince called out a cry throughout Hellas. The most glorious heroes gathered to participate in the expedition, according to various sources, up to 67 people, including Hercules. The Argonauts – as travelers began to be called by the name of the ship – offered Hercules to become the leader, but he gave this place to Jason.
The Argonauts set sail from Iolk and arrived on the island of Lemnos, where they were welcome guests. A year before, the women of Lemnos had killed their men because they preferred captive slaves to them, and therefore suggested that travelers not seek their fortune overseas, but remain on the island. The queen of Lemnos, Hypsisila, offered Jason her hand and the throne. And if it were not for Hercules, who ardently urged to continue the journey, the journey would not have taken place. But the Argonauts listened to him and set sail. They passed the Hellespont and entered the Propontis (Sea of Marmara).
On the southern coast of Propontis they were hospitably met by the inhabitants of the city of Cyzicus dolioni. But when the Argonauts set sail, at night a fair wind drove them back to Cyzicus. In the darkness, the townspeople mistook the former guests for Pelasgian enemies, a battle broke out, and Jason killed King Cyzicus. Only in the morning everyone realized a terrible mistake. The journey continued. The Argonauts passed the Bosphorus, which was considered a dangerous place: the myth says that there were the approaching and diverging rocks of the Symplegades, which the travelers passed thanks to the good advice of the grateful Phineus, who was saved from the terrible harpies.
So, Jason and his comrades went to the Black Sea. By that time, Hercules had fallen behind during one of the stops, and no longer participated in this adventure. Jason saved the sons of Phrixus and the grandsons of Eet, who were shipwrecked. Together they arrived in Colchis.
The youngest daughter of the king, the sorceress Medea, fell in love with Jason and helped him get the golden fleece. And then she went with the Argonauts. King Eet did not accept the double loss and sent a chase, led by his son Apsyrtus. Different versions talk about the routes of the fugitives, even sending them to the Caspian Sea. But everyone agrees that, at the instigation of Medea, the fugitives killed her brother. And in order not to go through the Bosphorus, they entered the mouth of the river Istr (Danube), and then dragged the ship into another river and got out to the Adriatic. Such a journey seems far-fetched, but perhaps it was not about the Danube, but about another river called the Ister, which flows into the Adriatic near Trieste. According to the legend, the Argonauts reached the Rodan (Rhone) River and entered the land of the Celts. According to the third, they went along the Elbe, ended up in the North Sea and were forced to return through the Pillars of Hercules (the future Strait of Gibraltar).However, most likely, travelers who went to the Black Sea returned in the usual way through the Bosphorus. Then the Argonauts were attributed to the shore of Libya (Africa), and made a difficult journey through the desert. Nevertheless, they managed to return to Iolk. The following was followed by a cruel feud in which Pelius died, and his son Akatet expelled Jason and Medea from the city. So the campaign of the Argonauts ended.
The historical basis of this journey, as mentioned above, is predicted raids and colonization by the Greeks of the Black Sea coast, as well as their campaigns west. Hence, such a confusing route with access to the North Sea and the western part of the Mediterranean Sea, which, however, is not completely fantastic. Such trips could take place because the Greeks were familiar with tin islands near Britain. Tin was necessary for the production of bronze. However, in the VIII century. Greece already knew iron, therefore, most likely, echoes of more ancient times are visible here. But Italy, the Greeks colonized very tightly.
The very story of a golden rune itself is a fabulous story about the real method of gold mining in the Caucasus. According to legend, the locals plunged the skin of a ram in the waters of the gold -bearing river. The heavy grains of gold brought by the rapid flow of the river were linger between thick wool, and thus a golden rune was born. According to information gleaned from historical sources, it became known that Rioni was the only gold -bearing river on the territory of Colchis, or rather, its troughs, which flows higher than Samtredia.
And there are other versions – Medea, according to one of them, owned the secret of making tissues, according to the other, quite exotic, knew how to extract copper. Thus, the campaign of the Argonauts can be considered as “industrial espionage”, and Medea itself was a gold rune. In any case, the historical foundations of this myth are on the travels of the Greeks in the Black Sea region, where they traded and founded their colonies, bringing their culture there and assimilating the culture of local peoples.
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Traveling and discoveries of Pifey – swimming to the edge of the Earth
1. Yazon and argonauts. Hion was the only daughter of Tsar Daedalion, who himself was the son of Eosphorus and the brother of Keik. The god Hermes came together with this Hionon and on the same day the god Apollo. After that, she gave birth to Gemini – Philammon, who was the son of Apollo, and the autolik, who was the son of Hermes. Hione boasted everywhere that the gods love her, of course, for the reason that she surpassed many with her beauty, in any case, Artemis, whom neither the gods nor mortal men love. When such speeches reached Artemis, she, without hesitation, shot Hione from Luke for long. Dedalion climbed on Parnassus with despair and rushed from there into the abyss, but Apollo did not let him break, turning him into a hawk.
Philammon, who himself was a wonderful singer, married the nymph Argiope and gave birth to Famiris, who was distinguished by his extraordinary beauty and talent as a kifared. This Famiris ventured to compete with the Muses themselves on the following condition: if he won, he would have the right to meet with each of them; if he is defeated, he will lose what the Muses want to take away from him. The Muses, of course, won and after that they deprived Famiris of his sight and took away the gift of singing and playing the cithara. In the 5th century BC e. Sophocles wrote a tragedy on this subject, in which he himself played the main role.
Autolycus received from Hermes the gift to take any form and make objects invisible or change them beyond recognition. He often hunted by stealing livestock from neighbors, but it was impossible to convict him. When he swore in the name of his father, he so deftly formulated his oaths that later he could not fulfill them without violating them formally. Having settled in Parnassus, he married the nymph of this mountain, Amphithea, and produced daughters, Polimede and Anticlea, and many sons. Polymede married Aeson and became the mother of Jason, and Anticlea married Laertes and gave birth to Odysseus.
Aeson was the eldest son of Crepheus and after him he was to inherit the royal power in Iolca. But when Crépheus died, Pelias* reigned in this city. Fearing that his brothers would stand up for Aeson, Pelias asked the oracle how he should protect his royal power, and the god announced to him that he should beware of a man in one sandal. At first, Pelias did not understand the prediction, but later he had to learn its meaning. Once, while offering a sacrifice to the god Poseidon on the seashore, he invited numerous guests to this celebration, including Jason. Jason, addicted to agriculture, was engaged in field work at that time, but, having received an invitation, he hurried to the celebration. Approaching the Anavra River, he met the goddess Hera, who, disguised as an old woman, asked to be carried across the stream. Crossing the river with her, Jason lost one sandal, torn from his foot by a river stream. Seeing Jason shod in this way and remembering the prediction, Pelias approached him and asked what he, Jason, would do, having full power, with that of his fellow citizens, about whom it would be predicted to him that this man would become his murderer. Jason, at the suggestion of Hera, angry at Pelias for the murder committed in her temple and for the fact that he did not pay due honors to her, replied that he would have ordered this man to bring the golden fleece. Pelias, hearing this, immediately ordered him to go for the golden fleece. This fleece was in Colchis in a grove dedicated to the god Ares; it hung on an oak tree and was guarded by a constantly awake dragon**. Jason, sent to accomplish such a feat, called for help Arg, the son of Phrix, and he, on the advice of Athena, built a fifty-oared ship, named after the builder Argo. On the prow of the ship, the goddess Athena strengthened the trunk of the prophetic oak of Dodona.When the ship was built, Jason turned to the oracle, and God ordered him to sail after he will collect the most valiant heroes of Hellas to his aid.
The following heroes gathered to the aid of Jason: Tifiy, the son of Agnia, who became a helmsman; Orpheus, son of Eagra; Zen and Kalaid, the sons of Borea; Polydevk, son of Zeus and Castor, son of Tindarey; Idas and Linka, the sons of Afarey; Keny, the son of the crown; Ankei and Kefey, the sons of Lycurgus; Laerte, son of Arkesia; Idmon, son of Apollo ***; Telomon and Pieces, sons of Eak; Menetiy, son of the actor; Admet, the son of Feret; Akast, the son of Pelia; Meleagr, son of Oinei; Periclemin, the son of Nevleia; Avgy, the son of Helios; IFICL, son of the festival; Arg, son of Fricks; Heracles, son of Zeus; Askalaf and Ialmen, the sons of Ares; Polyfem, son of Elat; Hyppal, the son of Pelops; And others are only fifty heroes.
* Pelius – the son of Poseidon and Tiro, the Unified Brother of Esson, ch. 6 (5).
** See the background of this rune in chap. 6 (3).
*** Idomon – brother of Aristia, ch. 4 (4).
2. Argonauts on Lemnos. Under the command of Jason, the Argonauts hit the road and moored on their ship to the island of Lemnos. It so happened that on this island there were absolutely no men and the rules of the island of Gypsipil, the daughter of Foant. The reason was as follows. For some reason, Lemnos women did not revere the goddess Aphrodite, and she endowed them with a stench in retribution. Therefore, their husbands captured women from the nearby region of Thrace and made these captives their concubines. The insulted women of Lemnos killed their fathers and husbands, only one gypsipil saved her father Foant, hiding him.
The heroes moored to the island and, as the Apollodorus expressed himself delicately, entered into marriage with its inhabitants, who, by the time of the appearance of the Argonauts on the Argonauts, apparently left. Several days passed when Hercules, who was guarding Argo all the time, could not stand it and went to the city to remind the Argonauts, where and why they were going, and, showing considerable perseverance, made everyone return to the ship. Jason had to extract from the apartments the ruler of the gypsypila, who gave birth to two twins – Eveley, the future king Lemnos, and a non -carfon. Then there were many other children on Lemnos.
3. Argonauts in the country of the valleys. Having sailed from the island, the heroes then moored the country of the valleons, which was ruled by King Kizik. He showed them hospitality and friendliness. Having sailed into the open sea at night, they fell into the oncoming winds and, not recognizing the shores, again moored the country of the valleons. The latter also did not recognize Argo and took the Argonauts for the Pelasgov army, with whom they constantly had skirmishes. The night battle began. Argonauts of many killed, including Kizik himself. When it dawned on both sides and enlightened what happened, everyone cut their hair as a sign of sorrow and arranged a lush funeral. After that, the heroes reached the open sea again.
4. Argonauts in Misia. Sowing to Misia, the Argonauts, at the suggestion of Hercules, decided to arrange a competition for the most resilient rower.After a few hours of tense rowing, many raised the oars, recognizing their defeat, and the last one was Castor, and with him the Polydevk, who was sitting in the same row near the other side and did not want to be a winner without his brother. After that, only Jason and Hercules were rowed and, when Jason had already attached the last forces, believing that the commander should be the first in everything, Hercules had a pen. Then the others, declaring both of them by the winners, again took up the oars and moored to Misia.
Here they left Hercules and Polyphemus. The reason was the one that Gilas, the son of Feyodamant and the squire Heracles, went for water and was abducted by local nymphs because of his beauty. Polyphemus heard him with a cry and, thinking that Gilasa took away sea robbers, rushed with a naked sword in pursuit of the abductors. Having met Heracles, who, tearing out a huge spruce out of the ground, built a new oar for himself, Polyfem told him what had happened. While they both were looking for Gilas, the ship sailed into the open sea. Polyphemus then founded the city of Kios in Misia, while Hercules returned to Hellas.
Then the Argonauts sailed to the ground where the Bebrap tribes lived. In this earth, Amik, the son of Poseidon and the Bethino nymph Melia, ruled. Being a brave fighter, Amik forced the strangers who moored to his land to fight with him in his fists and killed them in this way. And this time he arrived at the place where the Ax ship moored, and began to call the most valiant to the fist battle, which was different from modern boxing, apparently in that they were around with bare fists, without using any gloves. Polydevk accepted the challenge and, since he was in this sport the champion of Hellas and the head coach of Sparta, the Amika struck him to death with one blow. When after that, the beans attacked him, the heroes, taking up the weapon, turned them into them, and someone was beaten.
5. Swimming on the show -off (Black Sea). Falling from the land of the Bibrics, the Argonauts approached the rocks of the Simplegada, who were at sea. These rocks were a huge size and moved with a terrible roar, as soon as something turned out to be between them. When the argonauts were already close to the Simplegad, they released a pigeon from the nose of the ship. He flew between the rocks, which, closing, managed to cut off only the tip of the tail. After waiting for the cliffs to disperse again, rowing intensely, the hero’s hero supported by the goddess sailed between them: only the feed figures of the ship suffered. Since that time, the sympoliads have become motionless, for it was predetermined that they would stop forever if the ship floats between them.
Then the Argonauts approached Salmesses on the coast of Thrace. Finna, the son of Agenor*, the blind in the soothsayer, who was said to have dut out Poseidon himself for the fact that he pointed to the children of Fricks from Colchis to Hellas, dwells there. In addition, the gods sent a harpy at him. These were winged creatures, and every time they set the table for Finea, they descended from the sky and abducted more; the most of the food, otherwise the little that remained on the table was infected with such stench that it was already impossible.When the Argonauts turned to Phineus with a request to show them the way by sea, he promised to fulfill this request if they would save him from the harpies. Then the Argonauts laid a table for him with a variety of food, and the harpies, suddenly flying down from the sky, began to plunder it. Seeing this, the sons of Boreas Zet and Kalaid, being themselves winged, drew their swords and began to pursue the harpies in the air. They pursued them to the islands called Strofadas, but did them no harm, since they swore an oath never to offend Phineus again.
Having got rid of the harpies, Phineus showed the sea route to the Argonauts, who after that again sailed into the open sea and arrived at the Mariandins, the ancestor of this tribe was the side son of Phineus Mariandin. These Mariandines were in constant hostility with the Bebriks, and King Lik, who ruled over them, cordially received the Argonauts. Here the soothsayer Idmon died, wounded to death by a wild boar, and Typhius died, after which Ankey took over the duties of the helmsman.
* See the story Agenor and his daughter Europe.
6. ARGONAUTS IN COLCHIS. Sailing past the river Thermodon*, on the banks of which the Amazons live, the Argonauts arrived at the river Phasis**, which flows through Colchis. After the ship landed there, Jason appeared before King Eet. Having told him about the commission that Pelias had placed on him, he began to ask Eet to give him the fleece. Eet promised to do this on the condition that Jason could drive copper-footed bulls into a team. A pair of these fierce bulls of enormous size was presented to Eet by Hephaestus. They had copper legs and fire-breathing mouths. Eet ordered Jason to harness these bulls and sow the field with the teeth of the dragon: he once received from Athena as a gift half of those dragon teeth that Cadmus had sown in Thebes. Jason was at a stalemate, not knowing how to do it. But Medea, the daughter of Eet and Idia, the daughter of the Ocean, fell in love with him, a sorceress. Fearing that the bulls would destroy Jason, she secretly promised him her help from her father if he swore that he would marry her and take her with him to Hellas. As Jason swore, she gave him a magical ointment with which he was to rub his body, spear and shield when he harnessed the bulls, and said that, having smeared this ointment, he would be invulnerable during the day both from fire and from gland. She also said that when the dragon's teeth were sown, knights in full armor would rise from the earth and attack him. When he notices that they are crowded, he will have to throw a stone in the very middle. Then they will fight each other, and Jason will be able to kill them. Having listened to all this and having smeared himself with a magic ointment, Jason found the bulls and, when they, spewing fire from their mouths, rushed to him, harnessed them to the yoke. After that, Jason sowed the dragon's teeth, and men rose from the earth in full armor. Then Jason began to throw stones where the soldiers gathered together; and when they fought each other, Jason, coming close, killed them.
But although Jason managed to harness the bulls, the eth did not give the rune: he planned to burn Argo's ship and kill the argonauts. However, Medea in a timely manner indicated to Yazon the place where the rune was located, and after Orpheus put to sleep the dragon, sparing a lullaby song to him, Jason took the rune and honey on the ship. With Medea, her brother was swimming and her brother. At night, the Argonauts sailed into the open sea.
* The modern name of this river is Term.
** The modern name of this river is Rioni.
7. The pursuit. This, having learned that she dared to commit Medea, rushed to pursue the ship Argo. When Medea saw that the EET was already very close, she killed her brother, cut his body into pieces, which she began to throw into the sea. This, collecting parts of the body of his son, began to lag behind, was forced to stop the chase and turn back to bury the selected parts of the body of the apse. He sent a great many Kolhov in search of Argo, threatening that if they do not return Medea back, he himself will be punished. Then they divided into groups and went in search of different places. When the Argonauts swam near the Eidan River, Zeus, angry with the murder of the apse, sent a strong storm and knocked them down from the course. The ship made them that Zeus would not change anger for mercy until they cleanse the kits from killing an apse. Then the Argonauts sailed past the lands, on which the tribes of the Legies and Celts lived, crossed the Sardian Sea and, having sailed past Tyrzeniya, moored to the island of Eee, where Kirka lived, sister of Eeta and aunt of Medea. Turning to her with a prayer, they were cleared of crime*.
When they sailed past the island of sirens, Orpheus held the Argonauts on the ship, drowning out the singing of sirens with his song. The sirens came from Aheloy and Melpomena, their Paysino, Aglaop and Telxyepy called them. The first played on Kifara, the second sang, the third played on the flute: so they raised the sailors floating past them. When, seeing the Argo, they started their concert, one of the argonauts, Buta, rushed into the water and swam to them. Others did not have time to do this, because Orpheus and Sirens began to sing, leaving his music, they themselves began to listen to the singing of Orpheus, by the way, the cousin who came to them. Butita sirens released back, as some report, others claim that Aphrodite saved him and transferred Lilibey to the picturesque harbor, where this guy became her lover for some time.
After the sirens, the ship safely swam past Scylla and Haribda, which Hera deprived the time of the opportunity to move for this, then with the help of the Hero Nereid, the floating cliffs planktes, over which a huge flame and clouds of smoke rose, and stuck to the kebabs, the island of Feakov, whose king was the king of which was the king Alkina.
Some of the Kolhov, without finding Argo, settled on the Keravsky mountains, others, having sailed in Illi, settled the apsipta islands, but some reached the island of Feaks, found the Argo ship there and demanded from the king of Alkino Extradition of Medea.Alkina promised to give an answer the next day, and to his wife Arenet, the daughter of the Rexena **, he said that if Medea had already agreed with Yazon, he would leave it to him, but if she is still a girl, he would send her to her father. Areta sent Jazon to notify about it, and he came down to Medea that same night. It remains a mystery whether Tsar Alkina checked in any way this fact or relied on the honest word of Jason, but as a result, the Colks settled with the Feaks, and the argonauts with Medea sailed into the open sea.
* The rite of cleansing from the filth of the murder was that the killers waved a pig over the head of the killers, who was then stabbed and sprayed their hands with blood. The blood of the piglet, as it were, supplanted the stained killer of human blood shed by him.
** Reesenor is the brother of Alkinoi, their father is the first king Feakov Navsifoy, the son of Poseidon and one of the daughters of Giant Evrimedont.
8. Return to Iolk. At night, during the voyage, the argonauts fell into a strong storm. Apollo stood on top of the mountains and flashed with lightning. Lightning illuminated the island and the Argonauts moored to him, and since he appeared unexpectedly, they called him anathe, that is, he was discovered suddenly. Having erected the altar Apollo sparkling and sacrificing him, the Argonauts staged a feast.
Then, swimming in the open sea, the Argonauts tried to stick to the island of Crete, where Medea hoped to see another one of her aunt – Pasifaya, Queen of Crete. But they were prevented by the Talos. Talos was a man of copper, whom Hephaestus gave King Minos. This first terminator had only one vein stretched from neck to ankles and shut up with a copper nail. Protecting the island, Talos ran around him three times a day. And this time, seeing the floating ship of Argo, he began to throw stones at him. But introduced by Medea, the Talos died: Medea, promising to make it immortal, pulled out a copper nail, and all Ihor leaked from it*.
Having spent the night in Crete, the argonauts were then moored to the island of Egin to replenish water supplies there. From there, having sailed between Evebay and Locrida, they arrived in Iolk. All swimming took them four months. The returning Jason gave the Fleece Pelia and, having sailed with the most valiant heroes to East, dedicated the ship Argo to the god Poseidon.
* Ichor – the blood of the gods.
9. After the campaign. While the Argonauts mined the golden rune, Pelius, confident that they would not return, decided to kill Eson. He found out about this and drank poison during the sacrifice. Jason's mother cursed Pelia and hanged herself. Their newborn son of a mistake remained, but Pelius ordered that Pelius. When this became known to Jason, he turned to Mede for help so that she found a way to take revenge on the Pelia. Medea went to Pelia's palace and began to persuade his daughters to cut his father into pieces and cook, promising that she would return his youth with the help of magic potions. So that they believe this, she cut the ram and, having cooked it, turned it into a lamb. Beliefing Mede, the daughters Pelia chopped and welded their father.Hera was very pleased with this, and Jason began to be a little afraid of his wife.
Akast, together with the inhabitants of Iolk, buried his father, while Jason, together with Medea, was expelled from Iolk. They went to Corinth and lived there happily for ten years. But then, when Creon, king of Corinth, agreed to give his daughter Glauca to Jason, he immediately agreed to break with Medea and enter into a new marriage. Medea began to appeal to all the gods that Jason swore, cursing him for his ingratitude. To the bride, she sent a peplos soaked in poison. She put it on and burned down with her father, who tried to help her, engulfed in a strong flame. The children, Mermer and Feret, which she had from Jason, she killed and, having received from Helios a chariot drawn by winged dragons, she fled from Corinth on it. The Corinthians remembered Medea for a long time: the population of Corinth atoned for the murder of Medea's children with special sacrifices until the Roman era.
Arriving in Athens, Medea married Aegeus, gave birth to a son, who was named Meda. But later Medea tried to poison Theseus, the eldest son of Aegeus, and was expelled from Athens along with Med. The latter defeated many barbarians and called all the land he conquered Mediah. He died on a campaign against the Indians. Medea, unrecognized, returned to Colchis. The king of Colchis, Eet, by the time Medea returned, had already been deprived of power by his brother Persian. Medea killed the Persian and returned the royal power to her father. I must say that the character of this granddaughter of the Sun was not at all feminine.
Jason, on the other hand, wandered in different places, not finding a place for himself anywhere for a long time. Once he passed through the Isthm past the place where the Argo ship, dedicated to Poseidon, was pulled ashore. Tired Jason lay down in the shade of the ship to rest. While he was sleeping, the stern of the decrepit Argo fell on him, and he died from the blow.
In Greek mythology, the argonauts (sailing on the Argo) were called participants in the voyage for the Golden Fleece to the country of Eia (or Colchis). The myth of the Argonauts was one of the most popular in the ancient world. Therefore, of course, it was reflected in the fine arts.
Ivan Myasoedov
The most detailed about the journey of the Argonauts is described in the poem Apollonius of Rhodes Argonautics.
The plot of the myth in general terms is as follows.
Travel map of the Argonauts
Pelias , brother Esona, king Iolkos in Thessaly, received two oracle predictions: according to one, he was destined to die at the hands of a member of his kind of Aeoliids, according to another, he should beware of a man shod on one foot.
Pelias dethroned his brother, who, wanting to save his son Jason from Pelius, declared him dead and hid him with a centaur Chiron.
William Russell Flint
Jason with the Centaur Chiron
Having reached the age of twenty, Jason went to Iolk. Crossing the river Anaurus, Jason lost his sandal and appeared at court, as was predicted by the oracle to Pelius.Jason demanded from Pelia to return the kingdom belonging to him.
Frightened Pelius mockingly promised to fulfill the demand of Jason, provided that he, having gone into the country of Helios, to the king in a Kolchami, to the king Eet . Fricks and deliver the skin of this ram from there – The Golden Fleece .
Pelius sends Jason for a golden rune
Jason agreed, and a ship was built with the help of Athena Argo.
Lorenzo Costa
He gathered to participate in the campaign of glorious heroes from all over Hellas. Argonauts asked the participant in the campaign Hercules Take the command, but he refused in favor of Jason.
Collection of argonauts
(Image on the red -figure crater of the 5th century BC, E.
stored in the Louvre)
Having sailed from Pagaseskogl Gulf, Argonauts arrive on the island Lemnos , whose inhabitants a year before their arrival were destroyed by all men.
Gustav Courbet
While the Argonauts stayed on the island, his queen Gypsipila , becoming the beloved of Jason, offers him to stay with his companions on Lemnos, marry her and become a king. And only to persuade Hercules forced the Argonauts to move on the road.
Argonauts on Lemnos
(antique drawing)
On the advice of participating in the campaign Orpheus The Argonauts accepted the dedication in the mystery of the cabins on the island of Samofrakia.
Having sailed through Gellespont to Propontida, the travelers were cordially accepted by residents of the city of Kizik in Phrygia by the valleys who arranged a feast for them. At this time, they attacked the ship Six -handed monsters So the Argonauts, led by Hercules, had to withstand a fight with them.
When the argonauts swam further, the nasty wind again drove them to Kizik at night. The Dolions accepted Jason and his companions for enemies – Pelasgov, and in the decayed battle, Jason killed the king of the Dolions. When it became clear in the morning that an error occurred, the Argonauts took part in the solemn burial.
Having went on, the Argonauts began to compete in the rowing, and the oar broke up with Hercules, which turned out to be the most indefatigable. At the site of the next parking in Misia near the island of Keos, he went to the forest to make himself a new one, and his beloved young man Gilas I went to scoop up water for him. Nymphs The source captured by the beauty of Gilas, carried him into the depths, and Hercules in vain sought a young man.
John Waterhouse
Gilas and nymphs
Meanwhile, the Argonauts, using the fair wind, set sail and only at dawn noticed the absence of Hercules. The dispute began, what to do, but the marine god that appeared from the depths Glavk He discovered to them that Hercules by the will of Zeus was not destined to participate in the future campaign.
Bartolomeus Right
Glavk and Scylla
Tsar Bibrikov in Bithynia Amik , who used to join with the strangers who arrived in his country in a fist battle, called one of the Argonauts to the duel. The call accepted Polydevk Amika who was struck to death.
Having entered the Bosporus, the Argonauts sailed to the dwelling of a blind old man, a soothsayer Phinea who was tormented by terrible stinking birds harpies who stole food from him. Boreads Z and Kalaid , winged sons Borea , drove away the harpies forever, and the grateful Phineus told about the path that the Argonauts had to go and gave them advice on how to avoid dangers.
Jason and Phineas
Harpies on a red-figure antique vase
Modern depiction of harpies
Sailed to those blocking the exit to Pontus Euxine converging and diverging floating rocks Symplegadam , the Argonauts, taught by Phineus, first released a dove. She managed to fly between the approaching rocks, damaging only the tail feathers, which was a favorable omen, and the helmsman Typhius directed the Argo between the rocks. Thanks to help Athens the ship managed to overcome the current, and the approaching Symplegades only slightly damaged the stern of the ship, after which they froze forever so that a narrow passage remained between them.
Terracotta relief Construction Argo :
on the left – the goddess Athena, in the center – the helmsman Typhius, on the right – the carpenter Arg.
The Argonauts headed east along the southern coast of Pontus Euxinus. Having driven away flocks of monstrous birds like harpies with a cry, they moored to the island Aretia , where they met with the sons of Frix, sailing from Colchis to Hellas and shipwrecked, who joined them.
Approaching Caucasus , travelers saw an eagle flying to Prometheus and heard the groans of God – the benefactor of mankind. Later, Prometheus, chained to a rock by the will of Zeus, will be released Hercules.
Gustave Moreau
Peter Paul Rubens
Prometheus Chained
Christian Hypercurl
Hercules Frees Prometheus
When the Argo entered the mouth of the Phasis (Rioni) River, Athena and Hera, who were favorable to Jason, asked Aphrodite , to Eros ignited love for Jason in the heart of the daughter of the king of the Colchians Eeta – the sorceress Medea.
Henry Camille Danger
Aphrodite and Eros
As soon as Jason with six companions appeared in the palace of Eet, Medea immediately fell in love with him.
Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys
Evelyn de Morgan
Upon learning that the Argonauts had come for the Golden Fleece, Eet was furious. Wanting to destroy Jason, he offered him to plow the field on the copper-footed fire-breathing bulls of the god of war Ares and sow it with the teeth of the Theban dragon, from which invincible warriors grow.
However, another daughter of Eeta is the widow of Phrixus Halkiopa , fearing for the fate of her sons, who arrived with the Argonauts, conspired with Medea, who was in love with Jason, to give the hero a magic potion that made him invulnerable for one day.
John Waterhouse
Jason and Medea
In the presence of Eet and the Colchians, Jason harnessed the bulls and, following the plow, threw the teeth of the dragon into the furrow. Even before evening, mighty warriors began to grow from them.Jason threw a huge stone at them, and hid himself, and when the soldiers began to fight each other, he killed them.
Medea, driven by love for Jason and fear of her father, seized witchcraft potions, fled to the Argo, taking from Jason a promise to marry her. At dawn, Jason and Medea went to the grove of Ares, where a terrible serpent guarded the golden fleece. Medea put the serpent to sleep with a sweet chant and a magic potion, and Jason was able to remove the golden fleece that emitted radiance from the oak (in one version of the myth, Jason killed the serpent).
Salvator Rosa
Jason defeats the dragon
Boris Vallejo
Bertel Thorvardsen
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Jason and the Golden Fleece
The Argonauts hurried out to sea, but Eet sent ships in pursuit of them. Since the Argonauts were returning in a new way – along the Istra (Danube), the Colchians under the command of the son of Eet Apsyrta blocked their way from Istria to the Adriatic Sea. The Argonauts were inclined to reconciliation and agree to leave Medea in the temple of Artemis, just to be able to move on with the Golden Fleece. But Medea, showering Jason with reproaches, offered to lure brother Aspirtus into a trap. The plan succeeded: Jason killed Aspirtus, and the Argonauts unexpectedly attacked the Colchians accompanying him.
Zeus was angry with them for their treacherous murder, and a talking piece of wood made from Dodona oak inserted into the keel of the Argo told the Argonauts that they would not return home until they were cleansed of filth by the daughter of Helios, the sorceress Pick (Circe).
In the Mediterranean, the Argonauts reached the island where Kirk lived, clearing them of their crime.
From Sirens saved the Argonauts Orpheus who drowned out their singing with his song.
John Waterhouse
Thetis and her Nereid sisters, at the request of Hera, helped the Argonauts sail past Scylla and Charybdis and the wandering rocks of Plankt.
Alkinoi and Areta, who reigned over the Phaeacians, cordially received the Argonauts, but at that time they were overtaken by the second half of the Colchian fleet. By advice Aretas Jason and Medea were immediately married, so that Alkina received reason not to send Medea to her father.
Antonio Biageo
Engagement of Jason and Medea
When the Argo was already near the Peloponnese, a storm carried her to the shallows of Libya. Here, the Argonauts for a long time could not find a way out of Tritonian Lake, until they turned to the local deity for help. Triton who helped them out to sea.
Off the coast of Crete, a copper giant Talos began to throw pieces of rock at the Argonauts, preventing them from landing on the shore. Enchanted by Medea, he injured his heel – his weak spot, after which all the blood flowed out of him and he fell lifeless.
Soon the travelers returned to Iolk. According to the most common version of the myth, Jason gave the golden fleece to Pelius, who during his absence, being sure that Jason would not return, killed his father and brother.
Having dedicated Argo to Poseidon, Jason, with the help of Medea, took revenge on Pelias: Pelias' daughters, at the instigation of Medea, wanting to restore their father's youth, cut his body into pieces.
Thus ended the history of the Argonauts.
However, this myth has a continuation regarding the further fate of Jason and Medea. But this is another story that I will talk about some other time.