City farming – programs of TsOPP of the Tula region

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City farming – programs of the advanced professional training center of the Tula region.

city ​​farming

Program type: professional education.
Profession: green farm worker
Discharge: 1.
Scope of study: 34 academic hours.
Form of study: full-time using distance learning technologies.

During the course of the program, you learn:
– use specialized equipment and tools; use chemicals correctly
– apply fertilizer complexes for hydroponics
– use hydroponic equipment

Program sections:

Theoretical training
Module 1. Introduction to the profession.
Module 2. Hydroponics.
Module 3. Plants and growing conditions.

Practical training
Lesson 1: Exploring Hydroponic Substrates
Session 2. Studying the structure of various models of hydroponic installations
Lesson 3. Studying the lighting and aeration system
Lesson 4. Importance of nutrient solutions for plants
Lesson 5. Preparation of nutrient solutions
Lesson 6. Preparing seeds for sowing
Lesson 7. Seedling preparation
Lesson 8. Growing plants using hydroponics

To enroll a child for training, the following list of documents is required:
– statement (adult listener)
– statement of parents (minor listener)
– consent to the processing of personal data (adult)
– consent to the processing of personal data (minor)
– a document proving the identity of the child (scan)
– SNILS child (scan)

Consent and Application are filled in by one of the parents (legal representative).

If the child has not reached the age of 14, the identity document is a birth certificate, upon reaching the age of 14, such a document is a passport (only a scan of the cover page of the passport is required).

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