Buy an apartment in Ulyanovsk from the developer | Premiere | The official website of the company

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You can buy an apartment in Ulyanovsk from the developer – the premiere company you can on this official website. Sale of apartments in new buildings of the new city, Leninsky, Zasviyazhsky and railway

Construction company Premiere

Our company is engaged in the construction of high -quality housing at attractive prices in the city of Ulyanovsk.
We carefully choose places for new objects.

Developed infrastructure, transport accessibility, a beneficial courtyard territory – for us it is not just standard phrases that are customary to attract customers, but a mandatory and undisguised rule in work.

LCD on Kuzovatovskaya

A new project from the premiere with its private territory in the inhabited part of ul. Kuzovatskaya in the territory Far Navigation Ulyanovsk.

LCD freedom

The personification of the segment High-Class, a district of 5 minutes from a historical center with a chic view of the Volga.

LCD ecositi

New town. The microdistrict on the banks of the Volga is near the coast Park, where it is good at any time of the year.

Map of new buildings In Ulyanovsk from the developer the prime minister

Work principles construction company Premiere

What is invested in the concepts of accessibility and comfort? Intelligence, first of all, is understood as the presence of a school, a kindergarten, a supermarket, entertainment establishments, and good transportation near the house.

And the ability to use all these benefits of civilization in walking distance is currently comfort. We care in advance about parking and playgrounds at each house under construction, think over the landscape design of our projects.

Years in the market
Real estate Ulyanovsk

apartment buildings

Satisfied buyers

sq. meters of housing

We erect houses exclusively in developed areas of the city, with a well -established infrastructure.

High level of comfort for the affordable cost. The objects we are constructed meet the standards of housing comfort class.

Lack of endless construction work around. We design small houses and rent apartments in a house with an already completely comfortable territory.

To buy an apartment In Ulyanovsk from a reliable developer

Want to buy an apartment in Ulyanovsk directly from the developer? You turned to the address! The premiere’s construction company offers you apartments in the houses of comfort class, in different areas of Ulyanovsk. Modern club brick houses, as well as multi -storey buildings from modern panels.

Apartments with convenient layouts, with an area of ​​30m 2 to 188m 2. Choose a new building on the page Our Projects, read the Sales of apartments and contact the developer! We will be happy to help you buy your dreams apartment in Ulyanovsk!

Happy spring and work!

The program New building for exchange

Exchange your old apartment for a new one from Premiera Development.

Start of sales: LCD Premiere on Kuzovatovskaya!

Far Zasviyazhye, Ulyanovsk.

+7 (9603) 72 – 00 – 72 – Ulyanovsk, st. Federation, d. 9a

  • Premiere ©

— Any information presented on this site is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances is it a public offer, determined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Raising funds related to the right of ownership arising from citizens to residential premises in apartment buildings, which at the time of attracting funds from citizens were not put into operation, are carried out on the basis of an agreement on participation in shared construction in accordance with Federal Law No. 214- dated December 30, 2004 FZ. The appearance of the finished building and the surrounding area may differ from the images shown. List of developers +78422315090
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