Books about athletes – Books about sports

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10 sports books that will make you better. Books and motivation Spanish writer Alessandro Barikko said: The book looks like a refrigerator – you open it and

The best books about sports

10 sports books that will make you better. Books and motivation

The Spanish writer Alessandro Barikko said: “The book looks like a refrigerator – you open it and rejoice that it is complete. And you need to consume the contents of the book, accordingly – at night, in pajamas, in complete solitude! ” It doesn’t matter to us at all where and how you will read our selection, but we are sure that here you will find something suitable for yourself.

Magic morning. How the beginning of the day can change your whole life

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The easiest way to transform life is to take control of your morning. Only one hour before breakfast can help you lose weight, pump up the press, write a book or learn a foreign language. In Magic morning, the expert on personal efficiency and time management Laura Wanderma analyzed the daily routine of many successful people and wrote a book in which she tells in detail what habits help to achieve success.
This book is for those who:

– endlessly translates the alarm clock for another five minutes;

– cannot find time for really important things;

– I would like to do more and better;

– Looking for a balance between work and personal life.

Chicken broth for the soul. Create yourself again

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Nothing is so much motivated as real success stories. And it doesn’t matter what we are talking about: financial well-being, a healthy lifestyle or some other personal achievements. No trainings and workshops are able to give such a push forward as the defective biographies of other people who managed! After all, when you see how many people could change themselves and their world, faith wakes up in their own strengths.

100 stories about the struggle with excess weight in the book are told by ordinary people: here everything that they experienced, trying to bring themselves into shape. Small motivational secrets from other people's lives have already helped millions of people around the world take a step towards a healthy, fit and beautiful body.

You can move to this gradually, small steps, like Douglas Brown. He was refused life insurance due to 40 kilograms of excess weight. This made him act. He began with a simple one: every day he climbed the stairs to the fourth floor to his workplace. Gradually, he managed to make serious changes to the power system, add training to this, so now his health and well -being are much better than at the beginning of the journey.

You can stink and indulge in your weaknesses, like Rebecca Hill. She once participated in the video recording of fitness exercises, which was carried out on the Hawaiian islands.Other participants, tightened and slender, were advocates of a healthy lifestyle, and Rebecca was terribly shy that in the evenings she ordered cheesburgers in the room. Therefore, in the morning, she slowly put an empty tray to the doors.
And always after that – to return “to the rut”, understand your own mistakes and forgive them like Kimberly Hatmacher. She describes how over the past couple of years she lost ten kilograms: “Each time I set myself very modest tasks, and this helped me calmly, without jerking, and regularly win small victories for a long time.”
Go to the victories over yourself!

Football in comics

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The Contrast Championship – as foreign media nicknamed the past football championship. “He broke in two textbooks of football traditions when some of the favorites – Brazil, Germany, Spain and Argentina – flew out at an early stage,” writes CNBC. To understand the essence and scale of the latest events, is it useful to turn to the origins and trace how football has become the phenomenal force that for a while united people from around the world and made them forget about politics? “Football in comics” is stories about heroes and villains, victories and defeats, won to trophies and stolen cups, about leaders – both brilliant and mediocre. It is thanks to them that football looks like we know him.
The football story told through the comics in the spirit of the 90s will amaze you no less than the final match France-Croatia!

Here you will find answers to questions that you did not even think to ask before: what happened to the Garrinchi dog? Why did Peter Birdley not change the hairstyle for more than 30 years? What would the world be if the goal of Jeffrey Hurst was recognized as invalid? How much pleasure would you have a weekend in a house on wheels with Roem Kin? Why didn’t you ask football in China and Japan?
Discover the world of football from an unexpected side!

45 shades of green

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Who are these people, that they choose coconut milk instead of a cow, a cinema bourger prefer a steak, and start the morning with a smoothie from kiwi and avocado? Where do they get protein? How is they with the level of hemoglobin? Does their skin and hair suffer from vitamin deficiency suffer? These complex questions are answered by Ala Samokhina, a vegetarian with 13 years of experience, the master of vegan cafes and restaurants, and the author of the bestseller “Go to Green”. ⠀ She calls her book a “collection of hugge receptors” for vegan. There are 40 dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner with amazing photos that cannot be resisted. You won’t notice how you already put on an apron in the kitchen and prepare a smoothie-blade, a tens of tofu, a pumpkin polo with eggplant and a lime cheesecake at the same time.

Alya also writes in which products to the vegetarian to find protein, collagen, iron and vitamins, what is the “rule of colored plate” and publishes a list of 50 products that are the richest of protein – from soy and peanuts to a banana and a battery.

But this is not the main thing.An educational program from Ali Samokhina about veganism as a way of life can answer the question of all meat-eaters who find themselves in a difficult life situation. What to do if your friend declared himself a vegan and began to systematically buy up all the green salad from the nearest supermarket?

FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia. Official publication

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The limited edition of the only official FIFA encyclopedia for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia is a true fan artifact! A detailed analysis of the teams, an expert assessment of their chances of making it to the playoffs, materials about star players, host cities and stadiums, a brief history of the tournament, a grid that can be filled in during the competition and a lot of colorful photos – everything a true fan needs.

The brightest moments of past championships are illustrated with emotional photos from football stadiums. The stars of the strongest teams salute the fans after the winning goal, hug with colleagues after a triumphant penalty kick, wave to parents and families after serious play-offs.
Separate chapters of the encyclopedia are devoted to the history of the championship, the football heritage of Russia and how the country's cities have changed for FIFA 2018.

This book is a real educational program for those who have just started to get involved in football and a great addition to the collection for anyone who calls himself an expert!


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In continuation of the theme of the championship, we will tell you about one more novelty.
While the Russian team was preparing to win, the chefs in the restaurants of eleven football capitals were training to shine with traditional Russian hospitality. After all, it depended on them which foreign fans remembered Russian cuisine.

A team of professional culinary specialists has collected the most spectacular recipes from all over the country in a unique collection: “FOODball. A culinary journey through 11 football capitals of Russia.

So what do foreigners talk about at home, recalling Russian pickles with nostalgia? And what should future guests of our country try?

In Moscow, of course, borscht and pancakes with caviar. And for breakfast – cheesecakes. In St. Petersburg – beef stroganoff and fried smelt. In the morning, donuts are also possible. In Volgograd, you need to appreciate watermelon honey and pike perch in batter. In Sochi, an indispensable item on the program is lamb and cheburek barbecue. In Kazan, there is where to roam in terms of gastronomy, starting with echpochmaks. In Yekaterinburg, Neft dumplings with dill mousse and dumplings with baked potatoes and Carbonara sauce can become the main culinary event.

So, are you ready to jump on the train and go on a culinary journey? Make it with us!

Run Forever: Your Complete Guide to Healthy Lifetime Running

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Review from Renat Shagabudtinov, author of the telegram channel “Running is Easy”: “The book is called “Running Forever”, and this is not a beautiful turn: Emby Burfoot really wants the reader to be able to enjoy running all his life and without injuries.
The book is very easy to read thanks to the structure (short chapter on different topics) and the style of presentation (friendly and accessible).
It is not surprising – Berfut not only won the Boston Marathon (that is, he knows what he writes about), but also began to popularize sports from the school wall newspaper, and then worked for many years in the best running magazine Runner’s World. And his book is not the first.
The book has a wonderful plan for those who are just starting to run – it is invited to alternate running with walking and gradually reach 30 minutes of continuous running. The translation of the plan and recommendations for its implementation is on the “Run simply” channel. There are recommendations on other topics that are usually bothering beginners: from shoes to food.
A very good book for beginners in running – and not only for beginners.

Sports nutrition for professionals and amateurs. Complete leadership

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A review of Renat Shagabudtinov, the author of the telegram channel “Run simply”: “For a long time in Russia there were no translated systemic and high-quality books on sports nutrition written by experts. And in August 2018, two came out in different publishers at once! This and next in this collection.

A very useful and informative book about food, which can be interesting not only to athletes.
The book gives answers to most questions and explains everything in great detail. It has no extremes, fanaticism and there are recommendations for adherents of different diets, a balanced scientific approach. ”
The publication consists of four parts:
1. Everyday healthy diet for active people: breakfast, dinners, dinners and snacks; Carbohydrates, squirrels, drinking.
2. Food before, after and during training. Additives, special sports nutrition.
3. Weight. Weight gain, overweight, diet.
4. Recipes (breakfast, pasta/rice, vegetables and salads, poultry, meat, beans and tofu, fish and seafood, drinks and smoothies).
An important feature of the book is a large number of statistical tables with very useful information.
For example: the need for calcium by age/gender; the content of protein and calories in the paste/rice/film; the content of calcium in dairy products, vegetables, cereals; nutritional value in popular grain breakfast; breakfast options for 500 calories; comparison of milk and sports drinks in the number of minerals and protein; Comparison of the most popular sports bars.

Eating in endurance sports. All you need to know the runner, swimmer, cyclist and triathlet

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Fragment from the book. About the importance of iron
Fragment from the book. Training and competitions in the heat
Fragment from the book. How to understand sugar

Review of Renat Shagabudtinov, the author of the telegram channel “Run simply”: “Another novelty for sports nutrition from an expert with vast experience. This book has a slightly narrower specialization than the previous one – it is for everyone who is engaged in sports for endurance (that is, running, swimming, cycling, triathlon, adventure races).
This is a system guidance.It contains both bases and specialized issues.
Among the general issues are fluid use, basic nutrients, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, weight loss and a set of muscle mass, ergogenic additives – their safety and effects.
The second half of the book is devoted to individual sports and special issues. Swimming, running, triathlon and cycling are too different so that one ready and suitable for all power plan can exist for them, so Monica Ryan considers the features of each sport.
There are advice in the book for special occasions – for young and elderly athletes, vegetarians and diabetics, pregnant girls.
Recommendations are considered on the example of real athletes, including amateurs – what difficulties and questions they face, how they solve problems and plan food during training and competitions. ”

How much do you want this? Psychology of the superiority of the mind over the body

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Article based on the book: Psychology of competition

A review of Renat Shagabudtinov, the author of the telegram channel “Run simply”: “A magnificent book on sports psychology, from which you can’t tear off. It is built on the stories of elite athletes, their mistakes and lessons.
Reading is completely translated into an applied plane, if necessary.
For example, Alissa McCage, a professional runner, lost several times positions in the protocol at the end of responsible races. Although after that I could feel not 100% and not even very tired. Once she decided to compare the current physical suffering on the race with emotional suffering after unsuccessful races, which helped her better perform at critical moments and improve results. ”

An interesting quote from the book:

“Any athlete that makes itself expand its previous limits of endurance in an effort to achieve more, understands this. There is nothing like a feeling when a person deliberately brings himself to the point when he is ready to surrender, and yet he does not give up. At such moments of “cruel reality,” as Mark Allen calls them when something inside you asks you: “How much do you want this?” – Internal obstacles are removed, and you open that part of yourself, which is exposed only in the most critical moments. And when your answer makes you fight further, you get out of this test with new knowledge about yourself and self -esteem that you can’t buy for any money.

At such moments of overcoming brutal reality, athletes discover not only the reasons to continue the struggle, but also the ways to do this: motivation (why) and adaptive skills (like), to which they can return again and again, faced with the temptation to retreat or surrender. And both answers to “why” and “how” will be purely personal, unique to every athlete. ”

To the library athlete: books that should read

For all the books presented in the selection, the authors of Life Hairer wrote detailed reviews that you can familiarize yourself with by clicking on the name of the book.

“Triathlon. Olympic distance , Igor Semoev

A book that will take an honorable place in the library of any triathlet. “Triathlon. Olympic distance ”is a useful abstract for amateur triathletes: in it you can find comprehensive information about training and exercises, trips to competitions, health and training balance. Also paid to rest.

Power Speed ​​Enduraance, Brian Mackenzie is the best of the world of endurance, crossfit and biohaking

Thanks to Brian Mackenzie’s book, you will learn how to run. In addition, you will meet chapters about bicycle and swimming, you can familiarize yourself with the theory and practice of functional training, as well as the theory of crossfit. And most importantly, you will find out about biohaking, you can familiarize yourself with ready -made programs and create your own.

The most complex endurance races, Richard Hoad, Paul Moore

What are human opportunities? Truly endless. The book “The most complex endurance races” will make you believe in your strength and inspire you for new achievements. You will learn about the 50 most difficult races in which ordinary people take part. All stories are accompanied by photographs that reflect the training, sensations and observation of athletes.

Born to Run, Christopher McDugl is the best aphrodisiac for love for running

A book for those who love running with all their hearts or only going to love him. And if you are also thinking about taking part in ultramarathons, then you should even more read this book.

Run lovers will find a lot of useful things for themselves, and all those who still justify their laziness with phrases like “Running is strange and unproductive!”, “I bought the best sneakers for $ 300, and still hurt the heels and tendons”, understand The futility and failure of these excuses.

Healthy to death, hey Jacobs

We all know how much pretender hysteria it hovered around health: no proven positions like “cancer are cancer” are imprinted in the minds of people, and everyone around it is already talking about it, position it as truth.

If you, as a real athlete, take care of your health, but do not believe the numerous unconfirmed rumors that only injure hysteria, then you should read the book by Hey Jacobs “Healthy to Death”.

Hey Jay Jacobs is Esquire Senior Editor. He decided to spend one year in such a way as to become the most healthy person in the world. Every month he paid close attention to one of his parts of the body or one body and, with the help of competent experts, he received advice on how to become even more healthy.

Life without borders, Chrissy Wellington, Michael Ailvin

The author of the book “Life Without Borders” Chrissy Wellington can be called a truly strong and hardy person: she could win four times in a difficult competition of the Ironman series.

The book of Chrissy can be considered in part biographical. The author talks about his life, starting with the experiences and doubts that are found on the life path of any person. About how she worked in the civil service and how this did not bring her any satisfaction did not allow her to develop as an individual. And only by the age of 30 did a professional triathlon appear in her life, in which she achieved significant results and stunning victories.

In addition to the fact that the author shares personal experience and observations, the book has many more tips that will be useful to both professionals and amateurs.

The author of the book, better known as McCa, can be called an outstanding person among the Pantheon of the Gods of the modern triathlon.

Here is a brief certificate of Chris's professional achievements:

He won 76% of triathlon competitions during his career (this is more than 200, counting since 1993). He took a place on the pedestal in 88% of the competition. At the time of writing, he won 12 victories in Ironman races (one -day race, which includes 4 km of swimming, 180 km bikes and a 42 km marathon). Four times the Ironman distance was faster than 8 hours, moreover, on two different types of tracks. Twice won the main Ironman in Hawaii (in 2007 and 2010.). The holder of many championship titles.

In the book, Chris talks about how this sport began and “where does he keep the way” today from the point of view of a professional. Also, “I am here to win” is filled with the advice of a professional triathlet on physical and psychological training and about nutrition. Chris also tells how to cope with pain, shares his attitude to doping and prohibited drugs.

From 800 meters to a marathon, Jack Daniels

“Ten steps are relaxed … Ten steps with effort … Twenty steps are relaxed … Twenty steps with an effort … A hundred steps are relaxed … A hundred steps with an effort,” this is one of my most effective mantras for training, and Jack Daniels taught me this.

Joan Benois-Samuelson, First Olympic Champion in Marathon

All runners will be delighted with the book that are tired of abstraction of lengthy words and crave specifics. The book is filled with signs, graphs and formulas. You will find in the creation of Jack Daniels exhaustive information about running, VDOT tables (maximum oxygen consumed per minute), training schedule that will be useful to both professional athletes and amateurs.

Running with Leidyard, Arthur Lidyard, Gart Gilmore

“Running with a lydice” can be rightly called a comprehensive leadership on a healing run of a coward. Thousands of people fled with this book under his arm (and many of them were at old age). If others succeeded, you will also succeed!

Life at full power, Jim Loer, Tony Schwartz

The authors of the book Life at full power Jim Loer and Tony Schwartz are real sports psychologists.Despite the fact that the book is designed primarily for businessmen, it will also be useful to people involved in sports: the authors constantly make references to certain sports results and achievements.

Bonus: What to read at the athletes on a life hacker

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What do you think, what books must be in the athlete's library?

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