Ksenia Chernaya - 7 keys to your health. Practical Nutrition book cover

Book; 7 keys to your health. Practical nutrition; Xenia Black. Buy a book, read reviews | ISBN 978-5-04-122223-9 | labyrinth

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Book: 7 keys to your health. Practical nutrition. Author: Ksenia Chernaya. Annotation, reviews of readers, illustrations. Buy a book at an attractive price among a million books Labyrinth | ISBN 978-5-04-122223-9

Ksenia Chernaya: 7 keys to your health. Practical nutrition

Ksenia Chernaya - 7 keys to your health. Practical Nutrition book cover

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Annotation for the book 7 keys to your health. Practical nutrition

Being healthy is trendy. If only because it is health that is the key to personal and financial success. The book of a nutritionist and founder of the Pro-Health online school is just for those who prefer prevention to expensive treatment and take care of their well-being without waiting for serious diagnoses.
Ksenia Chernaya is convinced that our body is a self-healing system, you just need to know how it works in order to help in time. Book 7 keys to your health. Practical nutritionwill teach us such awareness. The keys are knowing your deficient conditions, gastrointestinal health, proper nutrition, dietary modification (lists of stop-foods and those that must be kept in the refrigerator are waiting for you), taking vitamins and minerals, and healthy habits. Now you will know almost everything about them! And even get as a bonus recipes for the right food for the whole week.
And Ksenia Chernaya will also teach you to be persistent on the way to your well-being, to value your health and to be.

Being healthy is trendy. If only because it is health that is the key to personal and financial success. The book of a nutritionist and founder of the Pro-Health online school is just for those who prefer prevention to expensive treatment and take care of their well-being without waiting for serious diagnoses.
Ksenia Chernaya is convinced that our body is a self-healing system, you just need to know how it works in order to help in time. The 7 Keys to Your Health book. Practical Nutrition” will just teach us such awareness. The keys are knowing your deficient conditions, gastrointestinal health, proper nutrition, dietary modification (lists of stop-foods and those that must be kept in the refrigerator are waiting for you), taking vitamins and minerals, and healthy habits. Now you will know almost everything about them! And even get as a bonus recipes for the right food for the whole week.
And Ksenia Chernaya will also teach you to be persistent on the way to your well-being, value your health and be an example of a happy person.

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