The scheme of the playground for volleyball

Basic rules of the game of volleyball: the action of the players, refereeing

33 minutes, 40 seconds Read

This article discusses the rules of the game and competitions in volleyball, the size of the site and equipment requirements.

Volleyball rules: the main points of the conduct and refereeing of the game

Volleyball is a sport in which two teams compete on a playing field divided by a net. Among volleyball fans, the game is used as an entertainment and an active way of recreation. The game is distinguished by its simple rules and accessible inventory. The rules of the sport Volleyball were approved by the order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2017 N 948.

In 2021, at the 37th FIVB Congress, new official rules for volleyball for 2021-2024 were approved. The same rules are valid from September 1, 2021 for all competitions held under the auspices of the WFV in Russia.

The text of the rules in Russian was prepared by the Methodological Commission of the All-Russian Board of Judges of the VFV (Shestakov Yu. A.).

Brief rules of the game

  1. The purpose of the game. The team's task is to send the ball over the net to land it on the opponent's court and prevent the opponent from making the same attempt.
  2. Three touches. The team has the right to make three touches to return the ball, while the touch during blocking is not taken into account.
  3. Submission of the ball. The ball is put into play by a serve. The server kicks the ball over the net to the opponent. The rally continues until the ball lands on the playing court, it is out, or the team makes a mistake when returning the ball.
  4. Draw-Point system. In volleyball, the team that wins a rally gets a point. When the receiving team wins the rally, it receives a point and the right to serve, and its players advance one position clockwise.

Zones and places in volleyball

The playing field is divided into zones:

  1. The front zone on each site is limited by the axis of the center line and the rear edge of the attack line. The front zone is considered to extend beyond the sidelines to the end of the free zone.
  2. The service zone is a 9.0 m wide area located behind each end line. It is bounded on the sides by two short lines 15.0 cm long, 20 cm apart, drawn as a continuation of the side lines. Both short lines are included in the service zone width. In depth, the feed zone extends to the end of the free zone.
  3. The substitution area is limited to the continuation of both lines of attack and extends to the scorer's table.
  4. The Libero Substitution Zone represents the part of the free zone on the side of the team benches. Limited to the continuation of the attack line and extends to the end line.
  5. The warm-up area is located outside the free zone in both corners on the side of the team benches, where they should not obstruct the view of the spectators, or behind the team bench, where the grandstand starts above 2.5 m from the ground surface. It is a platform with a size of 3.0 × 3.0 m.Mandatory for official and world tournaments, FIVB competitions.
  6. The place of remote – a platform of 1.0 × 1.0 m in size, located in the control zone behind the continuation of each front line and equipped with two chairs. The site can be limited by a red line 5.0 cm wide.

Marking a volleyball court

Requirements for lines on a volleyball court:

  • width – 5.0 cm;
  • Color is light, different from the color of the floor;
  • The white color of the lines is mandatory for the competition: world, official, FIVB.

In volleyball, 7 lines are applied to the game field:

  1. Restrictive lines – 4 pieces.
  2. The middle line is 1 piece.
  3. The attack line is 2 pieces.

Restrictive lines

The volleyball court is limited by four lines – two side and two front.

The lateral and front lines are included in the size of the playground.

middle line

The middle line is applied to a volleyball field under a grid from one side line to another and divides it into two identical sites. The size of each site is 9.0 × 9.0 m. The width of the middle line belongs to each site equally.

The line of attack

The line limits the front zone. The distance from the axis to the rear edge of the attack line is 3.0 m.

The restrictive line of the coach

It is applied to official and world tournaments, FIVB competitions to limit the coach. They are a dashed line, which continues from the attack line to the front line of the site parallel to the side line at a distance of 1.75 m from it. It consists of 5 short lines with a width of 5.0 cm, applied after 20.0 cm.

The scheme of the playground for volleyball


Demo requirements:

  1. The net is installed vertically above the axis of the midline.
  2. The height of the grid is measured in the middle of the volleyball court from the floor to the upper edge of the grid.
  3. The height should be exactly the same above two side lines.
  4. The height above two side lines cannot exceed the official height by more than 2.0 cm.
  5. The edges of the grid are edged with horizontal ribbons width: for the top – 7.0 cm, for the bottom – 5.0 cm.
  6. Two side white ribbons are attached vertically to the grid and are located directly above each side line. The dimensions of the tape: width – 5.0 cm, length – 1.0 m. Tape are considered part of the grid.

The official height of the net in the competition is:

  • for men – 2.43 m;
  • For women – 2.24 m.


  • Material: flexible glass of fiberglass.
  • Color: stained with stripes of contrasting colors (red and white) 10 cm wide.
  • Dimensions: length – 1.50 m, diameter – 10.0 cm.
  • Location: two antennas are located on the opposite sides of the grid and are attached from the outer edge of the side net.
  • Antennas are considered part of the grid and limit the crossing area on the sides.


Round and smooth racks 2.55 mm high are installed on the surface without stretch marks and at a distance of 0.5-1.0 m behind the side lines.

For all FIVB, world and official competitions, racks supporting the grid are located at a distance of 1 meter behind the side lines and must have soft protection.

Rules for the sport Volleyball

Temperature and lighting

For the game, temperature and lighting standards are set. The game is not held at ambient temperature below 10 ° C (50 ° F).

The following standards are established at official, world and competitions held by the FIVB:

  • temperature range – from 16 ° C (61 ° F) to 25 ° C (77 ° F);
  • Lighting the game field – at least 2000 suite, measured at a height of one meter from the surface of the game field.

In other competitions, lighting should be at least 300 suite.

Volleyball requirements

  1. The shape of the ball is spherical.
  2. Circle-65-67 cm.
  3. Weight-260-280
  4. Internal pressure – from 0.30 to 0.325 kg/sq. cm (from 4.26 to 4.61 psi or from 294.3 to 318.82 MBA or GPA).
  5. Material – elastic natural or artificial leather.
  6. The material of the internal chamber is rubber.
  7. Color – plain light or combined.
  8. Certification – comply with the standards of the FIVB.
  9. The principle of uniformity – all the balls used in the match should have the same standards.

System of five goals

At official, world and competitions held by the FIVB, five goals should be used. In this case, six gums of the ball are located: one in each corner of the free zone and one at one behind each of the judges.


  1. T-shirt.
  2. Underpants.
  3. Socks.
  4. Light and flexible sports shoes with rubber or compositional soles without heels.
  5. Cold weather training suit.
  6. Protective devices from injuries of neutral, black, white or the same color as the corresponding part of the form. Black, white or neutral colors can also be used provided that all players using these products wear the same color.
  7. Players can wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

For all volleyball players of the team, the shape should be clean, the same color and style (exception for Libero).

At the FIVB, world and official competitions, all players should be in a playful way throughout the protocol and warm -up.

Libero, at least, should be contrasting in color with other T -shirts of team members. The form may have a different design, but should be numbered similarly to the form of other team members. Both libero can be in a form that differs from each other and the forms of other team members.

Requirements for numbering on a T -shirt

  1. Players T -shirts should be numbered from 1 to 20.
  2. In the FIVB, world and official competitions for adults, where expanded game compositions are used, the number of numbers can be increased.
  3. The location of the room is in the center on the chest and on the back.
  4. The color and brightness of the rooms is a contrast with the color and brightness of t -shirts.
  5. The height of the number is at least 15 cm on the chest and at least 20 cm on the back.
  6. The width of the strip forming numbers is at least 2 cm.
  7. The number of the captain on the chest is emphasized by a strip of 8 × 2 cm in size.

Game format

Test set, winning the party and match

  1. Error – performing the game action by the rules contrary to the rules.
  2. The draw is a sequence of game actions from the moment of impact when performing the supply to the supply before the ball leaves the game.
  3. The rally is a sequence of game actions, as a result of which a point is awarded.
  4. Winning the party. The party is won by a team that is the first to gain 25 points with an advantage of at least two points. In the case of an equal account 24-24, the game continues until the advantage of 2 points (26-24; 27-25; etc.). The exception is the fifth party that plays up to 15 points and the minimum advantage of 2 points.
  5. Winning the match. The winner of the match is a team that wins three parties. With an equal score of 2-2, they play the fifth batch.

The team is gaining point at:

  • successful landing of the ball on the rival site;
  • committing an opponent’s command of an error;
  • receiving a remark by the opponent’s team.

If the feeding team wins the draw, it gains a point and continues to serve.

If the receiving team wins the draw, it scores a point and must serve the next.

Judges evaluate errors and determine the consequences in accordance with the rules:

  1. If two or more errors are made sequentially, only the first error is taken into account.
  2. If two or more errors are made by rivals at the same time, this is considered a mutual error and the draw is replayed.

Non -appearance and incomplete team

  1. If the team refuses to play after the requirement to do this, it is announced by the non-appealing one and loses the match with a result of 0-3 in the match and 0-25 in each batch.
  2. A team that does not go out to the playground without good reason is announced by an inappropriate and loses a match with a result of 0-3 in the match and 0-25 in each batch.
  3. The team, declared incomplete in the party or in the match, loses the party or match. The rival team receives glasses, or points and parties necessary for winning a party or match. The incomplete team retains its points and parties.

The structure of the game

  1. Draw. The 1st judge is held in the presence of two captains of the teams before the match to determine the first filing and sides of the site in the first batch.
  2. Official warm -up. Can be joint or separate (consistent). Warm up: joint – 6 (10) minutes, separate – 3 (5) minutes. With sequential warm -ups, the team that serves the first is first knead on the grid.
  3. The initial arrangement of the team. Indicates the procedure for the transition of players on the site. This order should be preserved throughout the batch. 6 players participate in the game.
  4. Positions. At the time of impact on the ball, each team should be within the limits of its site in the transition (excluding the submitting).
  5. Positional error. The team makes a positional mistake if any player is not in its right position at the time of impact on the ball. For a positional mistake, the team is punishable by a point and the appeal of an opponent.If the presentation becomes erroneous after the impact on the feed, the positional error is counted.
  6. Positional error with the consequences of unlawful replacement. It is believed that when the player is on the site as a result of unlawful replacement and the game resumes.
  7. Transition. The transition procedure is determined by the initial arrangement of the team, controlled by the procedure and position of the players, and is preserved throughout the party. Players switch to one position clockwise, after receiving the right to submit the right. The player of position 2 goes to position 1 for submission, the player of position 1 goes to position 6, etc.
  8. Error when crossing. It is considered perfect when the supply is not performed in accordance with the transition procedure. The team is punished with a point and a rival.

The state of the game

  1. The ball is in the game. The ball has been in the game from the moment of impact on the filing allowed by the 1st judge.
  2. The ball is outside the game. The ball has been outside the game from the moment of the error, which is recorded by the whistle of one of the judges or in the absence of an error, from the moment of whistle.
  3. The ball is in the site. The ball is considered in the site if at any time of its contact with the floor any part of the ball touches the site, including restrictive lines.
  4. The ball for.

The ball is considered for when:

  • All parts of the ball that contacts the floor are completely behind the limiting lines;
  • The ball touches the item outside the site, the ceiling or not participating in the game of a person;
  • The ball touches the antennas, cords, racks or nets behind the side ribbons;
  • The ball crosses the vertical plane of the grid partially or completely outside the crossing area (there is an exception, see “The ball by the grid”);
  • The ball completely crosses the lower area under the net.

Game with the ball

Each team should play within its own playing field and space (there is an exception, see the “ball by the grid”). The ball, however, can be returned from behind the limits of the free zone and above the secretary’s table throughout its length.

  1. The blows of the team. A blow is any contact with the player’s ball in the game. The team has the right to a maximum of three blows (in addition to blocking) to return the ball.
  2. Conservative contacts. The player cannot hit the ball twice in a row (exception: see “Fun characteristics”, “Contact when blocking”, “block and blows of the command”).
  3. Simultaneous contacts. Two or three players can touch the ball at the same time.
  4. Blow with support. Within the player, the player is not allowed to use the support of the teammate or any device/item in order to hit the ball. However, the player who is on the verge of error (touching the grid or the transition of the midline, etc.) may be stopped or kept by the teammate.

The first blow of the team

There are four cases when the game action is regarded as the first touch of the team:

  1. Reception of the feed.
  2. Reception of the attack of the opponent’s team.
  3. Touching the ball bounced from his block.
  4. Touching the ball bounced from the opponent’s block.

Simultaneous contacts

  • When two (or three) partners relate to the ball at the same time, this is counted as two (or three) blows (exception: when blocking).
  • If two (or three) partners are trying to reach the ball, but only one of them concerns it, then one blow is counted. The collision of players is not considered a mistake.
  • When two opponents touch the ball at the same time above the net and the ball remains in the game, the team taking the ball, the right is given the right to three more blows. If such a ball goes “for”, this is the error of the team on the opposite side.
  • If the simultaneous touch of the ball with two rivals above the net leads to prolonged contact with the ball, then the game continues.

The characteristics of the impact

The ball can concern any part of the body or various parts of the body, provided that the touch occurs at the same time. The player does not have the right to grab, throw or grab and throw the ball.

  • When blocking, consistent touches can be performed by one player or several players, provided that the touch occurs during one action;
  • At the first impact of the team, the ball may concern various parts of the body sequentially, provided that these touches occur during one action.

Errors when playing the ball

Types of errors when playing with the ball:

  1. Four strikes. The team applies to the ball four times before it is returned.
  2. Blow with support. The player uses the support of the teammate or any device/item within the game field to hit the ball.
  3. Capture. The ball is captured and/or thrown. The ball does not bounce when hit.
  4. Double touch. The player touches the ball twice in a row, or the ball applies to various parts of his/her body sequentially.

The ball is at the grid

  1. A ball crossing the grid. The ball sent to the rival site must go over the net within the crossing area.
  2. The ball concerning the grid. When crossing the grid, the ball may concern it.
  3. The ball in the grid. The ball that got into the net can be left in the game, if the limit of the three attacks of the team is not exceeded. If the ball breaks out the mesh cell or causes its fall, then the draw is canceled and replayed.

The transition area is part of the vertical plane of the grid, limited from the bottom of the upper edge of the grid, on the sides of the antennas and their imaginary continuation, from above the ceiling.

The ball, which crossed the plane of the mesh into the opponent’s free zone in full or partly through the outer area, can be returned without violating the number of blows of the command, provided that:

  • There was no touching the opponent’s site by the player;
  • The returned ball crosses the plane of the mesh again completely or partially through the outer area on the same side from the site.

A player at the grid

Transfer over the grid

When blocking, the player can touch the ball on the other side of the grid, provided that the athlete does not interfere with the opponent’s play before or during his attacking strike.

After an attacking strike, the player is allowed to transfer his hand on the other side of the grid, provided that the contact took place within his (her) of his own playing space.

Player's penetration under the grid

The player is allowed to penetrate the opponent’s space under the net, provided that this does not interfere with the opponent’s game.

During the player’s transition to the rival site through the middle line:

  • It is allowed to touch the opponent’s site with a foot (feet), provided that any part of the tolerated foot (stop) applies to the middle line or is directly above it and this action does not interfere with the opponent’s play;
  • It is allowed to touch the rival site with any part of the body above the feet, provided that this does not interfere with the opponent’s play;
  • The player can stand on the rival site after the ball exits the game;
  • Players can penetrate the opponent’s free zone, provided that they do not interfere with the opponent’s play.

Player's contact with a grid

  1. The contact of the player with the grid between the antennas during the game action with the ball is a mistake.
  2. Players can concern racks, cords, or any other item behind the antennas, including the grid, provided that this does not interfere with the game.
  3. When the ball enters the net, which for this reason concerns the opponent, this is not a mistake.

The game action with the ball includes repulsion, blow (or attempt) and safe landing in readiness for new action. Any player who is close to the ball played, and the one who makes an attempt to play with the ball is considered as participating in the game action with the ball even if there is no contact with the ball.

Player's mistakes at the grid

  1. The player touches the ball or opponent in the opponent’s space before or during the opposing impact of the opponent.
  2. The player interferes with the opponent’s game, penetrating the opponent’s space under the net.
  3. The foot (feet) of the player completely passes to the rival site.
  4. The player interferes with the game, touching the net between the antennas or the antenna itself during its/its game action with the ball.
  5. The player interferes with the game using the grid between the antennas as support or stability.
  6. The player interferes with the game, creating an unfair advantage over the opponent by touching the grid.
  7. The player interferes with the game, performing actions that prevent the opponent of the opponent of the game with the ball,
  8. The player interferes with the game, clutching/holding onto the net.


The presentation is the action of the introduction of the ball into the game with the right player of the back line located in the feed zone.

The first submission in the party, as well as in the decisive 5th party, is performed by a command determined by the draw. In other parties, the first is served by a team that did not submit the first in the previous party.

The order of submission

During the game, volleyball players should observe the order of feeds recorded in the arrangement card. After checking the readiness of the teams for the game, the 1st judge whistle allows the filing.

The feed, made to the judge’s whistle, is not counted and repeated.

If the serving team wins the rally, the player who served before serves again.

If the receiving team wins the rally, then the right to serve passes to it. Before serving, the players make a transition. The player who has moved from the right position of the front line to the right position of the back line will serve.

Execution of the serve

  1. The ball is hit with one hand or any part of the hand after it has been tossed or released from the hand(s).
  2. It is allowed to toss or release the ball only 1 time.
  3. Tapping the ball (dribbling) or moving it in the hands is allowed.
  4. It is prohibited at the moment of hitting the ball in service or taking off for a jump service, the server is prohibited from touching the court (including the end line) or the surface outside the service zone.
  5. After the hit, the server may step in or land outside the service zone or on the court.

The server must hit the ball within 8 seconds of the 1st referee's whistle for service.

Mistakes made during filing

A service transition occurs even if the opponent is in the wrong formation when server:

  • violates the order of submission;
  • does not deliver correctly.

After a ball has been legally hit, a service becomes a misservice (unless the player is out of line) when the ball:

  • touches a player of the serving team or does not cross the vertical plane of the net completely through the crossing area;
  • goes for;
  • passes over the barrier.

Serving and Positional Errors

  1. If the server makes a mistake at the time of the hit on the serve (wrong execution, violation of the order, etc.) and the opponent violates the formation, a service error is fixed and punished.
  2. If the service itself was correct, but the service subsequently becomes erroneous (goes out, passes over the screen, etc.), the error in the placement of the players is recorded and punished first.

attack blow

An attack hit includes all actions that result in the ball being sent to the opponent's side, excluding serving and blocking. An attack hit is considered completed at the moment when the ball completely crosses the vertical plane of the net or is touched by an opponent.

Attack hit restrictions

  1. A front row player may complete an attack hit at any height, provided that the contact with the ball is made within their own playing area (exceptions: 5 and attack hit errors 6).
  2. A back row player may complete an attack hit at any height from behind the front zone, but when taking off for a jump, the player's foot(s) must neither touch nor go over the attack line.
  3. A back row player may complete an attack hit at any height from a position behind the front zone, while after his hit the player can land in the front zone.
  4. A back row player may also complete an attack hit from the front zone if part of the ball is below the top of the net at the time of the contact.
  5. A player is not allowed to complete an attack hit immediately after an opponent's serve when the ball is in the front zone and completely above the top of the net.

Mistakes in an attack

  1. A player hits the ball in the playing space of the opposing team.
  2. The player sends the ball out.
  3. A back row player completes an attack hit from the front zone when the ball is completely above the top of the net at the time of the hit.
  4. A player completes an attack hit on an opponent's serve when the ball is in the front zone and fully above the top of the net.
  5. The Libero completes an attack hit when the ball is completely above the top of the net at the time of the hit.
  6. A player completes an attack hit on the ball above the top of the net when a pass is made by a libero with overhand fingers in their front zone.
  1. Blocking. The action of players near the net to intercept the ball coming from the opponent, carried out by carrying any part of the body above the top edge of the net, regardless of the height of contact with the ball. Only front row players are allowed to participate in a completed block and at the moment of contact with the ball part of the body must be above the top of the net.
  2. Block attempt. The action of blocking without touching the ball.
  3. Completed block. A block is valid if the ball is touched by the blocker.
  4. collective block. It is performed by two or three players close to each other and is completed when one of them touches the ball.
  5. Consistent contacts with the ball. Quick and sustained contacts can occur with one or more blockers, provided these contacts are made during the same action.
  6. Blocking in the opponent's space. When blocking, a player may move his hands and arms to the other side of the net, provided that this action does not interfere with the opponent's play. Thus, it is not allowed to touch the ball on the opponent's side before the opponent has made an attack hit.

A touch on the block does not count as a team hit. Therefore, after contact on the block, the team is given three hits to return the ball. The first hit after a block may be taken by any player, including the player who touched the ball on the block.

Blocking errors

  1. The blocker touches the ball in the opponent's space before the opponent's attack hit.
  2. A back row player or libero blocks or participates in a completed block.
  3. Blocking an opponent's serve.
  4. The ball from the block goes out.
  5. Blocking the ball in the opponent's space behind the antenna.
  6. Libero's attempt to block individually or collectively.

Breaks, timeouts, intervals

The break is the time between a completed rally and the whistle of the 1st referee for the next service.

  1. Normal game breaks are only time-outs and substitutions.
  2. A request for one or two time-outs and one request for a substitution by any team may follow one after the other in the same time-out.
  3. The team does not allow consistent replacement requests during the same break.
  4. Two or more players can be replaced at the same time within the framework of one request.
  5. Between two separate requests for replacing the same command there should be a rally.
  6. It is not allowed to request any ordinary game break after an already rejected request and warning for the delay during the same break (i.e., before the end of the following drawing).

Each team can request a maximum of two timeouts and six replacements in the party.

Time auto and technical timeouts

Requests of a timeout should be carried out by showing the corresponding gesture when the ball is outside the game and to the whistle for the feed. At the official, world and competitions held by the FIVB, the use of a buzzer and then a gesture for the request of a timeout is mandatory.

  • All requested timeouts last 30 seconds.
  • At the official, world and competitions held by the FIVB, 1-4 batches automatically use 2 additional “technical time-outs” lasting 60 seconds, when the leading team gains the 8th and 16th points.
  • In the 5th batch there are only two timeouts lasting 30 seconds that can be requested by each team.
  • During all timeouts, players in the game go to their bench in the free zone.

At the FIVB, world and official competitions, the duration of timeouts can be adjusted if the FIVB approves such a request on the basis of the request of the organizer.


The interval is the time between parties. During this period of time, the sites and the recording of the arrangements of the teams in the protocol occur.

All intervals last 3 minutes. The interval between the second and third batches can be increased to 10 minutes by the competent authority at the request of the organizer.

Change of sites

After each batch, the teams change sites, with the exception of the decisive party.

In the 5th party, as soon as the leading team gains 8 points, the teams without delay change venues and the positions of the players remain the same.

If the shift was not made upon reaching the leading team of 8 points, it should be made immediately as soon as this error is revealed. The account, achieved by the time such a shift is made, remains the same.

Libero player

Libero in volleyball is a special player in the team that performs only protective functions. Libero has no right to block or attack. There can be only one libero on the playground.

Libero in the game performs the following functions:

  • Reception of attacking strikes by the opponent,
  • Selection of bounces from the block and discharges.

Each team appoints up to two Libero from the composition of players and writes them to special columns of the protocol. Libero on the site is the current Libero. If there is another libero, then he/she is the second Libero team.

Game actions are libero

  1. It is allowed to replace any player on the back line.
  2. It is limited to play as a rear line player.
  3. It is not allowed to complete the attacking blow from any place (including the playground and the free zone), if at the time of contact the ball is completely above the upper edge of the grid.
  4. Can't serve, block or try to block.

The player cannot complete the attacking blow when the ball is completely above the upper edge of the grid, if the ball is directed by the fingers on top of the libero located in his front zone. The ball can be attacked freely if Libero performs the same action outside its front zone.

If the current libero is removed or disqualified, then it can be immediately replaced by the second libero of the team. If the team has only one libero, in which case it has the right to make a reassignment.

If the coach requests that the team captain is reassigned as the new Libero, this must be allowed.

Guide and participants in the competition

Organizing committee

  1. Main judge. It is appointed by the All -Russian College of Judges of the Federation.
  2. Deputy Chief Judge.
  3. Technical employees.
  4. Representative (inspector) of the Federation.

Judicial brigade

The refereeing of each volleyball match is carried out by the judicial team of the match.

The composition of the judicial brigade:

  • first judge;
  • second judge;
  • judge of video reviews;
  • Reserve judge;
  • secretary;
  • Secretary Assistant;
  • 4 linear judges.

Additionally, the following personnel are assigned for each match: an informant, an electronic scoreboard operator, a video recovery team (when used).


  • 12 players;
  • trainer;
  • 1-2 assistant coach;
  • 1 Massage therapist of the team;
  • 1 doctor.

One of the players is the captain of the team, which should be marked in the protocol. Libero players can be both the captain of the team and the game captain.

At world, official and competitions held by the FIVB, adults can be recorded in the protocol and play in the match up to 14 players.

Age groups

In accordance with the Rules for holding FIVB competitions, competitions are held in the following age groups:

  1. Men, women.
  2. Juniors and juniors up to 23 years old.
  3. Juniors until the 21st year and juniors up to 20 years.
  4. Young men until 19 years old and girls under 18 years old.

In accordance with the approved Documents in the competitions of adult athletes, the participation of athletes under 16 years old is not allowed.

Competitions among boys and girls are held in the next age groups:

  1. Girls, boys until 19 years old.
  2. Girls, boys until 18 years old.
  3. Girls, boys until 17 years old.
  4. Girls, boys up to 16 years old.
  5. Girls, boys up to 15 years old.
  6. Girls, boys up to 14 years old.

Competition systems

All -Russian volleyball competitions can be held according to:

  • circular system;
  • circular system with breakdown into subgroups;
  • Olympic system.

The system of conducting all -Russian competitions is determined by the Regulation on the competition, and is approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and the VFV.

The regional competition system is determined by the Regulation on the competition, and is approved by the executive body in the field of physical culture of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the regional sports federation.

Round robin

Volleyball competitions are held in a circular system. The offset and determination of places is determined by the largest number of victories won by the team. There are two options for determining places.

Option No. 1

In all meetings, the teams receive:

  • 3 points – for victory with a score of 3: 0 and 3: 1;
  • 2 points – for victory with a score of 3: 2;
  • 1 point – for defeat with a score of 2: 3;
  • 0 glasses – for defeat with a score of 0: 3 and 1: 3;
  • In accordance with the Regulation on competitions – for failure to appear for the game.

Option No. 2

In all meetings, the teams receive:

  • 2 points – for victory;
  • 1 point – for defeat;
  • 0 points – for failure to appear for the game.

If the number of victories in two or more commands is the same, then when determining the place are sequentially taken into account:

Option No. 1

  1. The number of points in all meetings.
  2. The ratio of parties in all meetings.
  3. The ratio of balls in all meetings.
  4. The ratio of victories in the meetings between them.
  5. The ratio of glasses in the meetings between them.
  6. The ratio of parties in meetings between them.
  7. The ratio of balls in meetings between them.

Option No. 2

  1. The number of points in all meetings.
  2. The ratio of balls in all meetings.
  3. The ratio of parties in all meetings.
  4. The ratio of victories in the meetings between them.
  5. The ratio of glasses in the meetings between them.
  6. The ratio of balls in meetings between them.
  7. The ratio of parties in meetings between them.


Location of the judges

The 1st judge performs its functions, standing on a judicial tower located at one of the ends of the grid on the side opposite from the secretary. The level of his/her eyes should be approximately 50 cm above the net.

The 2nd judge fulfills its duties, standing outside the playground near the rack on the opposite side from the 1st judge face in his direction.

The secretary fulfills his duties, sitting at the secretary’s table on the opposite of the 1st judge to the side of his face in his direction. The secretary’s assistant performs his functions, sitting at the secretary’s table next to him.

Line judge. If only two linear ones are used, they are in the corners of the site closest to the right hand of each judge, diagonally, 1-2 m from the corners. Each of them controls both the side and front lines on their side.

At the world, official and competitions held by the FIVB, the presence of four linear is mandatory. They are in a free zone of 1-3 m from each corner of the site on an imaginary continuation of the line that they control.

Arrangement of the judging panel and their assistants Scheme of official gestures of referees in volleyball Scheme of official gestures of referees in volleyball Scheme of official gestures of referees in volleyball

The signals are linear flag

Linear should show the formal flag signals the nature of a fixed error and withstand the signal for some time.

Official signals of the flag of linear judges:

  1. The ball is in the site. Indicate the flag down.
  2. The ball is for. Raise the flag vertically.
  3. Touching the ball.Raise the flag and touch its top with the palm of your free hand.
  4. Crossing area error, ball touching a foreign object, or any player stepping on the service. Wave the flag overhead and point to the antenna or appropriate line.
  5. The impossibility of making a decision. Raise and cross both forearms in front of the chest.

Warnings and sanctions for misbehavior

Categories Happening intruder Sanction Card Effects
Minor/Incorrect Behavior Stage 1 Any team member Not considered a sanction Not A warning
Stage 2 Any team member Not considered a sanction yellow A warning
Repeat every time Any team member Comment as below as below
Rude behavior First Any team member Comment Red Point and serve to opponent
Second Same team member Removal red + yellow together Must leave the playing field and remain in the expulsion spot until the end of the game
The third Same team member Disqualification Red + yellow separately Must leave the control area of ​​the competition before the end of the match
Bad behavior First Any team member Removal red + yellow together Must leave the field of play and remain in the expelling spot until the end of the game
Second Same team member Disqualification Red + yellow separately Must leave the control area of ​​the competition before the end of the match
Aggression First Any team member Disqualification Red + yellow separately Must leave the control area of ​​the competition before the end of the match

Delay warnings and penalties

Categories Happening intruder A deterrent or sanction Cards Effects
Delay First Any team member Delay warning Gesture* with a yellow card A warning. No punishment
Second and subsequent Any team member Delay Note Gesture* with a red card Point and serve to the opponent.

*Delay Warning / Delay Notice gesture. Cover your wrist with a yellow card (warning) and a red card (reprimand).

Official documents

Question-answer on the rules of the game of volleyball

With the help of questions, you can test your knowledge of the rules of the game of volleyball. Clicking on the plus will open the correct answer.

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