
Conference Date: 04/25/2011 – 04/29/2011

The venue of the conference: Yekaterinburg Contact e-mail: Site address: more lang=en style=height: 28px;Institut_mashinovedeniya_konferentsii Institute of Machine Studies / ConferenceWithout Kevordo 11th International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Metal Materials and Technologies (SMMT 2015) Date of conference: 06/23/2015-06/27/2015 place Without Kevordo 11th International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Metal Materials and Technologies (SMMT 2015)Conference […]

Instagram launches live video feeds and introduces self-destructing photos

On Monday, Instagram introduced two major updates: live video feeds to Instagram Stories and self-destructing Instagram photos and videos. Instagram launches live video broadcasts and introduces self-destructing photos On Monday, Instagram introduced two major updates: live video feeds to Instagram Stories and self-destructing photos and videos to Instagram Direct. The first innovation is quite expected; […]

Toys for a cat

Why do cats need toys so much? How to understand the wide range of modern pet stores offers? What toys will definitely like the cat to their liking? Toys for a cat Everyone knows how important games in the life of dogs are, but cats like to play no less! It’s just that their games […]

Super Drive 12 (130-in-1) game console

Without Kevorda, all categories of TV and entertainment smartphones and gadgets household appliances Computer technique audio equipment electrical scooters microneusniks Without Kevordo All categories TV and entertainment Smartphones and gadgets Appliances Computer technology Audio equipment Electric scooters Micro -natives All categories TV and entertainment Smartphones and gadgets Appliances Computer technology Audio equipment Electric scooters Micro […]

Game of backgammon rules. Neds: Rules for the game for beginners. Restrictions and illegal movements

Game of backgammon rules. Neds: Rules for the game for beginners. Restrictions and illegal movements to start the game, each player throws one bone. This determines which of the players walks the first Game of backgammon rules. Neds: Rules for the game for beginners. Restrictions and illegal movements To start the game, each player throws […]

Igor Alekseev – Poetry of rapid response. Ironic and satirical sketches on the topic of the day read online for free

Igor Alekseev Poetry of rapid response. Read ironic and satirical sketches on the topic of the day online for free and without registration an introductory passage on a PC and phone. Summary and Igor Alekseev – Poetry of rapid response. Ironic and satirical sketches on the topic of the day Here you can read online […]