A little boy

Arthur, hang a lampshade. Rhyme to the name Arthur

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How to choose a rhyme for the name Arthur. Examples of poems for a boy and for a man. Funny rhymes to the name Arthur with examples. A poem for the little Arthur, which is teased. Tip how to congratulate a work colleague. The principle of compilation of congratulations.

Arthur, hang a lampshade. Rhyme to the name Arthur

The rhyme to the name Arthur is needed when they make up a poem or write a congratulation. It's nice to get a card with the verses that they themselves wrote from friends. The right rhyme can be serious or funny – depending on what the work is composed for. What principles should be taken into account? How to make a congratulation to the employee so that it does not work off, but with humor?

How to choose a rhyme

To find a rhyme to the name of Arthur, we will break it into syllables: Ar-tour. The stress falls on the second syllable. An ideal rhyme will be a word that has not only a “tour” syllable at the end, but also a stress that falls on it. For this purpose, the following words placed in the genitive case are ideal:

  • Sculptures, abbreviations, cultures, recipes, signatures, scores, magistrates.

These words themselves are not bad. But due to the fact that the name Arthur in the genitive case changes the ending (Arthur), these words are not suitable. Do not tie in one stanza a genitive and nominative case. True, there are exceptions. You can compose something like this:

Studying for Arthur is not completed –

After all, he is attracted by graduate school.

But, nevertheless, the most successful rhymes to the name are nouns. There are few such words:

  • Perevo, headset, craquelure, guipure, shampoo, trumpeter, squabbles, lemur, tyrant, confiture, pedicure, manicure, plastering, allur, border, balagur, lampshade, velur, openwork.

Among them, two topics are distinguished: sophisticated (guipure, glamor) and working and peasant. Depending on the environment from which Arthur, for which poems are written, you can use one or another topic.

A little boy

Poems for Arthur

It happens that children are teasing: they select offensive rhymes to the name of Arthur. How to console a child? Of course, parents will explain to their son how to respond to such attacks. But the most powerful weapon will be the poem that they compose in comfort. For example, this:

Bitterly cries the little boy,

What is not Ivan.

He is beautiful and white -fire

And his name is Arthur.

He will only go for a walk –

They begin to call:

Either borders, then lampshade,

And not that Lamur-Bonzhur.

Do not be sad, baby Arthur,

That an offensive pun.

If you are plastering,

Tell everyone through the eyes of the squint,

What, although you are not a king

Respect you please.

And the boss-samodur

Gifts: Bonzhur!.

At work in a smoke break

You will be a noble Balagur.

And all people, Arthur,

You will call Lamur.

A man with lemur

An adult does not need such consolations. But he will be pleased if friends find suitable rhymes to the name of Arthur and give him a small poem.The meaning in such a verse is far from the main thing, there would be logic.

Beautiful man Arthur

I bought an expensive set

I bought an expensive lampshade

And a couple of Glamor magazines.

He made a manicure for himself

He made himself a pedicure,

He cooked confiture for himself,

And then said the pun:

“Lives in my house Lemur.

I called Lemura Lamur.

He is dressed in guipure and velor,

Since he reads Glamor.

For congratulations, you can leave only the last stanza and adjust it depending on the situation. You can completely change the verse. In this case, the first lines will be as follows:

Arthur works with us.

To him we feed Lamur.

And then describe the characteristic features of the employee.

He is a cheerful joker, dashing Balagur.

He will make us laugh in a smoke break.

It follows fashion, reads Glamor

And the manicure himself does.

He is a polite guy, he will say: Bonzhur.

We will answer in chorus: Tujur.

Funny guy

Funny poems

To write funny verses, you can specifically distort the spelling a little, and then you will get a ridiculous rhyme to the name of Arthur. This does not apply to all words, but only those that are used in the form of vernacular or jargonisms. Here's how you can use the word cultures, which in literary speech stands in the genitive case:

Came to the theater miniature

Army ensign Arthur.

In the intermission, I erected confiture

And he fell in love with culture-multuri.

If a friend was sad that he did not enter the institute, you can encourage him with such quatrains:

– Tell me, why are you gloomy, Arthur?

– Tell me, why are you so pneur?

– Tell me, why are you so gloomy?

– That the magistrates did not finish.

And when the house is being repaired, such a verse will encourage everyone:

Our plaster, gloomy and gloomy,

Which is the name of Arthur,

Charter once from the hack

He went and made a manicure.


Writing friendly poems for Arthur is not difficult. Any person is gloomy or cheerful, it can bargain. Therefore, there is a rhyme to the name Arthur. To make the poems good, it is important to remember the purpose of their compositions. A good remark, a joke or expression of appreciation will make humor enjoyable. You should not write poetry to a person with whom there is no mutual understanding. And a friend will like even imperfect rhymes.

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