
Advertising for sports FM in Orenburg | Listen on-line | OMG

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A powerful radio holding, consisting of 7 radio stations, which residents of Orenburg and the Orenburg region listen with pleasure and interest daily.

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The format of the Sport FM – Sport News Talk radio became popular in Orenburg from the very beginning of the broadcasting of the radio station in 2014. Residents of our city like to recognize relevant and interesting events from the world of sports, seasoned with expert comments, listen to direct broadcasts and exciting shows, and participate in interactive projects. All the largest sporting events of Orenburg, the Orenburg region and the whole world are broadcast on the same wave – 107.7FM.

Social Mission FM – the popularization of mass sports and a healthy lifestyle in all corners of Russia.

Target audience: 30-49 years old, mainly men (75 %). More than 70 % of the audience with high and average income*.

Our suggestions:

– sponsorship of programs;
– placement of audiolics in the framework of the advertising unit;
– creation of audio -rods (writing scenarios, professional voice acting, installation, alteration of ready -made audio controls);
– Development of your advertising project for placing a creative group on radio stations.

You can become a sponsor of rating programs or take part in special projects!

*According to the TNS Russia study. Radio Index-Moscow. July – September 2017, % of the audience of the station.

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