Funny games and contests for a children's company

Research Institute of Eureka. Funny games and contests for a children's company

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Today we have prepared for you a selection of games and competitions that will help you to make a child who walks in a common courtyard, it is interesting to spend a children's holiday at home or in a cafe, organize entertainment for the youngest audience gathered in a large common celebration.

Funny games and contests for a children's company

Funny games and contests for a children's company

All children love to play and have fun. But not all adults know how to occupy a children's company in order to involve kids in general fun.

Today we have prepared for you a selection of games and competitions that will help you to make a child who walks in a common courtyard, it is interesting to spend a children's holiday at home or in a cafe, organize entertainment for the youngest audience gathered in a large common celebration.

Games Icebuilders

To get rid of a sense of awkwardness, to melt the “ice”, which is inevitable in the company of unfamiliar babies, the so-called “icebreakers” games will help. Their main task is to create a trusting atmosphere and a positive attitude even in a motley company. Performing the tasks of the host, the guys gradually meet and begin to communicate. Great start for any event!

Sasha, to me!

All players line up in the line. The host becomes opposite and announces loudly:

  • Sasha, to me!

A player named Sasha should run to the host. If the company has several sash, one who managed to react first is suitable.

Then Sasha calls the name.

And so on the chain, until all the players go to the side of the host. If there is no player with a named name, the name declares another name.

You can prepare in advance badges with names for all children. When the child heard his name and left the common line, the host solemnly attaches to him Baigik.

Get up children, stand in a circle

If the game takes place on the street, draw large circles with a colored chalk on the asphalt. In the room you can lay out circles with colored ribbons.

The host commands, and the kids fulfill:

  • Everyone who was born in April, get ready for a green circle.
  • Who ate porridge this morning, stand in a red circle.
  • Whose name begins on “A”, occupy a yellow circle.

Questions can be very diverse.

The guys have the right to move from a circle to a circle if they correspond to the announcement of the host.

When all circles are busy, you can proceed to the next game, but if the kids liked this entertainment, and the time of the holiday allows you to continue, then do “zeroing”:

  • Everyone who loves to dance, go into a common circle.

On this team, all the guys go to the host, become in a circle and dance under funny children's songs, after which the game continues first with new questions-commands.

Magic postcards

The host takes out two pre -prepared colorful objects, printed on thick paper or cardboard A2 format, and declares to the guys:

  • Friends! Before you are two magic postcards.I'm going to break them down into pieces so you can team up!

After these words, the host cuts the postcards into an equal number of fragments (the main thing is that each child gets his own piece of the cut postcard) and mixes them.

Children line up in a column and take turns coming up for their fragment.

When everyone receives their piece of the postcard, the guys need to get together in teams so as to collect the whole picture.

This game is usually used to form teams, but you can include it in your holiday as an entertainment in its own right. Dividing children into teams in this way is convenient if all participants are about the same age.

Depending on the number of players, you can use more than two cards, remembering that the number of cut pieces must match the number of children. But don't cut the pictures into too small pieces: 4-5 pieces for each card is enough to make the game fun.


Children are divided into two teams. In each, one postman is selected, who receives a bag with postcards according to the number of participants.

The names of the players of the opposing team are written on the postcards. The postman must quickly distribute all the postcards to the recipients. If there are several children with the same name in the team, the youngest child receives the card first.

Postman must be able to read! Pay attention to this when planning your activities with children.

Since children may not remember each other's names at the beginning of the holiday, the players help the postman by answering honestly to their own name.

If you use name badges, the postman will be guided by them.

We count to five

All players stand around the leader and take turns calling their serial number. The one who was under the fifth number, calls his name and goes into a circle to the leader.

It will look like this:

  • I am the first.
  • I am second.
  • I am the third.
  • I'm fourth.
  • And I'm Seryozha.

When the “fifth” introduced himself and went to the leader, the player following him starts the calculation from the beginning: “I am the first. The game continues until all the children say their names and move to the center of the circle.

If guys who are friendly with mathematics gathered to play, you can not start counting from the beginning every time, but introduce yourself if the player's number is a multiple of five.

Team competitions for children

Funny games and contests for a children's company

Unlike games, there is always rivalry and excitement in the competition. Team competitions teach you to strive for victory, but to accept a loss with dignity, to act harmoniously and together, encouraging and helping each other out so that the team wins.


Each player receives an empty egg from the Kinder Surprise.

In the center of the hall, the host puts two buckets. Teams line up around their bucket at a distance of 1.5-2 meters.

At the signal of the leader, it is necessary to throw the eggs into the bucket. The team with the most snipers wins.

Teams can line up in a column and throw eggs in turn, or put the guys in a line and throw everyone at the same time.

Dancing Caterpillar

For the competition, you will need inflated balloons at the rate of 2 less than the total number of children.

The team members become a column so that a balloon is clamped between each pair. Waving his arms to the music, the team should go from start to finish, without losing and not bursting their balls. He won who won better.

Before starting the competition, make sure that none of the players is afraid of the sound of a bursting ball.

If the teams consist of different ages, build the children so that the kids alternate with older guys.


The team becomes in the column. In front of each column, the presenter puts a large bucket.

At the signal, all players unfold 180 degrees and stand on wide legs. The last player accepts the ball from his assistants and pushes him between the legs arranged to the first player. The first should catch the ball and throw it into a bucket.

If something went wrong (the ball did not reach the tunnel from children's legs, the goalkeeper could not catch him or throw him into the gate), the first player becomes at the end of the system and everything is repeated first.

The winner is announced by a team that will first abandon the ball.

To facilitate the task, you can allow goalkeepers to run to a bucket, and not throw the ball from a distance.

You can use as many attempts as players in the team. So every child will be able to try himself both in the role of a “pusher” and in the role of a “goalkeeper”. In this case, a team will be announced to the winner at which more goals will be.

Foxes and hares

The presenter declares one command to the chanterelles and attaches to each player a red -haired rope tail.

The second team will have bunnies with white tails.

At the signal of the fox and hares, they jump along the site, trying to tear their tails from the rivals. When the signal of the end of the end of the end, the host and his assistants calculate the losses of the tails and, accordingly, call the winner's team.

The signal for the beginning and end of the competition can be music. As soon as she sounds, it's time to hide your own, but catch someone else's tail; As soon as it shuts up, everyone freezes.


The team becomes in the line. The participants are consistently binded by their legs (the first one will be free, the second is connected with the foot of the second, the second is connected with the foot of the first, and the other with the foot of the third, etc.).

The task of the teams is to step over the obstacle without knocking it down.

Obstacles can serve as long gymnastic benches set at some distance from each other small rubber balls laid between plastic cubes gymnastic sticks, etc. The main thing is that the player chain is forced to overcome the barrier, raising tied legs.

Since it is almost impossible to complete the task the first time, invite each team to use 5 attempts, and the winner will be announced by one who will be able to fulfill a greater number of effective attempts.

What games do you practice for a children's company? You can share your organizational secrets with us, leaving a commentary on the article.

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