Mazda Capella

Reviews of the owners of Mazda Capella

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Reviews of the owners of Mazda Capella / Mazda Capella

Mazda Capella

Mazda Capella

Great, reliable car. Simple FS engine. Simple (something like 3S on Toyota), but pulls perfectly. On the highway you get a little like a speedometer 140 km/h. The salon at Mazda Capella “Transformer”, the rear seat folds entirely, in parts (1/2) and there is still a small hatch. It is very convenient for the household. The trunk is huge. Stabilization systems (“anti -yuz”) work excellently, never once entered in the winter (if you yourself do not want to), although I went constantly in winter. In operation, Mazda Capella is inexpensive – change the “consumables” on time and that's it.

Advantages : On the highway stands like on rails. Great suspension. Unevenness passes, does not shake and holds the trajectory perfectly in turns.

disadvantages : In this car, I do not see them.

Mazda Capella, 1991

The machine is pleasant. The body is pretty. Inside Mazda Capella is spacious, the trunk is not small, and even I would say that there is more medium sizes. My equipment is standard. The only thing that upset this is that there is no air conditioner and that is generally amazing, there is no regulator of delay on the wipers – only one position for the work of wipers with a delay. Mazda capella controllability, if not excellent, then, in any case, very good. Dynamics/acceleration: not the most frisky, not to compare with Honda, but the “Toyota” of the “Karina” class with a 1.8 engine and even 2.0 is usually “done”. Two -liter automatic Daewoo Espero “makes” easily. In general, Mazda Capella accelerates well. The engine is quite powerful and painful.

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