– Were there heroes of the Great Patriotic War in your family?

13 minutes, 48 seconds Read

– My grandfather, Spivakovsky Semyon Davydovich, was a military pilot. He tested gliders. His glider was called


. They were without an engine. Their opponent did not hear. It was very convenient, especially for paratroopers.

He went through the entire war, then went into civil aviation. He lived to be 94 years old. Grandmother passed away last year, she was 91 years old. She was one of those about whom Vasiliev wrote in the book “Tomorrow there was a war”: the tenth graders had a graduation party, and the next day war was declared. All the boys died in her class. They lived with their grandfather for 59 years.

– Where will you be on May 9?
– A few years ago I made a musical performance based on military songs, and my students annually play it at the Center on Strastnoy. This is a theater under the Union of Theater Workers. In the evening, during the festivities, on May 9, they will show this performance, and I will be there with them.

– You are a frequent guest in our city. Is the provincial audience different from the capital?
– I visit Murmansk 2-3 times a year, that's for sure. The audience across the country is the same: sympathetic, wonderful. Today in Murmansk the hall breathed with us. I felt it physically. I always say this and I will repeat it: Russian people are very smart people. The grain is separated from the chaff. Yes, the public needs to laugh, and they need comedies to make people forget that life is not so easy. But as soon as you offer them a serious topic, they take it with pleasure.

– People go to the theater and to the actress Olga Buzova.

– I do not know who it is, although no, I heard the name.

– Don't you think that Russians have started to go to the theater less?

– They didn’t go to the theater less often. Theater will always exist. Because it gives a live actor's emotion, born from a person here and now. No movie or computer can ever replace this. This is a human need. In large works, a light vector of art is laid.

Photo: SeverPost

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Daniil Spivakovsky: about Buzova, Hitler and Hasek – https://severpost.ru/Muzh_keyt_middlton_6_bukv_skanvord._kakimi_taynami_okutan_brak_keyt_middlton_i_printsa_uilyama

Husband Kate Middleton 6 letters scanword. What secrets is shrouded in the marriage of Kate Middleton and Prince William

Fashion trends and trends. Accessories, shoes, beauty, hairstyle husband Kate Middleton 6 letters scanword. What secrets are shrouded in the marriage of Kate Middleton and Prince William in the new book of American

Fashion trends and trends. Accessories, shoes, beauty, hairstyles

Husband Kate Middleton 6 letters scanword. What secrets is shrouded in the marriage of Kate Middleton and Prince William

In the new book of American journalist Christopher Anderson entitled “The Game of Crons: Elizabeth, Camilla, Kate and Throne”, the author made a number of high -profile statements regarding the private life of the royal family of Great Britain. So, as The Sun writes, Anderson, who published dozens of bestsellers, claims that the wife of Prince Charles Camilla tried with all his might to prevent the marriage of her stepson by Prince William and Kate Middleton. The Duchess of Cornwall insisted that Charles dissuade his eldest son from marriage to Kate commoner. According to Camille, Katherine, whom the prince met while studying at the university, was pretty but nondescript. And that the bride of such a low origin did not suit the future heir to the throne and did not fit into the royal family.

As you know, mother Kate Carol Goldsmith comes from a working family and worked in her youth a stewardess. Her father Michael Middleton was an air traffic controller, and subsequently a pilot. The spouses got rich, having founded their own business delivery business for parties.

When Kate and William temporarily parted in March 2007 after the six years of the novel, Camilla called this a “wise” decision. However, despite the machinations of the Duchess of Cornwall, already in October of that year, lovers reunited.

The wedding of Kate and William took place in 2011. Camilla herself, a representative of a petty -free attendant noble family, married Charles in 2005. Many British did not approve of this marriage, believing that Camilla Parker Bullus is not worthy to take the place of Princess Diana.

Anderson also claims that Camille was jealous of Kate's growing popularity. And she was afraid that the young couple would outshine them with Charles. She also worries that William could become king bypassing his father, who is about to turn 70.

“Camilla, the quintessential Black Queen, hid in the shadows for decades – she was blamed for adultery and the death of her rival, who was one of the most adored women in the world … Gradually and carefully, Camilla improved her image – enough to secure her place near Charles, and also secure your future as the next queen. But here comes the young, graceful, smart and stunning White Queen, known simply as Kate. And captures the imagination of the whole world – even before she officially claims the heart of her royal lover … Although she lacks the aristocratic background and experience of the Black Queen, she turned out to be quite patient and cunningly survived amid palace dramas and intrigues … And now two potential queens protect the interests their kings…,” writes Anderson.

Currently, the relationship between Camilla and Kate (mother of three children – including the future King of Great Britain Prince George) outwardly seems quite cloudless.

Kate Middleton and Prince William are one of the most popular couples in the world, but he wasn't the only man she dated.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge married on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London. But before they started dating, they certainly had a previous relationship.

Before meeting William, Kate dated three other men – Willem Marksrm, Henry Ropner and Rupert Finch.

Willem Marks

While studying at Marlborough College, Kate dated Willem for a short period. His friend told the Telegraph that he was her first love.

Willem is now a reporter for CNBC in London, where he covers geopolitical and corporate news across Europe.He has covered topics such as Brexit, international security, and US-European relations.

He is married to Joanna Botta, who is also an Italian TV presenter and has one son with her.

Henry Ropner

Kate met Prince William in 2001 when they were students at St Salvator's Hall at the University of St Andrews. She is said to have caught his attention while walking down the catwalk at a charity fashion show in 2002. A year later, they started dating.

Eventually their relationship went public, which led to Kate filing a complaint with her lawyer about media harassment, stating that she had done nothing substantive to justify going public.

Why did Kate and William break up?

Media attention increased in January 2007. And in April 2007, when they were vacationing together in the Swiss resort of Zermatt, they decided to leave.

Many publications talked about the reason for the separation of Kate and Will, but neither Will nor Kate said about it. However, speaking of their separation, William later said, We were both very young … we were both looking for ourselves and were different characters.

The famous Kate Middleton, aka the Duchess of Cambridge, is, one might say, a modern princess, whose story is like a real fairy tale. In it, Kate was able to find her love and climb to the top of the British Olympus. At the same time, as time has shown, she did not pursue fame and fame. The girl simply fell in love with the prince and subsequently became his wife.

If you remember, there was a time when she even left this same prince, because some of his actions seemed to her unworthy of a representative of the royal dynasty, and Kate considered a lifestyle based only on luxury to be wrong. But later she again gave him a chance and some time later the couple got married. So a simple Englishwoman became a duchess.

Many who are interested in the personality of this modern Cinderella are interested in the question of what Kate's height, weight, age are.It is quite easy to find out how old Kate Middleton is, because the date of her birth has become well known. Currently, the young woman is already 36 years old, although she looks a little younger than she really is. Nevertheless, in her position, she can easily afford the services of cosmetologists and other specialists.

With a height of 178 centimeters, Katherine weighs 48 kilograms. As you can see, it is naturally endowed with model parameters. And given the three pregnancies, the duchess looks great.

Biography and personal life of Kate Middleton

Biography and personal life of Kate Middleton in themselves already deserve attention. Although until a certain time her life was quite simple and unsightly. The future duchess was born in an ordinary English family with an average level of income. Kate grew up as an ordinary girl who tried to be an obedient daughter, a diligent student and an example for her younger sister Pippa.

Thanks to good studies at school, she entered a prestigious university, where she met her future husband, Prince William. It is worth noting that, despite her rather simple origin, Kate was in no way inferior to the aristocrat William in her upbringing and education. Here it is worth adding a passion for sports, which allowed her to always look good. Her studies at the university ended with honors, and the whole next year, Miss Middleton devoted herself to travel and charity. The girl tried to help the poor and do all sorts of good deeds.

Returning to you about the prince, their relationship began with a simple friendship. There was a rumor that the prince was going to be expelled from the university after the first year of study, but Kate dissuaded him, forcing him to finish what he started. Then, in their student years, their relationship moved to a new level, despite the rather strong competition among girls for the attention of His Highness the Prince of Wales.

At that time, in addition to Kate, he had two more girls in mind, but in the end he chose her.Their relationship took on such a close and confidential character that even during their studies they began to live together. For some time they still tried to hide relations from extra eyes, but with each appearance of their appearance it became more and more difficult. Take at least a case of his birthday, when he invited only Kate and his closest friends to the holiday.

Ultimately, not seeing the point and continue to conceal the obvious, the young couple began to appear together in public. For some time there were rumors that the couple decided to part. The versions of this were very different. Kate seemed to break the relationship due to the irresponsibility of the prince, who was used to living in luxury. It was also rumored that the cause of the parting was another girl, whom the prince allegedly wanted to make an offer. Be that as it may, Kate returned to William and soon their romantic relationship ended with a wedding.

Family and children Kate Middleton

The family and children of Kate Middleton – it is the topic that excites ordinary modern English. And no matter how the reporters try to look into the royal cabinets, in search of some skeletons, we can seriously say only that the royal couple lives really happily. The couple already has three wonderful children – Georg Alexander Louis, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana and the baby Louis Arthur Charles, who was only the other day, appeared.

However, in their happy measured life, journalists at times still make their own adjustments. So, for example, the family was suddenly declared the most lazy residents of Britain. William did not like this, because the whole family is trying to correct the situation.

Son Kate Middleton – Georg Alexander Louis

The son of Kate Middleton – Georg Alexander Louis, was born in 2013, becoming the first -born of the royal couple. Now this charming little boy is four years old, and he loves both of his parents. Of course, the future that he is destined cannot be predicted, but now we can say that he has great prospects, if only because he was born in a royal family.

It is highly likely that in the future he will become a great king, which the whole world will talk about, but still this is not yet completely clear. So far, Prince George is just a little boy enjoying a carefree childhood.

Kate Middleton's son Louis Arthur Charles

  1. The son of Kate Middleton – Louis Arthur Charles – the youngest representative of the royal family, who was born at the end of April this year. The baby received his first name Louis (or Louis) in honor of the commander Louis Mountbatten, who is the uncle of Prince Phillip. He got the name Charles from his grandfather, the Prince of Wales. Nothing is known for certain about the middle name, but suppose that the baby is named after the legendary King Arthur.
  2. The smallest heir, His Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge, was fifth in line to the throne, after his grandfather, father and brother and sister.Daughter of Kate Middleton – Charlotte Elizabeth Diana
  3. Kate Middleton's daughter, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, became the second oldest child in the family of William and Kate. The baby was born in 2015, and she just recently turned three years old. At present, she is a beautiful girl, always smiling, whom her parents often give gifts, and who can afford literally everything that a girl can want. The future for her, as the royal heiress, is expected to be the most promising. In the meantime, the Princess of Cambridge is growing up with her brothers and does not think at all about what awaits her in the future. Which, however, is not surprising, because she is just a little girl.

Kate Middleton's Husband – Prince William

Kate Middleton's husband, Prince William, is widely known, so finding information about him is very easy. And if you want to look at the royal family together, you just need to enter the query Prince William and Kate Middleton, and your attention will immediately be provided with all possible information and many photos of both the couple themselves and their children.

William completely broke the generally accepted stereotype that a prince can only marry a princess.He chose a girl from the people for himself and never regretted the decision. For several years now, a happy couple has been living a full -fledged life and raises three wonderful children.

Kate Middleton Latest News

“Kate Middleton Latest News” – recently this is one of the most common requests on the Internet for those who are interested in the life of this royal couple. Both for 2017 and for 2018. And the latest news today is such that on April 23th this year, the Duchess of Cambridge made her husband, and, by the way, the whole of Britain as a whole, in the fact that she gave birth to a third child-Louis Arthur Charles. And they showed the baby to reporters just the other day. That Kate is pregnant, it became known seven months before the birth of the boy. And this news became no less popular than at one time the wedding of Kate and William.
Instagram and Wikipedia Kate Middleton

The life of Kate Middleton, as an English princess, is open not only for the British, but also for the entire world community. Publicity is the price that you have to pay for living in high light. Thus, Instagram and Wikipedia Kate Middleton will allow you to learn more about the Duchess of Cambridge.In addition to the Internet encyclopedia, where there is the most reliable and most complete information about the life of Kate herself, her family, family and children, you can always look at her personal profile on Instagram. There, the modern princess shares personal and family photos, as well as, from time to time, shares with many of his subscribers plans for the near future.

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