Railway station of Petrozavodsk. Train schedule 2022, phone, reference, address, site, how to get to

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Railway station Petrozavodsk. Directions and schedule of trains and electric trains, where to buy tickets, telephone, help, site, hotels nearby, how to get. Photo, panorama

Railway station Petrozavodsk

Railway station Petrozavodsk

The railway station in Petrozavodsk is located on Gagarin Square. A few meters – a tower with a clock and a recreation area. Nearby – the places where you can have a bite, and the hotels where you can rent a room.

The first station was built in 1916 on the outskirts of the city. During the Great Patriotic War, the building was badly damaged. In the 1950s, they decided to build a new station, but closer to the center. The building is made in the style of neoclassicism with stucco molding and a ship tower. The station of Petrozavodsk is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in Russia.

As for the services provided, there is everything that passengers need: cash desks, waiting rooms, storage rooms, reference rooms, rooms for a long rest, a first -aid post, small shops.

Railway station Petrozavodsk

Schedule of the railway station Petrozavodsk in 2022

So that you have an idea of ​​how often the flights of the compositions from the Petrozavodsk station are executed, we will say that every day there are a stop of 12-14 long -distance trains and 2 trains here. But what exactly the time, look below.

Train schedule from the railway station Petrozavodsk

We suggest that you do not rack your head about where to find a detailed and accurate schedule for every day, but simply use the Yandex electronic board. If you want to see what flights will be executed, for example, next month or six months later, then go to the All Days section.

Schedule of electric trains from the station Petrozavodsk

The electric trains, by the way, have the simplest movement schedule, since there are only two daily flights. You don’t have to choose, just get ready for the fact that you will go on a trip for sure in the evening.

Buy a ticket from the railway station Petrozavodsk

Three main ways to buy a long -distance train ticket:

  • at the station at the box office (just take your passport with you);
  • on the official website of Russian Railways (you need to create a personal account on the site, enter your data and buy a ticket);
  • On the Tutu.ru service (registration with personal data, there is a SMS-improving service, that is, you will be notified in advance, they will remind you of the date and time of the flight).

Main directions

Where is the main passenger flow directed? Of course, these are Moscow and St. Petersburg-thousands of passengers are departing there monthly from the Petrozavodsk station. Among the popular cities in the list are Murmansk, Pskov and even Minsk.


You will reach St. Petersburg the fastest (at least 4 hours 56 minutes) and to Veliky Novgorod (in 6 hours 3 minutes). The road to Moscow will take almost 12 hours from Petrozavodsk, trains to Minsk run from Petrozavodsk (you will spend about a day on the way).For detailed information on all directions, look for the links below (each has a brief description of the route and trains).

4 trains depart daily from the railway station of Petrozavodsk to Moscow, including branded Arktika and Karelia. If you buy tickets for the Karelia brand train, you will reach the capital in 10 hours and 50 minutes.

Every day, 5 trains run to St. Petersburg (there are also branded ones – Arktika and high-speed Swallows). By the way, it is the Swallow that will take you to the Northern capital in 4 hours and 57 minutes.

Up to 5 trains leave for Murmansk every day. The fastest will take you to the city in 16 hours 34 minutes.

Trains No. 819B Lastochka and 065B run to Veliky Novgorod. Flights are operated regularly. On the way you will spend at least 6 hours 13 minutes.

Composition No. 819B Swallow is sent to Pskov. During the year, the schedule changes, so check the schedule at the link above. The journey will take you 11 hours 7 minutes.

Train No. 065B leaves for the capital of Belarus. The schedule is at the link above. On the way you will spend 23 hours 30 minutes.

Railway station Petrozavodsk


There are only two main directions. At the same time, there are also two flights during the day, and both are operated in the evening – to Medvezhya Gora at 18:41, and to Svir at 18:45. Those who are going on the road should follow the links below to get detailed information on these routes.

Railway station Petrozavodsk


If you want to return or exchange a ticket and do not know how to do it, or maybe you are tormented by a question related to the movement of trains or the operation of the station? In such cases, help desk specialists will help you. You can find the information center at the station.

There is a way to get an answer faster (if, for example, you are at home or at work and it is inconvenient for you to go to the station) – call the Russian Railways single help center by phone +8 (800) 775-00-00. The room is available around the clock. You will be advised how to resolve the situation.

Foyer of the railway station of Petrozavodsk on google-panorama

How to get there

It is important to know the exact address of the Petrozavodsk railway station in order to find your bearings, for example, when traveling by car or taxi on your own: Gagarin Square, 2A. The bus station, by the way, is located 300 meters from the station, so we will tell you how to get from one of the main transport facilities of the city – the airport.

By public transport

Bus number 100 runs from the airport to the Bus Station stop. Then walk to Gagarin Square. The distance between the airport and the train station is 17.7 kilometers.

By car

The route by car is available on a google map: first, move from the airport towards the village of Besovets, along the overpass across the Shuya River. At the fork, do not turn anywhere – go straight, then along Borovaya Street, Profsoyuzov Street, turn right – onto Svyaz and Matrosova Streets, left – onto Muezerskaya Street, left again – onto Chapaeva Street, at the fork – right, onto Shotman Street and to the square Gagarin. You will drive 17.7 kilometers in about 20 minutes.Do not want to drive yourself or simply such an opportunity, then call a taxi (for example, Yandex.Taxi).


You want the trip to be as convenient and comfortable as possible, then order a transfer on the Kiwitaxi service directly from the railway station. For customers, cars of any class and spaciousness are available.

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