For the sake of several lines in the newspaper … "| Ryazan Vedomosti

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“For the sake of several lines in the newspaper …” On January 13, a professional holiday is celebrated by everyone who is somehow connected with the release of periodicals – editors, journalists, publishers, publicists, designers,

For several lines in the newspaper …

On January 13, a professional holiday is celebrated by everyone who is somehow connected with the release of periodicals – editors, journalists, publishers, publicists, designers, proofreaders. For many years, the print media have been predicting an ambulance, but in the current era of the new media paper media still continue to be in demand. Maybe because a paper newspaper is a kind of attribute with a special magic. It is tangible, has a smell, it can be preserved as a keepsake and transferred as a family relic. Of course, today we are trying to use all possible Internet platforms and formats to communicate with our audience. At the same time, the paper still remains for us-newspaper journalists-one of the main carriers of information.

On the eve of the day of printing, we leafed through the binder of the Ryazan Vedomosti last year and found many materials on those who had made earlier or now make a significant contribution to the creation of print media.

Last year, the Ryazan Vedomosti launched a new project specifically for their 25th anniversary-“Future about the present”. This series of interviews of existing RV journalists to novice media workers-four-year students of the Department of Journalism of the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin. The idea of ​​the project belongs to the senior teacher of the Department of Journalism of the RSU and the chief editor of the RV site Ekaterina Detusheva. The first interview as part of the project was given by Vyacheslav Astafyev, a journalist with almost 30 years of experience. He said that he began just like a newspaper, then there was a long period of work on radio and television, and seven years ago he came to the Ryazan Vedomosti, where he was working to this day. For Vyacheslav, as he said in an interview, feedback with readers is of great importance. The material called “Readers' comments is a more significant reward for me” published on November 26, 2021.

An interview with Tatyana Karmashova “It doesn’t matter how much knowledge was given to you, it is important how much you took with you” – the second in a row from the “Future Future” column. In an interview with student Angelina Tishchenko, Tatyana told how she studied at the journalism department, how creativity and profession are intertwined in her life, why she writes precisely on “cultural” topics and how important it is for a journalist solitude. This interview was published in the newspaper on December 3, 2021. “You start digging, realizing that you can help solve the problem …” (“RV” of December 17) is another material from the “future about the real” column. This time, the interview is given by Alexander Dzhafarov, a student Daria Makashutina acts as an interviewer.Answering Daria's questions, Alexander talks about the mission of a journalist, talks about his hobbies and dreams.

Ludmila Ivanova gave the fourth interview in the framework of the project Future about Present to student Egor Kozlov. It came out under the heading Whatever you do, it's important to strive to be the best version of yourself on December 24, 2021.

A great sports journalist is rarer than an outstanding athlete. This is about our colleague, veteran journalist Vyacheslav Efimovich Chirkov. March last year

The coryphaeus of sports journalism celebrated its 75th anniversary. Ryazanskiye Vedomosti could not ignore this date. And specially for her on March 12, 2021, the newspaper published a large essay “Climbing Olympus” by Dmitry Sokolov about Vyacheslav Chirkov. “Reporter's grip” is another essay by Dmitry Sokolov about the famous Ryazan photojournalist Andrey Abakumov (published in the issue of June 4, 2021). In Soviet times, he shot for newspapers, now he is engaged in entrepreneurship, but again connected with photography. “Journalism turned out to be a good school after all! After all, how was it with us? You come to the enterprise, and you, as a rule, are always at the wrong time. People need to earn money, to fulfill the plan, especially the leaders, and you come to them with questions, with a camera. You start to communicate, look for common ground. And now you are almost friends. And what you send out into the world is what comes back to you. I was 100% convinced of this,” Andrey Abakumov shared his impressions of working as a newspaper photojournalist with our journalist.

The saddest event in the journalism community is when a colleague passes away. Especially if it happens suddenly. As happened with the famous Ryazan sports journalist Mikhail Soldatov, a friend of our editorial staff, a man who was well versed in sports topics. We dedicated a material to him, which was published in the issue of July 2, 2021 and timed to coincide with the Sports Journalist's Day. The article is called A Holiday with Bitterness.

Journalists are sociable and open people, this is required of us by the profession itself. We are always happy to meet new people and are ready to tell young people about what journalism is. Therefore, participation in career guidance classes has already become a common thing for us. One of these classes was held by the journalists of Ryazanskiye Vedomosti Ekaterina Detusheva and Lyudmila Ivanova in the house of culture in the village of Chernava. As part of the editorial action Reading Village, they donated to the local library books published in different years by the regional branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia and telling about the history of Ryazan journalism, people who made a significant contribution to it. High school students Ekaterina and Lyudmila talked about how work in the media is built, how journalism differs from blogging, about the features of the profession and what qualities you need to have in order to become a journalist.About all this – in the publication of May 21, 2021 A printed book warms up to the soul.

In the last issue of the RV in 2021 (dated December 31) an article was published about our colleague from the city of Kreblyno, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Honored by the Culture Worker Yuri Kharin, “My dear fellow countrymen”. The reason was the release of the author of the same name. Yuri Vasilievich is an unsurpassed storyteller. It seems that in his area he knows everyone that he is literally in every house. That is why the essays are easily readable, vital and truthful. Many of them were published in the Ryazan Vedomosti. Now they are all collected in the same book, the presentation of which was held in Shorty at the end of last year.

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