
What radio stations are the Belarusians listen to: research results for autumn 2017

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What radio stations are the Belarusians listen to: the results of the study for autumn 2017, the company Geevs provided the results of a study of the popularity of radio stations for autumn 2017. Description

What radio stations are the Belarusians listen to: research results for autumn 2017

The company Geevs has provided the results of a study of the popularity of radio stations for autumn 2017.

Description of the study

The study was conducted continuously from 09/11/2017 to 11/05/2017. Thus, for 56 days, about 180 respondents were interviewed daily.

The study is represented by 2 generalities, the total numbers of which, according to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus as of January 1, 2017, are:

  • Residents of the city of Minsk aged 12-65 years: 1,490,990 people;
  • Residents of the city of Minsk and the regional centers of Belarus (Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Mogilev) aged 12-65 years: 2 995 987 people.

The sample is a proportional stratified random multi -stage. As stratum, all cities that are included in the general population are used: Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Mogilev.

The selection of the first half of the respondents is carried out as follows:

  • At the first stage, a household phone number is randomly selected based on the database of stationary telephone numbers;
  • At the second stage, the respondent is made in the household on the principle of the nearest birthday.
  • At the first stage, the respondent phone number based on the database of generated cell phone numbers is randomly selected;
  • On the second stage, the one who picked up the phone on the selected phone number is interviewed. Additionally, the city in which the respondent is located is controlled.

The representativeness of the selective aggregate is ensured by the conformity of the actual distributions by the floor and age groups to the reference values ​​of these characteristics in the general population. According to this two -dimensional parameter, the sample passes the weighing procedure. At the same time, the data is weighed and standardized to the type of day of the week, i.e. All respondents who were interviewed for a certain type of day of the week (everyday or weekend) are united in one set, and the weighing procedure is carried out among them.
The study is carried out by telephone interviews using a computer call registration system (CATI – Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing).

During the interview, the DAY-AFTER-RECALL technique is used-recalling the respondent of your yesterday. This is one of the main techniques for measuring the radio-audience, widely used around the world.

The structure of the survey at the first stage allows you to determine whether the respondent is a listener of the radio. For this, the question is used: “Have you listened to the radio or could you have been present with the radio for the last month?”For those who did not listen to the radio, socio-demographic characteristics are being clarified and the survey ends on this.

At the second stage, those who listened to the radio finds out whether he listened to the radio in the last week and if the answer is positive, then the list (in random order) of radio stations broadcasting at the time of the survey in the corresponding city is read. For those who did not listen to the radio, socio-demographic characteristics are being clarified and the survey ends on this.

At the third stage, it turns out which radio stations, when and where the respondent listened yesterday. This is a key issue of the methodology. For those who did not listen to the radio yesterday, socio-demographic characteristics are being clarified and the survey ends on this. For those who listen to the radio, the following questions about listening are asked:

  • the place where I listened: at work/study, at home, in the car, in public transport, outside the room/on the road (on foot)/on a bicycle;
  • time (with an accuracy of 15 minutes) when I listened;
  • With the help of which I listened: wired radio/radio, radio receiver, car radio, mobile phone/smartphone-through the built-in FM tuner, mobile phone/smartphone-via the Internet, computer/laptop/tablet-via the Internet);
  • Listened radio stations: Here the respondent himself already indicates their names, without reading.

The main results

The total average daily coverage of the radio (Total Reach Daily) is an accumulated daily amount (or as a percentage) of listeners of all FM radio stations.

The total midwife coverage of the radio (Total Reach Weekly) is the number of students accumulated per week (or as a percentage) of all FM radio stations.

AQH-Average Quarter Hour ('000)-this is the average number of listeners in an average 15-minute interval of thousands of people.

The average daily coverage is the accumulated daily number of listeners of the radio station in thousands of people.

The share is the share of students of a certain station among all listeners of the radio.

General coverage of Minsk radio stations and regional centers (in thousand people, 5: 00-29: 00)


General coverage of Minsk radio stations and regional centers (in %, 5: 00-29: 00)


Available audience of a quarter of an hour of Minsk radio stations and regional centers (in thousand people, 5: 00-29: 00)


Available audience of a quarter of an hour of Minsk radio stations (in thousand people, 5: 00-29: 00)


The average daily coverage of Minsk radio stations and regional centers (in thousand people, 5: 00-29: 00)


The average daily coverage of Minsk radio stations (in thousand people, 5: 00-29: 00)


Shares of Minsk radio stations and regional centers


* Regional radio stations (such as the city of FM (Brest), Brest Radio, Russian Radio Vitebsk, Vitebsk, Europe Plus (Vitebsk), retro luxury FM (Vitebsk), Gomel Plus, Gomel Plus, Gomel city radio radio, Gomel city radio are included in the City Radio Grodno, Radio MFM (Grodno), Radio Mogilev, Russian Radio Mogilev) and Minsk radio stations (Alfa Radio, Bi-Ey, Soul Radio, Culture, Minsk Wave, Mir, Mir, Mir. People's Radio, ONT, The First National Channel of the Belarusian Radio, Radio Minsk, Capital, Hit Rudio).

Share of radio stations in Minsk


* Minsk radio stations (Alfa Radio, B.A., Soulful Radio, Culture, FM Legends, Minsk Wave, Mir, People's Radio, ONT”, “First National Channel of Belarusian Radio”, “Radio Minsk”, “Stolitsa”, “Hit-Radio”).

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